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Ielts uchun eng yaxshi kitoblar

Год выпуска : 2014
Автор : Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell Cambridge University
Издательство : IELTS – Cambridge University Press
Формат : PDF
Качество : eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц : 96
Описание : IELTS (англ. International English Language Testing System) — международная система тестирования по английскому языку.

IELTS imtihoniga tayyorlanish uchun 12 ta eng yaxshi manba

IELTS eng mashhur ingliz tili imtihonlaridan biridir. Ushbu test natijalari Buyuk Britaniya, Avstraliya, Yevropa mamlakatlari va dunyoning deyarli barcha ingliz tilida so‘zlashuvchi universitetlarida qabul qilinadi.

1) – bu saytda siz IELTS topshiriqlari bilan tanishishingiz va imtihonning har bir qismiga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish bo‘yicha ko‘plab foydali maslahatlarga ega bo‘lishingiz mumkin.

2) – Testdan o‘tgan talabalar bilan suhbat.

3) – Britaniya Kengashi xalqaro tashkiloti dunyoning barcha mamlakatlarida IELTS imtihonini o‘tkazadi. Ushbu saytda siz juda ko‘p foydali ma’lumotlarni olasiz, ular maslahatlar va qisqa maqolalar shaklida taqdim etiladi.

4) – Ushbu saytda siz IELTS topshirishdan oldin mashq qilishingizga yordam beradigan ko‘plab foydali testlarni topishingiz mumkin. Barcha topshiriqlar imtihon topshiriqlari formatida beriladi.

5) – IELTS ga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish uchun yana bir ajoyib sayt, unda imtihonda berilgan juda ko‘p turli xil topshiriqlar mavjud.

6) – Ushbu resurs nutq ko‘nikmalarini mashq qilish uchun emas, balki so‘z boyligingizni oshirish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

7) – Bu yerda siz bir nechta bepul amaliy test sinovlaridan o‘tishingiz mumkin.

8) – bu yerda siz butun IELTS testini topshirishingiz yoki alohida qismlarni mashq qilishingiz mumkin.

9) – bu saytda siz nafaqat IELTS, balki TOEFL, TOEIC, CAE, FCE, KET, PET imtihonlarini topshirishga tayyorlanishingiz mumkin.

10) – ro‘yxatdan o‘tganingizdan so‘ng siz uchun bepul testlar taqdim etiladi. Shuningdek, saytda imtihonga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish jarayonini kuzatishingiz ham mumkin.

11) – eng yirik IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik saytlaridan biridir. Bu yerda imtihonning har bir qismi uchun kerakli barcha ma’lumotlarni topasiz.

12) – bu yerda skanerlangan IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik kitoblarini topishingiz mumkin.

Manbalarni foydali deb topsangiz, IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko‘rayotgan do‘stlaringiz bilan ham bo‘lishing.

Ielts uchun eng yaxshi kitoblar

Год выпуска : 2014
Автор : Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell Cambridge University
Издательство : IELTS – Cambridge University Press
Формат : PDF
Качество : eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Количество страниц : 96
Описание : IELTS (англ. International English Language Testing System) — международная система тестирования по английскому языку.

Книги | Kitoblar | Просмотров: 3699 | Добавил: routerboy | Дата: 07.12.2014

Год выпуска : 2013

Автор : Cambridge ESOL

Издательство : Cambridge University Press

Качество : OCR без ошибок

Количество страниц : 165

Описание : Cambridge IELTS 9 содержит четыре подлинных экзамена IELTS прошлых лет, которые призваны обеспечить настоящую подготовку к экзамену. Student’s Book с ответами позволяет студентам познакомиться с IELTS и заниматься в дальнейшем подготовкой, используя подлинный испытательный материал. В этом комплекте содержатся четыре полных теста Академического модуля, а также дополнительные разделы чтения и письма для тех, кто сдает Общий IELTS. Введения в различные модули включены в каждую книгу, вместе с объяснением системы оценок, используемой Кембриджем. Всеобъемлющий и поясняющий ошибки раздел с ответами вместе с прилагаемыми расшифровками аудиотекстов создают удобство для студентов, работающих самостоятельно. Аудио компакт-диски, содержащие тексты для прослушивания, помогут развить навык слушания.

Best IELTS Preparation Books |2022

IELTS is a must-have for applications in most institutions and organizations, whether for work or academic purposes if you are from a non-native English-speaking country. Frankly, preparing for IELTS can get complicated if you do not know how to prepare. To ease off preparation for IETLS exams, some bodies have put together IELTS Preparatory Books to help you prepare for your IELTS examination to get very high scores. Despite the intense preparation, the best IELTS preparation books will help you; if you combine patience, practice, dedication, and seriousness.

Top 6 books to prepare for IELTS Ex.

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What’s the purpose of the IELTS general exam?

The General IELTS exam’s goal is to confirm that a candidate who wants to immigrate to a foreign country has the rudimentary skills necessary to comprehend and communicate in the general everyday English language.

It gauges a candidate’s level of enthusiasm for the nation they have chosen to call home. For those who are serious about relocating abroad to live and work, the exam serves as a valid entrance ticket.

What are the Best IELTS Preparation Books?

You cannot prepare for the examination alone; you need help, either in human form or a book. The books have the advantage of working at your pace to fit your study time into your schedule.

This article outlines, in no particular order, the Best IETLS Preparation Books that you can use for your preparations, with sample tests, their answers, techniques, and tips to help you prepare excellently for your IELTS.

1. Best IELTS Preparation Books

Barron’s IELTS Superpack: this book is the top pick as Best IELTS Preparation Book by users. The book is a perfect choice both for academic and professional purposes. The Barron’s IELTS Superpack is a comprehensive four-book set that combines the entire necessary materials of Barron’s IELTS into one easy–use pack that earned it its name.

It is a comprehensive pack designed to engineer your IELTS preparations for success. Due to its official exam practice tests, you can experience the exam situation before the actual examination.

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In addition to preparing you for the examination, it enables you to build your vocabulary and confidence level. This book also provides essential reading, writing, and listening sample exercise and practice sheets.

This Barron IELTS super pack includes:

  • Barron’s IELTS: this is a combination of four academic module practice examinations and two general training practice examinations, with a well–detailed subject review. This also comes with audio tracks included.

2. Essential Words for IELTS

This contains the 600 vocabularies, which appear the most in the IELTS examinations, audio CDs, with the extra feature of access to online audios. Even if not for the examinations, you can widen your vocabulary knowledge with these words.

3. IELTS Practice Exam Plus MP3 CD

This pack includes academic module practice exams, with six general training practice exams and explanations of the answers. This pack also contains audio CDs and access to online audio.

4. IELTS Strategies and Tips with MP3 CD

In this pack, you learn expert techniques to answer the examination questions. You also get audio CDs and access to the online audio files.

5. Best IELTS Preparation Books

Official IELTS Practice Materials: people have highly recommended this book as the best book for practice Test Materials. This book is not just for students, and it is also perfect for the teachers who prepare students for the examinations. It consists of a sequence of test materials in different volumes.

Official IELTS partners – the British Council put this book together for exam preparations. These materials are sample test questions from all the examination sections with their answers. These sample test questions put you in the exam situation before the exam, and it helps you to familiarise yourself with the sort of questions you should be expecting in the examinations.

This book also explains how each IELTS test section is assessed and adds an explanation and important tips for study plus examiners’ comments. It also includes audio CDs and DVDs for the practice of listening tests.

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6. Best IELTS Preparation Books

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS: this book is considered one of the best because it not only does it train you academically but also infuses general training. It offers tips and advice based on the experiences of people who took the test before its publishing.

  • Best IELTS Preparation Books: Kaplan’s IELTS Prep Plus with 8 IELTS Practice tests: this amazing book is easily one of the best IELTS preparatory books. Its unique characteristics of presenting the test’s best strategies make it stand out.
  • Best IELTS Preparation Books; IELTS Academic Module, How to maximize your score: Simone Braverman, who wrote this book, was previously an exam taker. As the saying goes, ‘He who wears the shoe knows where it hurts; Simone is in a good position to tell you how she prepared for the examination and how you can attain high scores.

Simone composed this book intending to be easy to comprehend. It is pretty straightforward, with practical tips and techniques. This book’s information is based on Simone’s personal experiences and analysis. She analyzed the problems she faced in her own time. And having found answers to them, decided to help guide you to ace the exams with very high scores. This book has been helpful to many users in attaining high scores on the exam.

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When selecting a book to help you prepare, consider what you would want in the book. With this in your mind, you then go-to for the one that closely satisfies those needs. Some books focus on general training, while others focus on academic training. So, what you are going for is very important in your book choice.

Don’t give up! More practice will help you to attain your goals!

FAQs Best IELTS Preparation Books |2022

In which month IELTS exam is easy?

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty which month would be the simplest. To improve their scores, candidates should retake the exam only a few months later and after careful preparation.

How can I clear IELTS without coaching?

You can try these easy strategies to study for the IELTS exam at home, such as doing research on all four sections—speaking, listening, reading, and writing; taking practice tests; recording your mock speaking test; and honing your reading abilities by reading more books, magazines, and newspapers.

Which part of IELTS is most difficult?

The Writing module is the hardest of the four, according to numerous assessments on the IELTS modules. The writing portion of every exam is regarded as the hardest.

What is IELTS pass mark?

A minimum overall score of 6.5 is required to pass the IELTS exam, and the Academic test requires a minimum score of 6.0 in each category. Depending on the needs of the institution, different minimums are accepted.

Can I pass IELTS without studying?

No, you cannot pass the IELTS test without studying.

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