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5 sinf english kitob

Shuningdek, darslikka favqulodda vaziyatlarda toʻgʻri harakat qilish hamda atrofdagilarga oʻz vaqtida yordam berishdan iborat “Hayot xavfsizligi asoslari” kursi singdirildi.

5-sinf “Geografiya” darsligi takomillashtirilib qayta nashr etildi

Takomillashtirilgan oʻquv dasturi asosida 5-sinf “Geografiya (Tabiiy geografiya boshlangʻich kursi)” qayta nashr etildi.

Unda asosiy eʼtibor STEAM taʼlim dasturi asosida darslikni xalqaro standartlarga moslashtirishga qaratildi.

5-sinf “Geografiya (Tabiiy geografiya boshlangʻich kursi)” darsligidagi oʻzgarishlarni kitobni qoʻlga olgan zahoti sezish mumkin. Darslikning muqovasidan tortib mavzulardagi koʻplab illyustratsiyalargacha zamonaviy rasmlar bilan almashtirilgan.

Avvalgi darslikka nisbatan nazariy mavzular soni 8 ta kamaydi va amaliy mavzular soni 8 taga ortdi.

Geografik kashfiyotlar va hozirgi zamon geografiyasi, joy balandligi, tabiat zonalari geografik koordinatalar kabi yangi mavzular kiritildi.

Asosiy eʼtibor oʻquvchilarni olgan bilim, koʻnikma va malakalarini amalda qoʻllay olishlariga qaratildi. Jumladan, darslik ufq tomonlarini joyda turib, yulduzlar va quyoshga qarab aniqlash, azimutni kompas yordamida aniqlash, berilgan koordinatalarga qarab xaritadan geografik obyektlarni topish, havo harorati va bosimi, havoning sutkalik, oylik va yillik amplitudasini, shamolning yoʻnalishi va kuchini aniqlash, havo namligi va namlanish darajasini hisoblay olish kabi amaliy koʻnikmalarni shakllantiradi.

Har bir mavzu yakunida beriladigan savol va topshiriqlar qismida PISA, TIMSS xalqaro baholash tadqiqotlarga asoslangan amaliy topshiriqlar kiritildi.

Shuningdek, darslikka favqulodda vaziyatlarda toʻgʻri harakat qilish hamda atrofdagilarga oʻz vaqtida yordam berishdan iborat “Hayot xavfsizligi asoslari” kursi singdirildi.

Ushbu darslik milliylik va zamonaviylikni bir vaqtning oʻzida mujassamlashtirganligini unga tanlangan dizayn va illyustratsiyalar, qahramonlar misolida koʻrish mumkin. Darslikda qiziqarli maʼlumotlar “Laylakvoy”, savol va topshiriqlar “Sayyoh”, tayanch soʻz va tushunchalar esa oʻquvchi qiz nomidan beriladi. Bu esa, albatta, oʻquvchilarning qiziqishini yana-da oshiradi.

Shu bilan birgalikda darslikdagi 17 ta mavzuga QR-kod belgilari oʻrnatilgan boʻlib, ularni skanerlash orqali mavzuga oid maʼlumotlar, multimedia materiallarini yuklab olib, foydalanish mumkin.

Darslikdagi oʻlcham birliklari nomi va belgilanishi xalqaro oʻlchamlar tizimi (SI) ga muvofiqlashtirildi. Masalan, avvalgi nashrdagi “sm” oʻrniga “cm”, “50%” emas “50 %” , “gr” oʻrniga “g” belgisi, “mm sim. ust” esa “mm Hg” bilan almashtirildi.

Ingliz tili 5-sinf 1-bilet

1. Complete the sentence. What _______ you do yesterday?

2. Speak on the theme “My family”.
Our family is big. My father’s name is Karim. My mother’s name is Odina. I have two sisters and one brother. My elder sister Sabina is a student at medical college. She wants to be a nurse. My brother Davron and sister Madina go to the kindergarten. They are twins. They cannot read and write. They can count. They are very good at counting. We have a cat Snowball. Snowball’s favourite food is fish.

1. Put the words in the right order. four/are/in/people/our/There/family.

2. Speak on the theme “My friend”.
My friend is _______. He/she is eight years old. He was born in Termez. When he was four years old, he started singing. Many people love his songs. He is the most favourite Uzbek boy in the Inter­net. His parents do not sing. His mother is a doctor, his father is an engineer. He/she sings songs in 17 languages: Uzbek, Indian, English, Russian . He sings his favourite songs. He wants to be a famous singer.

1. Put the words in the right order. football/hobbies/are/My/chess/friend’s/and

2. Describe your house.
Our family lives in a house. We live in Termez street. Our house number is 27. We have a kitchen, a big living room, two bathrooms and four bedrooms. One bedroom is for my grandparents. They are my father’s parents. We love them. My favourite room is our living room. We often play chess and read books there. Sometimes we watch TV there.

1. Complete the sentence. I work _______ the bank. I am a secretary.

2. Speak on the theme “My favourite subject”.
My favourite subject is English. I like English very much. We have English lessons every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. During the lesson we read, write and speak in English. Our English teacher speaks in English. Doing English exercises is very interesting.

1. Complete the sentence. Lucy is the __________ (young) in her family.

2. Speak about your hobby.
I love many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. My hobby is playing chess. I play chess with my friends and sometimes I play with my dad. All the member of our family live playing chess.

1. Complete the sentence. Where did you go yesterday? I _____ to the museum.

2. Speak about your favourite animal. Why do you like it?
I have two favourite pets. They are two cats : Fluffy and Tiger. But this year we have more pets .My mother has two cats and three kittens . My father likes rabbits and we have two. Their names are Flossie (white ) and Blackie (black). My brother Daniel likes dogs and he has a dog Paws and two puppies. He has two hedgehogs and a tortoise too. I like fish and I have three gold fish .We like canaries and we have a canary.

1. Put the words in the right order. speaks/friends /She/to/English/her.

2. Speak on the theme “My robot”.
Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m a robot. I don’t go to school but I like reading. I like reading books about animals. I have a friend. He’s a boy. His name’s Sardor. He’s twelve. He goes to school. He gets up at 6.30.He likes English, maths and history. Sardor has a dog. His dog is big and white. Sardor likes playing with his dog but he doesn’t like cleaning his room.

1. Complete the sentence. Jane’s father ________ (work) at the bank.

2. Speak on the theme “My childhood”.
My childhood. When I was a child, I liked animals and sweets. I lived in the village. Then we moved in the Termez city. I playd tennis and foodball. When I was childhood.

1. Put the words in the right order. brother/than/yours/My/is/taller?

2. Speak on the theme “My favourite season”.
1.My favourite season is Autumn. I like autumn because it rains a lot and I like rainy weather.It is cool.Yellow, red, and orange trees are fantastic! I like autumn flowers. These flowers are wonderful.It is time to go to school. I have a lot of friends at school.
2. My favourite season is Winter. I like winter because it is cold and I like fresh air. It is snowy.There is snow on trees and houses.I like skiing in the mountains.I like playing hockey.I feel very healthy and happy.I like fresh air and beautiful nature.