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6 sinf matematika pisa test

The latest results, published in 2013 from tests taken in 2012, showed that the highest performers were in Asian countries.

Pisa tests: Top 40 for maths and reading

The latest results, published in 2013 from tests taken in 2012, showed that the highest performers were in Asian countries.

It showed the UK failing to make progress on previous tests and there was more attention for Shanghai’s top results.

It raised questions about the long hours of study in countries such as South Korea and showed how the global education map is changing.

Here are the top 20 countries for English and maths:

Reading top 40

  • 1. Shanghai (China)
  • 2. Hong Kong (China)
  • 3. Singapore
  • 4. Japan
  • 5. South Korea
  • 6. Finland
  • 7. Ireland
  • 8. Taiwan
  • 9. Canada
  • 10. Poland
  • 11. Estonia
  • 12. Liechtenstein
  • 13. New Zealand
  • 14. Australia
  • 15. Netherlands
  • 16. Belgium
  • 17. Switzerland
  • 18. Macao (China)
  • 19. Vietnam
  • 20. Germany
  • 21. France
  • 22. Norway
  • 23. United Kingdom
  • 24. United States
  • 25. Denmark
  • 26. Czech Republic
  • 27. Italy
  • 28. Austria
  • 29. Latvia
  • 30. Hungary
  • 31. Spain
  • 32. Luxembourg
  • 33. Portugal
  • 34. Israel
  • 35. Croatia
  • 36. Sweden
  • 37. Iceland
  • 38. Slovenia
  • 39. Lithuania
  • 40. Greece

Maths top 40

  • 1. Shanghai (China)
  • 2. Singapore
  • 3. Hong Kong (China)
  • 4. Taiwan
  • 5. South Korea
  • 6. Macao (China)
  • 7. Japan
  • 8. Liechtenstein
  • 9. Switzerland
  • 10. Netherlands
  • 11. Estonia
  • 12. Finland
  • 13. Canada
  • 14. Poland
  • 15. Belgium
  • 16. Germany
  • 17. Vietnam
  • 18. Austria
  • 19. Australia
  • 20. Ireland
  • 21. Slovenia
  • 22. Denmark
  • 23. New Zealand
  • 24. Czech Republic
  • 25. France
  • 26. United Kingdom
  • 27. Iceland
  • 28 Latvia
  • 29. Luxembourg
  • 30. Norway
  • 31. Portugal
  • 32. Italy
  • 33. Spain
  • 34. Russian Federation
  • 35. Slovak Republic
  • 36. United States
  • 37. Lithuania
  • 38. Sweden
  • 39. Hungary
  • 40. Croatia

6 sinf matematika pisa test

☝️Rasmda nechta delfin�� bor

��Oʻz fikr mulohazalaringizni komentaryada yozib qoldiring. ��

17.1K views Shohruh , 16:03
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Ushbu rasmdan ��2ta farqni toping.

��Javobingizni izohda yozib qoldiring..��

19.1K views Shohruh , 16:03
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1 ga 2 ni qo’shib 3 ga ko’paytirsak nechchi bo’ladi
Anonymous Quiz
3.9K voters 14.5K views Shohruh , 04:48
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2023-yilInsonga e’tibor va sifatli ta’lim yili” deb e’lon qilindi.

13.8K views Shohruh , 06:47
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❗️Расмий хабар: қишки таътил узайтирилди

Ўзбекистонга аномал совуқ об-ҳаво кириб келиши муносабати билан барча бўғиндаги таълим муассасаларида қишки таътил муддати 17 январга қадар узайтирилди.

Ўқув машғулотлари 18 январь, чоршанба кунидан бошланади.

11.3K views Shohruh , 14:32
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Soʻroq oʻrnidagi sonni toping ??

8.9K views Shohruh , 03:41
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Test kodi: 1018
Savollar soni: 30 ta

Testda qatnashuvchilar quyidagi ko`rinishda javob yuborishlari mumkin:

Test kodini kiritasiz: 1018*
Keyin javoblarni yuborasiz

Javoblarni ushbu botga yuboring��

Test 23:00 da yakunlanadi.

��Kamchiliklar va biror muammo bo‘lsa @saparov_shohruh ga murojaat qiling.

9.4K views Shohruh , 06:51
Forwarded from Lider Matematika (Shohruh Saparov) ( Shohruh )
Test 21:00 da yakunlanadi.
8.7K views Shohruh , 12:51
Forwarded from Lider Matematika (Shohruh Saparov) ( Shohruh )

Test yakunlandi

Fan nomi: ILDIZLAR fani
Test kodi: 1018
Savollar soni: 30 ta
Ishtirokchilar soni: 14 ta

Testda qatnashganlar:
1. Imomjonova Sevinch 30 ta
2. Tolqinova Marhaboxon 28 ta
3. Abdurasulov Farrux 23 ta
4. Homitova Shaxnoza 23 ta
5. Umarov Javoxir 11 ta
6. Xabibullayeva Kamola 10 ta
7. Ayubhon odilov 9 ta
8. Egamberdiyeva Gulasal 8 ta
9. Jahongir Ibragimov 8 ta
10. Abidjanov Samandar 7 ta
11. Testi shesheyinbe 7 ta
12. Yodgorova Gulsanam 7 ta
13. Shaxnoza doniyeva 5 ta
14. Sarvinoz Masharipova 5 ta

21:12 | �� 24.01.2023