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Inglizcha Lugʻat Audio Darsliklar Skachat – Бесплатно скачать Mp3

3. Why did Lilly like the cake?

6-sinf Test Ingliz tili

Ingliz tili
1. Continue the logic list. A living room, a dining room, a bedroom………….

A) a kitchen B) a sofa C) a fork D) a spoon

2. How …… milk is there?

A) many B) much C) a little D) a few

3. What is bad for your teeth?

A) lemons and oranges B) butter, eggs, fish

C) sweets, chocolates, candy D) bread, rice, potatoes

4. Find the odd word

A)potato B) carrot C)cabbage D) plum

5. We …….dinner at 2pm

A) have B) has C) had D) were

6. …………gave the world somsa.

A) Italy B) China C) Uzbekistan D) America.

7. Choose the correct Interrogative form. She bought a new dress.

A) Did she bought a new dress? B) Did she buy a new dress?

C) was she bought a new dress? D) Does she buy a new dress?

8. What do you get …your birthday?

A) at B) to C) on D) near

9. In what country people use chopsticks?

A) In Germany B) In China C) in Iran D) in India

10. This palov …. good.

A) taste B) tastes C) tasted D) tasting

11. The flowers ….. wonderful.

A)smell B)smells C)smelled D)have smelled

12.Sally is ….than Jane.

A)taller B) tall C)the tallest D)more taller

13.Ann is …. Intelligent girl in our class.

A) more B) most C) intelligencer D) the most

14.The superlative degree of the adjective “good” is …

A) goodest B) better C) the best D) gooder

15. Where……you …. on holiday last year?

A) did/went B) go/did C) did/go D) do/go

16. Choose the correct answer. ‘Chocolate came to Europe and Uzbekistan from….’

A) The USA B) Japan C) China D) South America

17. Choose the correct interrogative form. ‘Olim opened the window.’

A) Did I opened the window? C)Does he open the window?

B) Did he open the window? D)Was he open the window?

18. What is the …thing for you?

A) good B) better C) best D) well

19.Your class is …. than my class

A) noisy B) noisiest C) noisier D) more noisy

20. We …. see Tom last night

A) don’t B) didn’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t

21. What is the capital of Canada? _________________________

22. __________ Mississippi is longer than the Amu Darya.

23. Which continent is Uzbekistan in? ________________________________

24. The population of Uzbekistan is _______ than the population of Australia.

25. Pancake day is at the end of ___________ in England.

26. How much water should you have a day? ________________

27.What food should we eat for bones? ___________________

28. The longest river in London is ___________________

29.The opposite of the word ” bride” is _________________

30. We make fire with them _____________________

Listening text 6th form I variant

I have a big room. There is a large window in it. It looks onto the garden. The curtains and wallpaper are pink. In the left- hand corner I have got a writing desk. There is a nice white lamp on it. When I do my homework I switch it on. Above the table there is a shelf with my books on it. My bed is in front of the window. To the right of the bed there is a wardrobe. To the left of the bed there is a computer table. In the middle of the room there is a red carpet on the floor.

  1. Where is situated a bookshelf?
  1. To the right of the bed
  2. Above the table
  3. In front of the window

Listening text 6th form II variant

Tashkent is the beautiful city. It is the capital of Uzbekistan. Tashkent is called “stone city”. This city is divided into two parts: an old part and new part. In old part there are many historical buildings. There are many madrasahs, mausoleums, machetes, and other ancient buildings. There are also many beautiful high buildings and wide street in the old part of the city. A lot of important meetings are held in Tashkent. Tashkent now became an industrial city. The city is the cultural centre in Central Asia. A lot of tourists come to our country from all over the world.

Reading task. For 6th grades. Version 1.

Last week, Beth baked a cake for Lilly`s birthday party. Lilly wanted a strawberry cake with pink frosting. Beth was happy to bake the cake. First, Beth mixed the ingredients in a big bowl. Next, she poured the cake batter into four round baking pans. She put the pans in the oven. Finally, she baked the cakes for 20 minutes. Then, Beth prepared the pink frosting.

After the cakes cooled, Beth stacked them and covered them with frosting. Beth wrote Lilly`s name on top with white frosting. She put seven candles in the cake.

On Sunday, Beth surprised Lilly with the strawberry cake. Lilly loved her cake! Lilly had many gifts for her birthday. Lilly said her cake was the best gift of them all!

1. How old was Lilly?

2. How did the best cook make the cake? ______________________________________________________

3. Why did Lilly like the cake?

Reading task. For 6th grades. Version 2

The farmer and his sons

A farmer had 5 sons. They were strong and hard-working. But they always quarrelled with one another. Sometimes they even fought. The farmer wanted his sons to stop quarreling and fighting. He wanted them to live in peace. Plain words of advice or scolding did not have much effect on these young people.

The farmer always thought what to do to keep his sons united. One day he found an answer to the problem. So he called all his sons together. He showed them a bundle of sticks and said: “I want any of you to break these sticks without separating them from the bundle.” Each of the five sons tried one by one. They used their full strength and skill. But none of them could break the sticks. Then the old man separated the sticks and gave each of them just a single stick to break. They broke the sticks easily.

The farmer said: “A single stick by itself is weak. It is strong as long as it is tied up in a bundle. Likewise, you will be strong if you are united. You will be weak if you are divided.” The moral is “United we stand, divided we fall”

1. How many children did the farmer have? ________________________________________________________

2. What did the old man do to unite his sons? ________________________________________________________

3. How do you understand the moral of the story? ________________________________________________________

Reading task. For 6th grades. Version 3

William Shakespeare was born on April 1564 in Strafford-upon-Avon. He was the third of eight children. His family had money and Shakespeare went to school. In 1582, when he was 18, he married Ann Hathaway. They lived happily together and had three children.

In the late 1580s Shakespeare left his family and went to London. In London he started writing plays. His famous books are “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “The King Lear” and others. In 1610 Shakespeare left London for Stratford where he lived. He died of a fever on 23 April 1616.

1. When and where was Shakespeare born? ________________________________________________________

2. What happened in 1582 in his life? ________________________________________________________

3. Why and when did he die? ________________________________________________________

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Inglizcha Lugʻat Audio Darsliklar Skachat – Бесплатно скачать Mp3

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Таълим / Образование

Инглиз тилини ўрганувчилар учун китоб (English for Businessmen. Г. А. Дудкина)

Маълумки, истиқлол берган неъматлар сирасига хорижий тилларни ўрганиш, чет элларга чиқиш ва хорижий юртларда ўша элнинг она тилида сўзлашиш имконияти ҳам киради. Мустақиллик йилларига келиб юртимизда хорижий тилларни ўрганишга эътибор кучайди. Бу саъй-ҳаракатлар самараси ўлароқ, ёшларимиз орасида чет элликлар билан мулоқот қила оладиганлар кўп. Аммо табиийки, хорижий тилларни ўрганиш борасида баъзи муаммолар ҳам йўқ эмас.

Хорижий давлатда бир ой бўлган одам бу тил грамматикасини бир йил ўқиган одамга қараганда кўпроқ ўрганади албатта. Ана шуни тил муҳитининг таъсири, деймиз. Табиий, бу ерда биз айтган муҳитни мукаммал равишда барпо қилишнинг иложи йўқ. Шундай экан, унинг ўрнини қоплаш учун турли китоблар ёрдам беради. Ишбилармон кишилар учун Г. А. Дудкина ва бошқалар муаллифлиги остида чоп этилган «English for Businessmen» китоби бизнес соҳасидаги термин ва атамалар ва cўзлашув услубини ўргатади. Китобда берилган сўзларни кун ора ёки кунига ёдлаб бориш, диалогларни ўрганиш орқали инглиз тилининг бошланғич курсини эгалласа бўлади.

Ушбу дарслик уч қисмдан иборат бўлиб, саккизинчи бор қайта ишланиб чоп этилган.

Бўлим: Инглиз тили курси
Нашриёт: Филоматис
Чиққан йили: 2008
Муаллифлар: Дудкина Г. А. ва бошқалар
Сиғими: 689 бет
Формат: pdf
Файл сиғими: 10.5 Мб

Ingliz tili video darslari

Bu yerda bolalar va kattalar uchun eng yaxshi tekin ingliz tili video darslari. Ingliz tili video kursi yangi boshlovchilar, ya’ni ingliz tilini noldan boshlayotganlar uchun juda yaxshi to’g’ri keladi. Ma’lum bilimlarga ega bo’lganlar uchun ham foydalidir. Mazmuni bo’yicha, oldingizda yaxshi ingliz tili video so’zlashgichi va va video lug’ati. Chunki bu yerda taqdim etilgan kurs keng tarqalgan xorijiy so’zlarni o’rganish uchun ham a’lo to’g’ri keladi. Bu darslar xususan talabalar, immigrantlar va sayyohlar uchun foydali bo’ladi. Bo’lim imtihonha tayyorlanishi kerak bo’lganlarga ham foydali bo’ladi.

Bundan tashqari, bo’limda mavjud bo’lgan onlayn darslikdan foydalangan holda, siz og’zaki nutqni eshita olish va talaffuzingizni yaxshilashni o’rganasiz. Inglish tilini mustaqilona o’rganish — qiyin ish emas.

Ingliz tili video darslarini siz tekin va ro’yxatdan otishsiz mp4 formatida yuklab olishingiz va onlayn eshitishingiz mumkin. Bevosita havoladan yuklab olish torrent orqali yuklab olishdan ancha qulayroqdir. Ingliz tili kursining hamma fayllari saytga yuklanishdan ilgari diqqar bilan tekshirilgan. Onlayn o’z o’rganuvchi o’zbek tilida gaplashuvchular uchun yaratilgan.

Sayt yoqdimi? Uni brauzer zakladkasiga qo’shing va tanishlarga tavsiya eting.

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