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8 sinf ona tili 43 mashq

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        Не знаете какую программу выбрать? Этот короткий тест поможет определиться


        8 A – sinf o’quvchilari bilan “Temir yo‘l kesishmalarida xavfsizlik qoidalari” mavzusida sinf soati o’tkazildi

        Bosh sahifa / Fotogalereya&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 6-02-2023, 12:55&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

        Saytdan ma’lumot ko’chiriligan havola sifatida ko’rsatilishi lozim.

        Barcha huquqlar amaldagi qonunchilik doirasida himoyalangan.


        • 100009, Toshkent shahar, Yunusobod tumani Hasanboy dahasi 2/43
        • Telefon: 0 371 224-54-13
        • Fax: 0 371 224-54-13
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        • Toshkent shahar Yunusobod tuman 327-son umumta’lim maktabi

        Obuna bo’lish

        Saytdagi yangilanishlarga obuna bo’lish uchun e-mail pochta manzilingizni kiriting va yangilanishlar haqidagi ma’lumotlarni bepul qabul qiling.

        8 sinf ona tili 43 mashq

        O‘zbekiston FVV bo‘linmalari xodimlari Turkiyadagi halokat o‘choqlarida ish olib bormoqda.

        O‘zbekistonlik qutqaruvchilar 8 fevral tonggiga kelib vayronalar ostidan 9 kishini omon olib chiqqan. «Yangiliklar 24» ko‘rsatuvi reportajida aytilishicha, qutqarilganlarning 5 nafari erkak va 4 nafari ayol. Shuningdek, vayronalar orasidan 12 kishining jasadi topilgan.

        «8 fevral kuni soat 8:00 ga qadar 132 m.kv. maydonda 430 metr.kub vayronalarni tozalash ishlari bajarilib, natijada 9 nafar inson turli xildagi tan jarohatlari bilan qutqarildi va ularga joyida birinchi tibbiy yordam ko‘rsatildi. Shuningdek, 12 nafar qurbonning jasadi vayronalar ostidan olib chiqildi», deyiladi FVV matbuot xizmati xabarida.

        Bundan oldinroq, O‘zbekiston FVV qutqaruvchilari Turkiyada bedarak yo‘qolgan 13 nafar o‘zbekistonlikni qidirayotgani xabar qilingandi.

        So‘nggi ma’lumotlarga ko‘ra, Turkiyada zilzila oqibatida vafot etganlar soni 6234 nafarga yetgan. Suriyada esa hozirgacha 2 mingga yaqin kishi o‘limi tasdiqlangan.

        Free YouTube to Mp3 Converter – YTMP3

        YouTube is the world’s largest video playback platform, supporting tens of millions of users to watch popular videos every day. But YouTube does not provide video or music download channels. So YouTube to mp3 and YouTube to mp4 have become very big demands. Ytmp3 provides the YouTube conversion function for the majority of YouTube users. You can easily convert YouTube to mp3 or mp4.

        YTMP3 is a YouTube downloader that helps you convert Youtube videos to Mp3 and save them to your device. You can easily achieve YouTube to mp3, YouTube to mp4, TikTok watermark-free downloads, and mp3 search downloads.

        YTMP3 – Youtube to Mp3 is a popular youtube to mp3 website. It has a history of decades. In the course of ten years of development, it has won the favor of countless users, and also provides a lot of youtube mp3 and mp4 music services for everyone, so many users spontaneously to promote ytmp3, thank you for your love, and we will continue to optimize our functions to provide you with better mp3 download functions. During the development of YTMP3, there have been many imitators of YTMP3. Please look for, which is the official website of YTMP3.

        How to use Youtube to Mp3 YTMP3?

        1. Select the file format you want to download, you can download mp3 or mp4, Ytmp3 downloads mp3 files by default.

        2. Search the song name/Youtube URL in the search box and click the Convert button. At this time, you will see a list of search results below the search box. You can choose to play it directly, or click Download.

        3. After clicking the download button, you will find that the original search box has become the download button. At this time, you need to continue to click the download button in the search box. This will give you the mp3 or mp4 file you want to download.

        Is there a limit to the number of mp3s that can be downloaded?

        YTMP3 allows users to convert and download unlimited files for free. So you don’t need to worry about the limit on the number of YTMP3 for you.

        What formats does YTMP3 support?

        YTMP3 offers tons of conversion options and allows you to download in MP4, MP3 formats. So you can easily download popular songs or download YouTube videos. Of course, you can also use it as a converter, and it only takes 1 second to convert a YouTube video to mp3.

        What are the equipment requirements?

        YTMP3 offers a service compatible with all PC devices, smartphones and tablets. So as long as it is a device that can open a browser, you can easily use YTMP3.

        How to download Youtube videos to Android phones?

        Visit Youtube from your browser or open the Youtube app on your Android device; after that, copy the URL of the video you want to download. Paste the URL into the search box. You can also enter keywords to find the video you want. Select the format you want to download and click “Download”. After a few seconds, you can download the file.

        Explanation for YTMP3 virus

        We have seen many users say that YTMP3 has viruses. Before, YTMP3 added some advertisements to cause trouble to users. Now we have removed these advertisements that disturb users, so YTMP3 is safe.

        For YTMP3, you can use it with confidence, because YTMP3 has a history of 10 years, it is the earliest tool to do Youtube to Mp3, so you can see many users spontaneously recommending YTMP3 on Youtube/Twitter/Facebook. Of course, with the improvement of everyone’s awareness of Internet security, we pay more and more attention to privacy and data security. Now we guarantee that YTMP3 is safe and secure, because YTMP3’s Music conversion service is clean and safe, free of viruses.

        Because YTMP3 is a free tool, the operation and service cost of our website is very high. In order to ensure that we can recover this part of the operation cost, we have added advertisements on the website, so please include some advertisements of YTMP3.

        YTMP3 – Best Youtube mp3 converter and downloader

        Ytmp3 is specifically designed to save Youtube video on your android smartphone. Just install it and save any video to your device in just one click from the youtube app or from the app dashboard.

        YTMP3 – Better Youtube MP3 service

        YTMP3 is committed to bringing users a better experience, so we also have a YTMP3 APP in addition to the website. In the YTMP3 APP, users can download higher-quality MP3 files.

        In addition, if you have any questions, you can contact us by email, and we will try our best to answer them for you.

        Ytmp3 has been receiving DMCA warnings, and it has become more and more frequent during this period. In order to allow users to continue to use Ytmp3, users of Ytmp3 need to bookmark the Ytmp3 website in case they get lost. And if you can share ytmp3 with your friends, or post it on your Facebook, Ins, Twitter, it will be a great help to us. Ytmp3 wants to bring you the best service.

        Daily Proverb : Practice makes perfect.