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9-sinf Ingliz tili

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9 sinf ingliz tili kitobi

Android qurilmalar uchun mobil ilovasi. Yuklab olish ×

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  • Ingliz tilida bepul kitob o‘qish uchun.

Ingliz tilida bepul kitob o‘qish uchun eng yaxshi 15 onlayn-kutubxona

11.06.2018 14:00 0 13254

Ingliz tili grammatikasini o‘rganishingiz va lug‘at boyligingizni oshirish uchun eng yaxshi yo‘l — asarlarni asl tilida o‘qish. Bu usul muallifni, uning uslubi va «tili»ni tushunishda ham yordam beradi. Albatta, «Harri Potter»ni ingliz tilida mutolaa qilish osonmas, biroq qiziqroq. «Alisa mo‘’jizalar mamlakatida» qancha tarjima qilinmasin, muallif o‘quvchiga nimani yetkazmoqchi bo‘lgani hanuz to‘liq ochib berilmagan. Xullas, «Vse-kursy» yozishicha, ingliz tilida mutolaa — eng foydali, to‘g‘ri va maroqli tanlov.

Ingliz tilidagi kitoblarni o‘qish mumkin bo‘lgan bepul onlayn-kutubxonalar:

  1. «». Bu kutubxonada elektron kitoblar katta jamlanmasi janrlar bo‘yicha taqsimlangan. Kitoblardan tashqari, jurnallar ham bor. Foydalanish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tilsa bas. Foydalanish — bepul.
  2. «FreeBookSpot» — 5000 dan ortiq elektron kitob joylangan onlayn-resurs. Hammasi bepul, 95 kategoriyaga ajratilgan. Nafaqat badiiy adabiyotlar, ta’lim va biznesga oid kitoblar ham bor. Ularni ko‘chirib olish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tish talab qilinmaydi.
  3. «ManyBooks» — 33000 dan ortiq elektron kitoblari bor. Adabiyotlarni nomlari orqali qidirib topish mumkin. Kitoblar kompyuterda, «Kindle», «Nook», «iPad»da o‘qish uchun formatlangan. Asosiy afzalligi — ko‘plab kitoblar 20 dan ortiq formatda taqdim etilgan.
  4. «GetFreeEBooks» — bu mualliflar o‘z asarlarini kitobxonlarga taqdim etuvchi hamjamiyat. Milliondan ortiq kitoblar bor va ular ko‘payishda davom etyapti. Ko‘p kitoblar EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT formatlarida taqdim etilgan.
  5. «FreeComputerBooks» — dasturlash va matematika bo‘yicha kitoblarning ulkan jamlanmasi. Ularning orasidan ma’ruzalar va o‘quv-qo‘llanmalarni ham topish mumkin. Barcha kitoblar mavzulari bo‘yicha toifalangan, topish oson.
  6. «FreeTechBooks» — informatika, injeneriya va dasturlash bo‘yicha bepul kitoblar, darsliklar va ma’ruzalarni shu saytdan topib foydalanishingiz mumkin.
  7. «Wikibooks» — «Vikimedia»ning bu hamjamiyati o‘quv-qo‘llanmalarning bepul kutubxonasini yaratish uchun tuzilgan. Adabiyotlarni istalgan foydalanuvchi tahrir qilishi mumkin.
  8. «The Online Books Page» — internetdagi 30 000 dan ortiq bepul kitoblar ro‘yxati.
  9. «Baen Free Library» — ilmiy-fantastik romanlar to‘plami. Onlayn o‘qish yoki ko‘chirib olish mumkin.
  10. «eBookLobby». Bu saytdagi bepul elektron kitoblar turli janrlarga bo‘lingan: biznes, san’at, ta’lim. Kerakli kategoriyani topib, o‘zingizga yoqqan kitobni ko‘chirib olaverasiz.
  11. «Project Gutenberg» — ushbu mashhur loyiha 75 000 mingdan ortiq kitoblarni raqamlashtirgan. Qidiruv qatoriga muallif yoki asar nomini kiritib, topilgan adabiyotlarni onlayn o‘qishingiz yoki kerakli formatda ko‘chirib olishingiz mumkin.
  12. «Planet eBook» — bepul mumtoz adabiyotlar kutubxonasi. Kitoblarni ko‘chirib olish oson.
  13. «e-Library» — elektron kutubxonaga 91 kategoriyadagi 8000 dan ziyod kitob joylangan. Shulardan 500 dan ortig‘i bepul. Kitoblarni qidiruv yoki reyting orqali oson topa olasiz.
  14. «BookBoon» — talabalar va sayyohlar uchun PDF formatidagi kitoblar. Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish talab qilinmaydi.
  15. «» — mumtoz yozuvchilarning kichik hikoyalarini shu saytdan topasiz. Barcha kitoblarni onlaynda bepul o‘qiysiz.

9-sinf Ingliz tili

Vitae adipiscing turpis. Aenean ligula nibh in, molestie id viverra a, dapibus at dolor. Aenean ligula nibh in molestie id.


8-9-10-sinflar uchun tasviriy san’at fanidan innovatsion olimpiada yozma ish variantlari
8-9-10-sinflar uchun tarix fanidan innovatsion olimpiada yozma ish variantlari



Aenean ligula nibh, mole stie id viverra a, dapibus ante lobortis


  • 17.11.2014 admin commented on Aenean ligula mol stie viverra
  • 17.11.2014 admin commented on Aenean ligula mol stie viverra


Vestibulum commodo volutpat convallis ac laoreet turpis faucibus

We love who we are and we are very proud to be the part of your business

Curabitur sit amet magna quam. Praesent in libero vel turpis pellentesque egestas sit amet vel nunc. Nunc lobortis dui neque quis.

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  • 17.11.2014 admin commented on Aenean ligula mol stie viverra
  • 17.11.2014 admin commented on Aenean ligula mol stie viverra

Ingliz tili. 1-qism. Rustamov M.A. Darslik.

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  • Page 4 and 5: SO‘Z BOSHI Ushbu darslik O‘zbek
  • Page 6 and 7: U N I T O N E Phonetics: 1.Vowel a.
  • Page 8 and 9: sh th [∫] [θ] [ð] ship [∫ip]
  • Page 10 and 11: 7. To close – Close the door, pleas
  • Page 12 and 13: • This is an apple. • That is a
  • Page 14 and 15: the door / the ceiling / the floor
  • Page 16 and 17: 1.18. Write a, an or the if necessa
  • Page 18 and 19: that’s = that is there’s = there is
  • Page 20 and 21: 7. (You not very tall) – .
  • Page 22 and 23: 2. Is it dark now? .
  • Page 24 and 25: Fine, thank you! / OK, thanks – Yax
  • Page 26 and 27: – His name is Luke. – What’s her
  • Page 28 and 29: U N I T T W O Phonetics: 1. Vowel e
  • Page 30 and 31: gn, kn, ng, nk so‘z boshida so‘
  • Page 32 and 33: 2.4. Translate the following word c
  • Page 34 and 35: Plural of Nouns pen(s), class(es),
  • Page 36 and 37: • This is Mike, those are his fri
  • Page 38 and 39: question I we Do you they he Does s
  • Page 40 and 41: 2.14. Put the verb in the correct f
  • Page 42 and 43: 6. (what / she / do / in the evenin
  • Page 44 and 45: 3. “She hasn’t got any brothers
  • Page 46 and 47: 4. What are you going to be? 5. How
  • Page 48 and 49: nephew – jiyan (o‘g‘il). niece
  • Page 50 and 51: – He is 19. – What’s his job? – H
  • Page 52 and 53: It’s two o’clock. It’s quarte
  • Page 54 and 55: U N I T T H R E E Phonetics: 1.Vowe
  • Page 56 and 57: My friend’s house = one friend (= h
  • Page 58 and 59: e (am / is / are etc.) + adjective:
  • Page 60 and 61: 13. “Did . see the
  • Page 62 and 63: at at home at work / at school at u
  • Page 64 and 65: 6. Where are they? (samolyotda). 7.
  • Page 66 and 67: on up through Don’t put your feet
  • Page 68 and 69: on Sunday(s) etc. on 23 April etc.
  • Page 70 and 71: 3.19. Read and translate the text.
  • Page 72 and 73: 6. What qualifications do the gradu
  • Page 74 and 75: Katie is Peter’s son. Tape script
  • Page 76 and 77: – Who does he teach? – Children in
  • Page 78 and 79: now [nau] how [hau] O‘ziga xos bi
  • Page 80 and 81: EXERCISES 4.3. Read and translate.
  • Page 82 and 83: • I started my work at 8 o’cloc
  • Page 84 and 85: EXERCISES 4.9. Complete the sentenc
  • Page 86 and 87: positive negative question I I he h
  • Page 88 and 89: • I usually get up at seven o’c
  • Page 90 and 91: TEXT Flag of Uzbekistan The flag of
  • Page 92 and 93: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Tape script
  • Page 94 and 95: – Here you are. It’s 1 pound 10.
  • Page 96 and 97: U N I T F I V E Phonetics: 1. Vowel
  • Page 98 and 99: I’m going to do something = I have
  • Page 100 and 101: 4. This group of officers .
  • Page 102 and 103: 1. I listen to the news on the radi
  • Page 104 and 105: a dentist – tish shifokori a salesm
  • Page 106 and 107: U N I T S I X Grammar: 1.Modals can
  • Page 108 and 109: Must + infinitive (must do / must c
  • Page 110 and 111: I was doing (past continuous) It is
  • Page 112 and 113: • Tom isn’t working today. •
  • Page 114 and 115: TEXT Uzbekistan Uzbekistan has an a
  • Page 116 and 117: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Tape script
  • Page 118 and 119: U N I T S E V E N Grammar: 1.Partic
  • Page 120 and 121: • The new Constitution of the Rep
  • Page 122 and 123: TEXT The State Structure of the Rep
  • Page 124 and 125: a cup of tea (coffee) – bir chashka
  • Page 126 and 127: time U N I T E I G H T Grammar: 1.I
  • Page 128 and 129: EXERCISES 8.3. Put in and / but / o
  • Page 130 and 131: • Ann bought some eggs but when s
  • Page 132 and 133: 3. Shall I go to the bank this morn
  • Page 134 and 135: Have something done Jane painted th
  • Page 136 and 137: TEXT United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • Page 138 and 139: It will take you . – . vaqtingi
  • Page 140 and 141: But do not use shall with you / the
  • Page 142 and 143: 5. Siz jinoyat sodir bo‘lgan joyg
  • Page 144 and 145: during and while We use during + no
  • Page 146 and 147: EXERCISES 9.12. Open the brackets.
  • Page 148 and 149: the front. There are some trams wit
  • Page 150 and 151: Bob: Oh, hello Andrew. Yes, I want
  • Page 152 and 153: When I go out = I’m going out (fo
  • Page 154 and 155: Compare: if I have / if it is etc.
  • Page 156 and 157: 4. (The bicycle was for my birthday
  • Page 158 and 159: compartment – yo‘lovchilar bo‘l
  • Page 160 and 161: • “Where is Klara?” “He has
  • Page 162 and 163: for + a period of time for three da
  • Page 164 and 165: luck, Sarge. The thieves haven’t
  • Page 166 and 167: TEXT 5. …. they live near us, we
  • Page 168 and 169: U N I T T W E L V E Grammar: 1. Ver
  • Page 170 and 171: • Tom likes to do the washing-up
  • Page 172 and 173: 12.6. Say if you like actions descr
  • Page 174 and 175: Irregular comparisons Adjectives Co
  • Page 176 and 177: 2. It’s very cheap restaurant. It
  • Page 178 and 179: It is said that … or He is said t
  • Page 180 and 181: TEXT 2. Why are the rooms still dir
  • Page 182 and 183: – Yes, he does. – Does he have a mu
  • Page 184 and 185: TEXT 2 Arthur Conan Doyle People sa
  • Page 188 and 189: Muayyan turdagi otlar odatda doim s
  • Page 190 and 191: importance (ahamiyat), obsolescence
  • Page 192 and 193: Otlarda ko‘plik Ingliz tilidagi a
  • Page 194 and 195: (Barcha – erkagu ayolu bola – havon
  • Page 196 and 197: kabi so‘zlar bilan tarjima qilini
  • Page 198 and 199: The dog that has been barking all d
  • Page 200 and 201: Mary likes dogs, not cats. (Meri mu
  • Page 202 and 203: 13 – thirteen 14 – fourteen 15 – fi
  • Page 204 and 205: My parents are not at home now, the
  • Page 206 and 207: Egalik olmoshlari Kishilik olmoshla
  • Page 208 and 209: Those roses are more beautiful. (An
  • Page 210 and 211: All other books are on the shelf. (
  • Page 212 and 213: I’ve got some French books. (Mend
  • Page 214 and 215: Anybody va anyone olmoshlari so‘r
  • Page 216 and 217: It rains often in England. (Angliya
  • Page 218 and 219: Is there any good film on TV today?
  • Page 220 and 221: Has he she it (got) a car? Unda mas
  • Page 222 and 223: easy – easier – the easiest (oson –
  • Page 224 and 225: I We You They Tasdiq (Positive): pl
  • Page 226 and 227: Oddiy hozirgi zamon odat tusiga kir
  • Page 228 and 229: So‘roq gaplarda yordamchi fe’l
  • Page 230 and 231: “d” va “t” harflaridan keyi
  • Page 232 and 233: went to the chemistry and looked af
  • Page 234 and 235: We are going to the theatre tonight
  • Page 236 and 237: house. (Uyni yashin urganda Jeyms v
  • Page 238 and 239: Hozirgi natijali zamon Hozirgi nati
  • Page 240 and 241: iror vaqtgacha davom etgan ish-hara
  • Page 242 and 243: Past Perfect zamoni ish-harakatning
  • Page 244 and 245: island than ever before. (Qish mavs
  • Page 246 and 247: Hozirgi zamon: O‘tgan zamon: Kela
  • Page 248 and 249: A job wasn’t offered to Ann. (Ann
  • Page 250 and 251: Should modal fe’li ko‘proq masl
  • Page 252 and 253: Which book do you like? (Qaysi kito
  • Page 254 and 255: identify – identified satisfy – sat
  • Page 256 and 257: Gerund har qanday otlar kabi predlo
  • Page 258 and 259: The teacher insists on the boy’s
  • Page 260 and 261: last (o‘tgan) va next (kelasi) so
  • Page 262 and 263: Until yoki till predloglari “-gac
  • Page 264 and 265: eyond (-dan tashqarida) by (yonida)
  • Page 266 and 267: the Simpsons. (Bizning uyimiz Ander
  • Page 268 and 269: Nor bog‘lovchisidan oldin not yok
  • Page 270 and 271: Ergashtiruvchi bog‘lovchilar Erga
  • Page 274 and 275: -al -iy, -viy; -ga oid national per
  • Page 276 and 277: -ment holat, harakat treatment gove
  • Page 278 and 279: O‘tgan oddiy zamon va o‘tgan za
  • Page 280 and 281: INGLIZCHA – O‘ZBEKCHA LUG‘AT –
  • Page 282 and 283: after [′a:ftə] rav. keyin, so‘
  • Page 284 and 285: attention [ə′ten∫ən] ot 1.diq
  • Page 286 and 287: ench [bent∫] ot o‘rindiq. bend
  • Page 288 and 289: ought [bro:t] fe’l bring fe’lin
  • Page 290 and 291: child [t∫aild] ot bola, go‘dak.
  • Page 292 and 293: cook [ku:k] fe’l pishirmoq. cool
  • Page 294 and 295: department [di′pa:tmənt] ot
  • Page 296 and 297: dull [dΛl] sif. 1.ahmoq, nodon; 2.
  • Page 298 and 299: fallen [fo:lən] fe’l fall fe’l
  • Page 300 and 301: for [fo:] pred. 1.uchun; 2.davomida
  • Page 302 and 303: H half [ha:f] ot yarim; two and a h
  • Page 304 and 305: include [in´klu:d] fe’l o‘z ic
  • Page 306 and 307: K key [ki:] ot kalit. kid I [kid] o
  • Page 308 and 309: lion [′laiən] ot sher, arslon. l
  • Page 310 and 311: mid-Pacific [midpə′sifik] Tinch
  • Page 312 and 313: 3.(inkor gaplarda) ham; If you do n
  • Page 314 and 315: our [auə] olm. bizning. outdated [
  • Page 316 and 317: please [pli:z] fe’l 1.huzur bag
  • Page 318 and 319: question II [kwest∫ən] fe’l sa
  • Page 320 and 321: ight [rait] ot 1.huquq;‘g‘
  • Page 322 and 323: shine I [∫ain] ot 1.charaqlash, n
  • Page 324 and 325: speed I [spi:d] ot 1.tezlik; sur’
  • Page 326 and 327: T tab I [tæb] ot 1.yorliq, etiketk
  • Page 328 and 329: through I [θru:] pred. 1.orqali; 2
  • Page 330 and 331: uniform I [′ju:nifo:m] ot maxsus
  • Page 332 and 333: white [wait] sif. oq. who I [hu:] o
  • Page 334 and 335: MUNDARIJA CONTENTS SO‘Z BOSHI …
  • Page 336 and 337: UNIT TEN If we go … . ………
  • Page 338: Muhibbek Alibekovich Rustamov, filo