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Тест на беременность 5 сезон смотреть

����Kechirasiz nima dedingiz?��

10 sinf biologiya masalalar javobi bilan

SAYDULLAYEV MURODULLO @BIOLOGIYA_TEST9 10-SINF BIOLOGIYA FANIDAN MASALALAR YECHIMI MAXSUS GENETIK SIMVOLLAR Odatda chatishtirish sxemalarini tuzish maqsadida maxsus genetik belgilar nishonlar (simvollar)dan foydalaniladi. Chatishtirish uchun tanlab olingan ota ona individlar «P» harfi (lotincha parentisota-ona so`zining bosh harfi)bilan ifodalaniladi. Urg`ochi jins –onalik belgisi – ♀(dastali oyna –Zuxra Venera ko`zgusi ramzi) Erkak jins –otalik belgisi ♂(qalqon va yoy) Marsning qalqoni ramzi bilan ifodalanadi. Chatishtirish –X (iks) belgisi bilan ifodalanadi. Chatishtirishdan hosil bo`lgan nasl (F) harfi (lotincha Filialis bolalar so`zining bosh harfi) bilan ifodalanadi. «F» — harfi yoniga qo`yilgan raqam nechanchi avlod ekanligini ko`rsatadi. F1— birinchi avlod F2— ikkinchi avlod va hakazo Dominant genni — katta harf bilan ifodalanadi. Masalan A Retsissiv genni — kichik harf bilan ifodalanadi. Masalan a Chala dominantlik — dominant gen ustiga chiziq qo`yish bilan ifodalaniladi. Allel genlar —bir xil harf bilan belgilanadi. Faqat gomozigota organizm bo`lsa har ikkala allel bosh harf bilan (AA), geterozigota organizm esa katta— kichik bir xil harflar bilan ifodalaniladi. (Aa) Ayrim o`simliklar, hayvon turlariga hamda odamlarga xos dominant va retsessiv tarzda nasldan naslga o`tuvchi genlarning ro`yxati. № Chatishtiri sh uchun olingan organizm 1. 2. NO`XAT TOMOSHA QOVOQ DOMINANT BELGI RETSISSEV BELGI 1—Donning sariq rangi 2—Donning .
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Тест на беременность 5 сезон смотреть

Окружающие ощущали потенциал Наташи, чувствовали самоотдачу и видели результат на других. Пациенты, пытаясь попасть на прием, лучшего не ожидали. Постоянное пик-внимание, наличие весомого стоп-одиночества, качественно подводит ее к ожидаемому отсутствию в доме. Кто захочет иметь тактичную жену, разделять понимание с такой о стопорном отстранении? Отчего в судьбе прочувствует дискомфорт, невзирая на первые медали в области собственного профессионализма. Не способна бросить на произвол. Чаще отдает людям свое внимание, чем получает. Не согласится с упреками, ради кого обязана бросать больного и рваться домой. Насколько она допонимает жизнь, на подобную линейку хватит ее сил. Если не понимают близкие, то бороться ради времени, которое предстоит отвести на таких, не готова. Есть предназначение, характер, возможность, значит остальным стоит жить. Неподобное отношение в полном сочувствии приводит к глобальным проблемам в пространстве чувств и пристального одиночества. Ибо однодумцев отыскать проблема.

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8 sinf ingliz tili test javoblari

Ingliz rus ozbek tilida kundalik sozlar
�� Audio va matnli mavzular
�� Eng sara kitoblar
�� Qoshiqlar matni bilan
Abiturent testlar


Ingliz tilida so’zlashish
31.4K subscribers
11.8K views 14:59

IELTS Reading: the time problem ��

‘Not having enough time’ is the biggest problem for most people taking the reading test. Here are some tips for dealing with this problem:

1. Go straight to the first question. Don’t waste time reading the full passage or the first sentence of each paragraph, and don’t read any of the other questions.

2. Do ‘paragraph’ questions last. Questions that ask you to match headings or statements with paragraphs are much easier if you are already familiar with the passage.

3. Don’t get stuck on one question. As soon as you realise that you are having difficulties with a question, leave it and move to the next one. Return to difficult questions later if you have time.

4. Remember that the answers to most question sections are in order in the passage. You don’t need to go back to the beginning of the passage to search for each answer.

5. Only skim or scan for numbers and names. Otherwise, read at normal speed.

6. Work with an alarm. You can’t do this in an exam, but at home you could set the alarm (on your phone) for 2 minutes and try to do each question within this time.

When preparing for the reading test at home, try not to worry about time at first. Your first concern should be to get the score you need, even if it takes you 3 hours instead of 1 hour to do a full test.


11.2K views 07:08

IELTS Reading | Vaqt muammosi ��

IELTS readingda vaqt yetmasligi o’rganuvchilar uchun eng katta muammolardan biri. Quyida siz uchun bu borada bir nechta maslahatlar:

1. Birdaniga birinchi savolga qarang. Butunmatnni yoki matn boshini o’qiyman deb vaqtingizni behuda sarflamang.

2. Paragraf savollarini eng so’ngida ishlang. Matching headings yoki matching statements with paragraphs savollarini matnni o’qib bo’lgandan keyin ishlasangiz, anchagina osonroq.

3. Bitta savolda to’xtab qolmang. Bitta savolda qiynalib, ko’proq vaqt sarflayotgan bo’lsangiz darhol keyingisiga o’tib keting va qolib ketgan savolga vaqting ortib qolsagina, qayting.

4. Eslab qoling, ko’p savollar javoblari ketma-ket keladi. Shuning uchun har safar matn boshiga qaytavermang.

5. Raqamlar va ismlarni scan uslubida ishlang. Qolgan qiyin savollar uchun matnni normal tezlikda o’qing.

6. Budilnik bilan ishlang. Telefoningdagi budilnikni 2 daqiqaga qo’yib, har bitta savolni 2 daqiqa ichida ishlashni mashq qiling.

Readingni endigina boshlagan paytingizda, vaqt haqida qayg’urmang. Eng avvalo, 2-3 soat vaqt ketsayam savollarni to’g’ri ishlashni o’rganib olishga harakat qiling.

10.6K views 14:59


Question: The two pie charts below show the percentages of industry sectors’ contribution to the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

1. Introduction
2. Overall
3. Specific details

1. Introduction

In the introduction you have to paraphrase the information from your question

The two pie charts illustrate how different industry sectors contributed to the economy of Turkey percentagewise in the years 2000 and 2016.

So, I just took the information from the question card and paraphrased it in such way:

show → illustrate
the percentages of industry sectors’ contribution to the economy of Turkey → how different industry sectors contributed to the economy of Turkey percentagewise
in 2000 and 2016 → in the years 2000 and 2016.
pie charts = pie charts (don’t change this!)

14.4K views 17:00

����If there’s anything you don’t understand please ask me.��

����Agar biror narsaga tushunmagan bo’lsangiz, so’rang.��

����Если вам что-то не ясно, пожалуйста, спрашивайте.��

11.6K views 02:42

����You seem to be wrong.��

����Fikrimcha nohaqsiz.��

����Думаю, что вы неправы��


11.8K views 02:42

����Sorry, what did you say?��

����Kechirasiz nima dedingiz?��

����Простите,что вы сказали?��..

12.5K views 02:42

Travel and transport – sayohat va transport


��Catch up with – darjaga erishmoq

��Check in – mehmonxona yoki aeroportda registratsiyadan o’tmoq

��Check out – 1) mehmonxonani tark etmoq; 2) tekshiruv o’tkazmoq

��Drop off – 1) transportdan tushishga ruxsat bermoq; 2) uxlab qolmoq

��Get back – qaytmoq

��Go away – ta’tilga chiqmoq

��Keep up with – bir xildarajada turmoq

��Make for – kimdirning ko’rsatmasiga muvofiq bormoq

��Pick up – mashinaga mindirish uchun to’xtamoq

��Pull in – yo’l chetida to’xtamoq

��Run over – mashinani urmoq

��See off – kuzatib qo’ymoq

��Set out/off – sayohatni boshlamoq

��Take off – yerdan ko’tarilmoq (samolyotga nisbatan)

��Turn round – qarshi yo’nalish orqali ortga qaytmoq

10.6K views 06:00

Purposeful .

So’zning ma’nolari: maqsadli, maqsadga muvofiq, qasddan, iroda bilan.

1. A purposeful person will always achieve success.
Maqsadli odam har doim muvaffaqiyatga erishadi.
2. I’m going to my aim purposefully.
Maqsadga intilishim maqsadiga muvofiq.

��Do’stlaringizga, oilangizga va hamkasblaringizga bizning sahifamiz haqida aytib bering – yangi so’zlarni o’rganish va mashq qilish yanada qiziqarli bo’ladi.

10.9K views edited 07:37

��Some va Any:

��Ingliz tilida some va any bir oz, bir qancha, ozgina, bironta deb tarjima qilinadi va otlar oldidan ishlatiladi.

��Some – bir oz deb tarjima qilinib otlar oldidan ishlatiladi va faqat darak gaplarda ishlatiladi.

1. I have some money to spend – Menda ishlatgani ozgina pul bor.
2. There are some tomatos on the table – Stol ustida bir oz pomidorlar bor.
3. I need some money – Menga ozgina pul kerak.

��Any – bironta, bir qancha deb tarjima qilinib odatda inkor va so‘roq gaplarda ishlatiladi.

1. Do you have any money? – Sizda ozgina pul bormi?
2. I don’t have any money – Menda umuman pul yo’q.
3. There is not any bread – U yerda bironta ham non yo’q.

��Some ni ushbu xolatda so`roq gapda ishlatish mumkin:

1. Would you like some coffee? – Bir oz cofe xoxlaysizmi?
2. Would you want some sugar? – Ozroq shakar istaysizmi?


13.0K views edited 17:02

��Collocations with “HAVE” | @IELTS_8

Have a bad temper Have a backache
Have a bad fall Have a baby
Have a bath Have a birthday
Have a bite Have a break
Have a busy day Have a trip
Have a career Have a chance
Have a chat Have a cold
Have a dance Have a day off
Have a depression Have a listen
Have a dispute Have a doubt
Have a dream Have a drill
Havea drink Have a feeling
Have a good day! Have a fit
Have a game Have a goal
Have a discussion Have a go
Have a good time Have a fight
Have an experience Have a jog
Have a hard time Have a haircut
Have a headache Have a holiday
Have a jacuzzi Have a laugh
Have a lecture Have a lesson
Have a lie down Have a limp
Have a massage Have a look
Have a meal Have a meeting
Have a moment Have a nap
Have a night mare Have a party
Have a passion for Have a plan
Have a problem Have a quarrel
Have a relationship Have a rest
Have a ride Have a right
Have a safe journey Have a run
Have a sandwich Have a salad
Have a scrub Have a shave
Have a shower Have a smell
Have a snack Have a snooze
Have a stretch Have a stroke
Have a swim Have a talk
Have a temperature Have a taste
Have a think Have a touch
Have a try Have a walk
Have a wash Have a wish
Have a workout Have a word
Have an accident Have access
Have an appointment Have food
Have an effect Have an event
Have an excuse Have an exam
Have an interview Have an idea
Have an opportunity Have sex
Have difficulty Have faith
Have an argument Have fun
Have no education Have no fear
Have patience Have rest
Have self-esteem Have room
Have breakfast Have skills
Have success Have soul
Have sympathy Have time
Have trouble Have work

10.7K views 09:29

Problems and solutions:

accident – halokat
assume – tahmin qilmoq
cause – sabab bo’lmoq
claim – talab qilmoq
complain – shikoyat qilmoq
convince – ishontirmoq
criticise – tanqida qilmoq
deny – rad etmoq
discussion – muhokama
doubt – shubha
encourage – qo’llamoq
get rid of – qutulmoq
gossip – g’iybat
ideal – mukammal, ideal
insult – haqorat qilmoq
investigate – tekshirib chiqmoq
negative – salbiy
positive – ijobiy
praise – maqtamoq
pretend – mug’ombirlik qilmoq
purpose – maqsad
refuse – rad etmoq
result – natija
rumour – mish-mish
sensible – aqlli
serious – jiddiy
spare – bo’sh
theory – nazariya
thought – o’y-fikr
warn – ogohlantirmoq

13.0K views 10:00
Media is too big

����Use these 5 words to score HIGH in IELTS Speaking!������

�� Watch this useful video and share it with your friends as much as you can!
�� #speaking

British English va American Englishda spelling qoidalarda farqlar

✳️ Buyuk Britaniya va Amerikada bitta so’zning yozilishi va talaffuzida farq bo’lishi mumkin, ammo bunday so’zlar ko’p emas. Inglizlar mazkur so’zlar o’zlashtirilgan tildan (masalan, fransuzcha) qanday olingan bo’lsa, shunday saqlab qolishga intilishsa, Amerikaliklar so’z qanday talaffuz qilinsa, shunday yozilishi kerak deb hisoblashadi. Shuning uchun Britaniya va Amerikada bir so’z har xil yozilishi va talaffuz qilinishi mumkin.

⚠️Agar siz xat yoki matn yozayotgan odamlar Britaniyalik bo’lsa, British English, Amerikalik bo’lsa American Englishdagi talaffuz va shaklda yozgan ma’qul.

1️⃣ –re bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da -re bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -er bilan tugaydi.
▪️centre – center
▪️fibre – fiber
▪️litre – liter
▪️theatre – theater or theatre

2️⃣ – our bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da -our bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -or bilan tugaydi.
▪️colour – color
▪️flavour – flavor
▪️humour – humor
▪️labour – labor
▪️neighbour – neighbor

3️⃣ -ize yoki -ise bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da -ize yoki -ise bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -ize bilan tugaydi.
▪️apologize or apologise – apologize
▪️organize or organise – organize
▪️recognize or recognise – recognize

4️⃣ – yse bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da- yse bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -yze bilan tugaydi.
▪️analyse – analyze
▪️breathalyse – breathalyze
▪️paralyse – paralyze

5️⃣ ae yoki oe juft unlilar qatgashgan so’zlar: BrE da ae yoki oe unlilar kelgan so’zlar AmE da -e bilan yoziladi.
▪️leukaemia – leukemia
▪️manoeuvre – maneuver
▪️oestrogen – estrogen
▪️paediatric – pediatric

6️⃣ –ence bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da -ence bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -ense bilan tugaydi.
▪️defence – defense
▪️licence- license
▪️offence – offense
▪️pretence – pretense

7️⃣ -ogue bilan tugaydigan so’zlar: BrE da -ogue bilan tugaydigan so’zlar AmE da -og yoki -ogue bilan tugaydi.
▪️analogue – analog or analogue
▪️catalogue – catalog or catalogue
▪️dialogue- dialog or dialogue