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2 sinf ingliz tili fanidan konspekt

The letter Mm [em] is the thirteenth (13 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Mm” [em] is a consonant letter. The letter “Mm” [em] is a voiced conso nant letter. It gives the sound [m]. For example:

5 sinf ona tili 256 mashq

Ona tili — ezgu fazilatlar, yuksak tuyg’ular manbayi. U inson kamolotida betakror o’rin tutadi. Chunki onalarimiz bizga shu tilda alla aytadi, inson uchun hayotiy zarur bilim va tushunchalarni til vositasida ong-u shuurimizga singdiradi, odob-u axloqimiz, fe’l-atvorimiz til orqali berilgan o’git va nasihatlar asosida shakllanadi. Ayniqsa, inson tafakkurining shakllanishi bevosita til bilan bog’liq. Chunki biz biror-bir narsaning xususiyatlari haqida o’ylaganda har biri aniq bir so’zda ifodasini topgan tushunchalar, fikr va tasavvurlarga tayangan holda uning o’ziga xos tomonlarini anglaymiz.

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Новые вопросы в Оʻzbek tili

Узбекский язык составить предложение про Uyimiz oshxonasi​.Помогите пожалуйста

1 Gaz plitasidan foydalanganda nimalarga etibor qilish kerak deb o’ylaysiz ?2 Gaz plitasidan to’g’ri foydalana olmaslik qanday oqibatlarga olib kelish … i mumkin?3 Ovqat pishirish bilmaslik ham yong’inga sabab bo’lishi mumkinmi?​

Помогите плиз даю 30 балов
Помогите плиз…ёрдам берийла.

5 ABOUT YOU Ask and answer the questions. 1 How often do you sleep in a tent? 2 Do you like camping? Why/Why not? 3 When was the last time you were lu … cky or did something stupid? 4 Can you remember a time when you were lost? What happened? How did you feel?Пжжж тапш​

Grade 2 Date Month

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write letters Aa and Bb; – say animals and sounds they produce; – recite a poem; Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of the difference between sounds animals produce in different countries; – to raise awareness of different pronunciation of the letter “A” and single pronunciation of “B”.

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?

The letter “Aa” [ei] is the first letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Aa” [ei] is the first vowel letter. It is a hard vowel letter. We read the letter “a” in the 4 types of syllable.

Apple [epl] – olma Apricot [eprikDt] – o’rik

The letter “Bb” [bi:] is the second (2 nd ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter Bb” [bi:] is a consonant letter. The letter “Bb” [bi:] is a voiced consonant letter. The letter “b” [bi:] gives the sound [b]. For example:

Bob [bDb] – Bob Boy [bDi] – o’g’il bola Bag [b«g] – sumka

Homework: Explain what to do at home: ‘Activity 1 Write the letters.’ Help them with gestures. Point to Activity 2 and say: ‘Count and match.’ Give an example as shown in the activity. Say: ‘Then colour the pictures.’

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of the pronunciation of the letters “C” and “D”.

Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write letters Cc and Dd; – say what school things they have with a structure “I’ve got . ” – use new words “grandad” and “granny” as well as the family words that they already know in the familiar structure

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter Cc [si:] is a third (3 rd ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Cc” [si:] is a consonant letter. The letter “Cc” [si:] is a voiceless consonant letter. It gives the phonemes [k] and [s].

1) before the hard vowel letter and consonant letters, it gives the phoneme [k]. For example: C ake [keik] – tort

C all [kD:l] – chaqirmoq


The letter “Dd” [di:] is the fourth (4 th ) letter in English alphabet. The letter “Dd” [di:] is a consonant letter. The letter “Dd” [di:] is a voiced consonant letter. It gives the phoneme [d]. For example:

D octor [dDkta] – shifokor D og [dDg] – it

D inner [dina] – kechki ovqat

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of the difference between “he”-“she” and “his”- “her” – to raise awareness of different pronunciation of the letter “E” and single pronunciation of “F”.

Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write the letters Ee and Ff; – say about themselves and their friends with structures “My name’s . This is my friend. His/ her name’s . “

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter “Ee” [i:] is the fifth (5 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Ee” [i:] is a vowel letter. The letter “Ee” [i:] is a soft vowel letter. It gives 4 types of phonemes.

1) The first(1 st ) type of syllable is close syllable. It gives the sound [e]. For example:

P e n [pen] – ruchka T e n [ten] – o’n


The letter Ff [ef] is the sixth (6 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Ff” [ef] is a consonant letter. The letter “Ff” [ef] is a voiceless consonant letter. It gives the phoneme [f]. For example:

F ox [foks] – tulki F ar [fa:] – uzoq

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write letters Gg and Hh

Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of how to categorize words; – to raise awareness of pronunciation of the letter “G” sound and pronunciation of “H” sound. Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter ” Gg ” [dzi:] is the seventh (7 th ) letter in the English alphabet. The letter “Gg” [dzi:] is a consonant letter. The letter “Gg” [dzi:] is a voiced consonant letter. It gives the phonemes [g] and [dz].

1) before the hard vowels and consonants it gives the phoneme [g]. For example:

G ame [geim] – o’yin G arden [ga:dn] – bog’


The letter Hh” [eitj] is a eights (8 th ) letter in the English Alphabet. The letter “Hh” [eitj] is a consonant letter. The letter “Hh” [eitj] is a voiceless consonant letter. It gives the sound [h]. For example:

H ot [hDt] – issiq H ome [hDum] – uy

Unit 2 Days of week

Lesson 5. I can.

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write letters Ii and Jj – use the structure “I can” with verbs learnt in Class 1; Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of different pronunciation of the letter “I” sounds and single pronunciation of “J”.

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter Ii [ai] is the ninth (9 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Ii” [ai] is a soft vowel letter. It gives 4 types of phonemes.

1) The first(1 st ) type of syllable is close syllable. It gives the sound [i]. For example: s i x [siks] – olti (6) p i t [pit] – o’ra, chuqur


The letter “Jj” [dzei] is the tenth (10 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Jj” [dzei] is a consonant letter. The letter “Jj” [dzei] is a voiced consonant letter. It gives the sound [dz]. For example:

J am [dz^m] – murabbo J uly [dzulai] – Iyul J une [dzu:n] – Iyun J ob [jDb] – ish

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write the letters Kk and Ll – say what their favourite day is; – ask and answer questions about favourite things;

Sociolinguistic competence: -to raise awareness of questions of common interest; – to raise awareness of the pronunciation of the letters “K” and “L” sounds.

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter “Kk” [kei] is the eleventh (11 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Kk” [kei] is a voiceless consonant letter. It gives the phoneme [k]. For example:

K eep [ki:p] – saqlamoq K ite [kait] – varrak


Te letter “Ll” [el] is the twelfth (12 th ) letter in English Alphabet. Te letter “Ll” [el] is a consonant letter. Te letter “Ll” [el] is a voiced consonant letter. It gives the sound [l]. For example:

L ook [luk] – qaramoq L etter [leta] – xat, harf

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write the letters Mm and Nn; – do sums in English using the word “plus”; – write numbers 12- 20 and backwards; – recognise the pronunciation of the letters “M” and “N” sounds.

Sociolinguistic competence: – to raise awareness of the similarity between doing sums in English and mother tongue; – to raise awareness of the pronunciation of the letters “M” and “N” sounds.

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?


The letter Mm [em] is the thirteenth (13 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Mm” [em] is a consonant letter. The letter “Mm” [em] is a voiced conso nant letter. It gives the sound [m]. For example:

M an [m^n] – kishi (erkak)

M any [meni] – ko’p


The letter Nn [en] is the fourteenth (14 th ) letter in English Alphabet. The letter “Nn” [en] is a consonant letter. The letter “Nn” [en] is a voiced consonant letter. It gives the sound [n]. For example:

N ame [neim] – ism N eed [ni:d] – kerak bolmoq

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognize, say and write the letters from A to N; – spell the words.

Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ? Who is ready for the answering them?

Playing “Jump a word”

First kids should find appropriate in mixed letters and create or build little word.

Kids play “move up” for enriching their knowledge.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – count numbers 1-20 and backwards; – do sums.

Bringing up: Bringing up all pupils in the spirit of loving holidays and customs. Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?

Activity 1 Play “ABC”.

Objectives: to consolidate the letters A-N; to have fun.

Look at Unit 4, Lesson 4, Activity 3 for the instructions. Play this game with the letters A­n.

Activity 2 Play “Snakes and Ladders”.

STEP 1: Ask the pupils to look at the “snakes and Ladders” board game. say that this game is very popular in Great Britain and other western countries. say that they should say ‘Move up!’ when somebody lands on a ladder and “Move down!” when somebody lands on a snake. When the pupils land on a ladder they must move up. When the pupils land on a snake they must move down.

STEP 2: say that the pupils will play in groups of 4. each group must have a dice and a counter for every pupil (you can give them small pieces of paper of different colours) say that they should move from Monday to sunday. When they land on the numbers, they must put their counters on that number and they must add or count them ccording to the type of the activity shown on the board. For example, if they land on 4, they must add the numbers, and if they land on 6, they must count 10 to 15. Then it will be the next pupil’s turn to throw the dice. Another rule of the game is that the pupil who cannot do the sums/cannot count or do them wrong/count wrong misses a go.

Unit 3 My free time

Lesson 10: I like.

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Practical: Introducing pupils with the new theme, improving their oral and written speech.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write the letters Oo and Pp; – say things they like using the vocabulary learnt in Bringing up: Bringing up all pupils in the spirit of loving holidays and customs. Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?

Activity 1 Listen and repeat.

Objective: to warm up

STEP 1: Play the DVD. Ask the pupils to listen to the song and say what the song is about. if they don’t guess, say that the song is about colours.

STEP 2: Play the DVD again and ask the pupils to sing together with the DVD.

Activity 2 Look, listen and tick.

Objective: to develop listening skills

STEP 1:Ask the pupils to open their Workbooks and find

Activity 2a. Ask them to look at the table and read the names of

the children. explain that they will listen to you to find the children’s bags. say that they must tick, for example when zumrad

says ‘i’ve got a red bag’, they must tick in the table and show it.

Check that all ticked correctly.

STEP 2: Pupils listen to the rest and go on putting ticks in the table for the relevant children.

The aim of the lesson :

Educational: Giving the information on family, generalizing the knowledge of the pupils on the new theme, enlarging the vocabulary of the pupils.

Practical: Introducing pupils with the new theme, improving their oral and written speech.

Developing: Improving the personal abilities of pupils and enlarging their outlook. Linguistic competence: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: – recognise, say and write the letters Qq and Rr; – say what they can do; – say and perform the chant about days of the week;

Bringing up: Bringing up all pupils in the spirit of loving holidays and customs. Equipments : textbooks, handouts, technical aids, a map of the world, a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

The course of the lesson:

  1. Who is on duty today?
  2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.

What was your homework for today ?

Who is ready for the answering them?

Warm up Listen and sing. Objectives: to warm up; to revise days of the week.

Activity 1 Play “What’s your favourite game?”

Objectives: to revise games; to prepare for the next activity.

Activity 2 Look, listen and repeat.

Objectives: to revise days of the week; to introduce the preposition ‘on’.

STEP 1: Ask the pupils what international words related to sport they know. elicit the words: football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, handball, etc.

Activity 3 Write the letters. 15 min

Objective: to learn two letters of the alphabet – Qq and Rr; to practise writing the letters; to consolidate the letters.

Optional Activity 4 Listen and say the chant.

Objective: to consolidate the days of the week

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and guess what they

mean. Then play the DVD and ask the pupils to listen and repeat.


Музыка онлайн:
2 Sinf Rus Tili Fanidan Konspekt

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8-sinf uchun test savollari

3. Ishlab chiqarishning ixtisoslashuvi nima?
A) Asosan bir xil mahsulot ishlab chiqarisni tashkillashtirish
B) Korxonaning turi
C) Mo`l ko`l mahsulot ishlab chiqarish
D) Ishlab chiqarish vositalaridan samarali foydalanish

A) Asosan bir xil mahsulot ishlab chiqarisni tashkillashtirish

4. Ishlab chiqarishning yirik korxonalarda to`planishi nimaning oqibati?
A) Ishlab chiqarishning markazlashuvi
B) Ishlab chiqarishdagi raqobatning
C) Fan va texnika taraqqiyotining
D) Barcha javoblar to`g`ri

A) Ishlab chiqarishning markazlashuvi

5. Korxonalarning hududiy joylashuvida mustaqillik tufayli qandday jarayon kechmoqda?
A) Ulkan korxonalar barpo etish (gigantamiya)ni susaytirish
B) O`rtacha va kichik korxonalar barpo bo`lishi kuchaydi
C) Qishloq joylarda ham sanoat ob`yektlari barpo qilish
D) Barcha javob to`g`ri

B) O`rtacha va kichik korxonalar barpo bo`lishi kuchaydi

6. Yoqilg`i sanoatining O`zbekistonda mavjud bo`lmagan tarmoqlarini belgilang?
A) Ko`mir B) Slanets C) Neft D) Torf

7. Elektroenergetika sanoatining O`zbekistonda mavjud bo`lmagan tarmoqlarini belgilang?
A) Gidroenergetika B) IES C) AES D) Suv qalqish elektr stansiyalari

8. Murakkab mashinasozlik korxonalarining joylashuvida qanday omil ustuvor ahamiyat kasb etadi?
A) mutaxassis kadrlar

B) xomashyo boyliklari
C) yoqilg`i-energiya omili
D) transport omili
B) xomashyo boyliklari

9. Qurilish materiallari korxonalarining joylashuvida qaysi omil ahamiyatsiz sanaladi?
A) xomashyo zahirasi B) tabiiy sharoit C) inson omili D) transport

D) transport

10. Mashinasozlikning milliy iqtisodiyotdagi barcha tarmoqlar bilan muqarrar aloqada bo`lishini nimalar taqozo qilmoqda?
A) Ishlab chiqarishning tobora samarador bo`lishiga ehtiyoj
B) Kishilarni og`ir mehnatdan xalos qilish
C) Kishilarning usluksiz ortib borayotgan ma`naviy ehtiyojini qondirish uchun bo`sh vaqt yaratish zaruriyati
D) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri

D) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri
11. Qishloq xo`jaligi mashinasozlikning asosan qaysi tarmog`iga bog`liq?
A) Stanoksozlik
B) Avtomobilsozlik
C) Uy-ro`zg`or buyumlari ishlab chiqarish
D) Traktorsozlik
B) Avtomobilsozlik

12. Agrosanoat majmuasini (ASM) rivojlantirish darajasi nimalarda namoyon bo`ladi?
A) ASM tarmoqlararo ishlab chiqarish aloqalarining jadallashuvida
B) Qishloq xo`jalik mahsulotlarini qayta ishlaydigan yengil va oziq-ovqat sanoati korxonalari soni ko`payishida
C) Ishlab chiqarish asosiy fanlari salmog`ida
D) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri

D) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri

13. Binokorlik korxonalarining hududiy joylashuvi qanday omillarga bog`liq?
A) xomashyo (manbai) zahirasi va geografik o`rniga
B) binokorlik ishlarining texnik ta`minlanishiga
C) qurilish ishlari ko`lamiga
D) tabiiy sharoitga
E) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri

E) javoblarning barchasi to`g`ri

14. Irrigatsiya va melioratsiya mashinasozligining yirik markazi qaysi shaharda joylashgan?
A) Namangan B) Andijon C) Toshkent D) Nukus

15. Respublikaning milliy tarkibida o`zbeklar necha foizni tashkil etadi?
A) 50 B) 80 C) 78 D) 83
16. Respublikamizdagi neft va gaz konlarining eng ko`pi qayerda joylashgan?
A) Farg`ona vodiysi
B) Buxoro-Xiva oralig`i
C) Ustyurt
D) Surxondaryo
B) Buxoro-Xiva oralig`i

17. Intensiv qishloq xo`jaligi deb nimaga aytiladi?
A) Yalpi qishloq xo`jalik mahsuloti hajmi maydon birligiga agrotexnik vositalardan ko`proq foydalanish hisobiga oshsa
B) Qishloq xo`jaligi mahsulotining hajmi chorva mollarining mahsuldor zotlarini yaratish hisobiga oshsa
C) Qishloq xo`jaligining rivojlanishi sarf qilingan mehnatning miqdoriga ko`ra belgilansa
D) Qishloq xo`jaligining rivojlanishi mehnatning sifatiga, mashina va o`g`itlardan foydalanish darajasiga qarab belgilansa

A) Yalpi qishloq xo`jalik mahsuloti hajmi maydon birligiga agrotexnik vositalardan ko`proq foydalanish hisobiga oshsa

18. Ekstensiv qishloq xo`jaligi deb nimaga aytiladi?
A) Yalpi qishloq xo`jalik mahsuloti hajmi maydon birligiga agrotexnik vositalardan ko`proq foydalanish hisobiga oshsa
B) Qishloq xo`jaligi mahsulotining hajmi chorva mollarining mahsuldor zotlarini ko`paytirish hisobiga oshsa
C) Qishloq xo`jaligi mahsulotlarini yetishtirish, ekin maydonlarini kengaytirish va chorva mollari sonini oshirish hisobiga ko`paysa
D) Qishloq xo`jaligining rivojlanishi mehnatning sifatiga, mashina va o`g`itlardan foydalanish darajasiga qarab belgilansa

C) Qishloq xo`jaligi mahsulotlarini yetishtirish, ekin maydonlarini kengaytirish va chorva mollari sonini oshirish hisobiga ko`paysa

19. Respublikamizda yagona tamaki yetishtiradigan tumanni belgilang?
A) Denov B) Urgut C) Parkent D) Ishtixon

20. Kanop yetishtirishda va uni qayta ishlashda yetakchi viloyatni toping?
A) Samarqand B) Toshkent C) Jizzax D) Surxondaryo

B) Toshkent

21. Quyidagilarning qaysi biri dehqonchilik tarmog`i emas?
A) paxtachilik B) pillachilik C) Sholichilik D) Polizchilik

B) pillachilik

22. Respublikadagi qaysi shaharda atlas ishlab chiqaradigan fabrika bor?
A) Marg`ilon B) Qo`qon C) Samarqand D) Andijon

A) Marg`ilon

23. Olmaliq tog`-metallurgiya kombinati nima eritishga ixtisoslashgan?
A) Volfram B) Rux C) Qo`rg`oshin D) Mis

24. Bog`dorchilik va uzumchilikning asosiy rayonlari qaysi zonada joylashgan?
A) tog` va cho`l zonasida

B) tog` oldi va tog` zonasida
C) sug`oriladigan yerlar va cho`l zonasida
D) dasht va cho`l zonasida
B) tog` oldi va tog` zonasida

25. Respublikamizda kartoshka eng ko`p yetishtiriladigan viloyatni aniqlang?
A) Samarqand B) Toshkent C) Jizzix D) Surxondaryo

A) Samarqand

26. Qorako`l qo`ylari Respublikamizning qaysi viloyatlarida boqiladi?
A) Buxoro, Namangan, Samarqand, Sirdaryo
B) Navoiy, Farg`ona, Buxoro
C) Buxoro, Navoiy, Qoraqalpog`iston
D) Farg`ona, Namangan, Xorazm

C) Buxoro, Navoiy, Qoraqalpog`iston

27. O`zbekiston jahonda qaysi tur mineral resurslar bo`yicha yetakchi o`rinlarda turadi?
A) oltin, uran, mis, gaz, volfram
B) oltin, ko`mir, neft, temir, alunit
C) qo`rg`oshin, tuz, marmar, kaolin
D) fosforit, soda, oltingugurt

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