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Mantiqiy iqtisodiyot kitob

Why should “Common Sense Economics” book be useful for the reader?�� The book is the classic introduction to the fundamentals of market economics. The goal of “Common Sense Economics” to lead readers to make wise personal and policy choices relying on an outstanding understanding of the principles of economics��. Electronic book includes supplementary reading material and over 9 hours of subtitled video clips which explain the fundamental concepts of economics in real-life examples. Important feature of the book is that it is suitable for EVERYONE, not only economists, teachers or students, but ANYONE who wants to improve economic and financial literacy.

“Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitob tanlovida qatnashib, $50 dan $150 gacha pul mukofoti yutib olish imkoniyati

Sizda tanlovda qatnashib $150 (birinchi mukofot), $100 (ikkinchi mukofot) va $50 (uchinchi mukofot) yutib olish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat bor.

Tanlov 2021-yil 7-avgustdan 7-sentyabrgacha onlayn tarzda oʻtkaziladi.

Barcha gʻoliblar sovrinlarni oʻzbek soʻmida naqd pul ko’rinishida olishadi va TXVUga mukofot marosimiga taklif qilinadi. Bundan tashqari, gʻoliblar “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobining nusxasini, gʻoliblik sertifikatini va EFI Uzbekistan jamoasining faxriy mehmoni boʻlishadi.

Maqbullik shartlari

  • Tanlovda qatnashish uchun “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobi haqida oʻz fikringizni bildirgan holda bir daqiqali qiziqarli videoni yozishingiz, ijodiy foto olishingiz yoki farzandlaringiz bilan chiroyli rasm chizishingiz mumkin;
  • Oʻz ishingizni (yaʼni video yoki foto yoki rasm) Instagram sahifangizga yuklashingiz va kitobning qaysi bobiga yoki kontsepsiyasiga koʻproq mos kelishini izohlarda yozishingiz kerak;
  • Izohlarda quyidagi #EFIUzbekistanSummerCompetition2021#CommonSenseSonomics#WIUT #EFIUzbekistan hashtaglarini qoʻyishingiz va Instagramdagi rasmiy sahifa @EFIUzbekistanni belgilashingiz so‘raladi.

Foydali tomonlari

  • Barcha gʻoliblar sovrinlarni oʻzbek soʻmida naqd pul ko’rinishida olishadi va TXVUga mukofot marosimiga taklif qilinadi. Bundan tashqari, gʻoliblar “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobining nusxasini, gʻoliblik sertifikatini va EFI Uzbekistan jamoasining faxriy mehmoni boʻlishadi.

Hujjat topshirish

  1. “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobini yuklab oling va oʻz fikringizni bir daqiqali qiziqarli video yozish, ijodiy foto olish yoki farzandlaringiz bilan chiroyli rasm chizish orqali ko‘rsatib berishingiz mumkin;
  2. Oʻz ishingizni (yaʼni video yoki foto yoki rasm) Instagram sahifangizga yuklashingiz va kitobning qaysi bobiga yoki kontsepsiyasiga koʻproq mos kelishini izohlarda berishingiz kerak. Shuningdek, izohlarda #EFIUzbekistanSummerCompetition2021 #CommonSenseSonomics #WIUT #EFIUzbekistan hashtaglarini qoʻyishingiz va Instagramdagi rasmiy sahifamiz @EFIUzbekistanni belgilashingiz kerak.

Mantiqiy iqtisodiyot kitob

Economics Fundamentals Initiative (EFI) loyihasining O’zbekistandagi rasmiy kanali. “Common Sense Economics” / “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitob yangilikari.

��“Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobni BEPUL yuklab olish:


EFI O’zbekiston: “Mantiqiy Iqtisodiyot” kitobi
205 subscribers

��Dear Friends,

��We are very excited to share that one of the best books about fundamentals of economics – “Common Sense Economics” book is now translated to Uzbek language����!

��Who are the authors of the book ? The very first edition of the “Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth and Prosperity” book was introduced in 2005 and currently it is the third edition. The authors of the book are academic economists Gwartney J.D., Stroup R.L., Lee D.R., Ferrarini T.H., Calhoun J. P. and Filer R.K. They are professors with strong backgrounds from Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Southern Methodist University, Northern Michigan University, and Hunter College & the CUNY Graduate Center. The book has been adapted by the authorial team to ensure its relevance across regions.

Today the book is available free of charge in native languages of Russia����, Armenia����, Ukraine���� and Uzbekistan����, and soon coming in Georgian����, Azerbaijani����, Kazakh���� and Kyrgyz����!

Why should “Common Sense Economics” book be useful for the reader?�� The book is the classic introduction to the fundamentals of market economics. The goal of “Common Sense Economics” to lead readers to make wise personal and policy choices relying on an outstanding understanding of the principles of economics��. Electronic book includes supplementary reading material and over 9 hours of subtitled video clips which explain the fundamental concepts of economics in real-life examples. Important feature of the book is that it is suitable for EVERYONE, not only economists, teachers or students, but ANYONE who wants to improve economic and financial literacy.

What is the main content of the book ?�� The book is written in easy and non-technical language and covers 12 key elements of economics, 7 major sources of economic progress, 10 key elements of economic thinking about government, and 12 key elements of practical personal finance. The book is accompanied with relevant videos, which fascinates the reading.