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Ingliz tili olimpiada test javoblari

Buning uchun siz ko’rsatgan natijangizni @Tests_admin ga skrinshot qilgan holda yuborishingiz hamda ��‍�� Familiyasi, Ismi, Otasining ismi tuman, maktab ko’rinishida o’zlari haqidagi ma’lumotlari va Test topshirgan fanini berishlari talab qilinadi.

Ingliz tili olimpiada test javoblari

Umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablari va xalqaro olimpiada testlari, amaliy topshiriqlari. Hamkorlik va online olimpiada bo‘yicha kanal.
Barchangizga omad yor bo’lsin.


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���� Boshlang’ich ta’lim Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testi. @boshlangich_talimda
Bizning guruh @boshlangichtest testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

17.1K views 06:02

���� Tarix fanidan Ustozlar uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @talimkuni , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

17.5K views 06:59

���� Tarbiya fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @talimkuni , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi testi
�� 30 ta savol · 30 soniya

17.9K views 08:00

���� Huquqshunoslik fanidan 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @talimkuni , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

18.1K views 09:00

Olimpiadada faol ishtirok etganlar uchun Sertifikat �� beriladi.

Buning uchun siz ko’rsatgan natijangizni @Tests_admin ga skrinshot qilgan holda yuborishingiz hamda ��‍�� Familiyasi, Ismi, Otasining ismi tuman, maktab ko’rinishida o’zlari haqidagi ma’lumotlari va Test topshirgan fanini berishlari talab qilinadi.

19.1K views 09:18

���� Rus tili fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @talimkuni , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

17.6K views 04:00

���� Ingliz tili fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @olimpiadalar , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

17.3K views 04:29

���� Kimyo fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanal: @talimkuni Guruhimiz @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 35 ta savol · 45 soniya

17.9K views 05:00

���� Biologiya fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanal: @talimkuni Guruhimiz: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 40 ta savol · 1 daqiqa

18.3K views 05:59

���� Chizmachilik, Tasviriy san’at fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yilning ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 20 ta savol · 30 soniya

18.7K views 07:02

Olimpiadada faol ishtirok etganlar uchun Sertifikat �� beriladi.

Buning uchun siz ko’rsatgan natijangizni @Tests_admin ga skrinshot qilgan holda yuborishingiz hamda ��‍�� Familiyasi, Ismi, Otasining ismi tuman, maktab ko’rinishida o’zlari haqidagi ma’lumotlari va Test topshirgan fanini berishlari talab qilinadi.

17.0K views 17:24

���� Geografiya fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz @olimpiadalar , Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 20 ta savol · 30 soniya

15.1K views 05:59

���� Informatika fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attesttasiya01 testi
�� 25 ta savol · 45 soniya

15.0K views 06:59

���� Matematika fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 20 ta savol · 3 daqiqa

15.5K views 07:59

���� Fizika fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 25 ta savol · 45 soniya

15.6K views 09:00

���� Texnologiya fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 20 ta savol · 30 soniya

18.7K views 10:00

���� Musiqa fani Ustozlari uchun 2023-yil ilk @olimpiadalar testlari
Kanalimiz: @talimkuni Guruh: @attestatsiya01 testi
�� 25 ta savol · 30 soniya

18.0K views 10:59

Olimpiadada faol ishtirok etganlar uchun Sertifikat �� beriladi.

Buning uchun siz ko’rsatgan natijangizni @Tests_admin ga skrinshot qilgan holda yuborishingiz hamda ��‍�� Familiyasi, Ismi, Otasining ismi tuman, maktab ko’rinishida o’zlari haqidagi ma’lumotlari va Test topshirgan fanini berishlari talab qilinadi.

19.2K views 11:30

Maktabgacha ta’lim tashkilotlarida navbatdan tashqari ta’til e’lon qilinadi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Hukumatining tegishli yig‘ilish bayoniga asosan, ob-havo haroratining keskin tushib ketishi sababli maktabgacha ta’lim tashkilotlari tarbiyalanuvchilarida mavsumiy gripp kasalligi, shamollashning keskin ko‘payishiga yo‘l qo‘ymaslik uchun 2023-yil 10-18-yanvar kunlari navbatdan tashqari ta’til e’lon qilinadi.

Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi Axborot xizmati

22.9K views 14:41

Ob-havo haroratining keskin tushib ketishi sababli maktab o‘quvchilarining qishki ta’til kunlari uzaytiriladi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Hukumatining tegishli yig‘ilish bayoniga asosan, umumta’lim hamda ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab o‘quvchilarining qishki ta’til kunlari ob-havo haroratining keskin tushib ketishi sababli 2023-yilning 17-yanvarigacha davom etadi.

2022-2023-o‘quv yilining III choragi 2023- yilning 18-yanvaridan boshlanadi.

Joriy yilning 11-17- yanvar kunlari rejalashtirilgan dars mashg‘ulotlari o‘quv yili davomida boshqa mavzularda tig‘izlashtirilib o‘qitiladi.

Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi Axborot xizmati

9-sinf ingliz tilidan Olimpiada savollari 1- variant

2. A barber’s job _____is quite interesting is not well paid.

A)which B)who C)where D)what

3. I enjoy_______with a lot of people.

A)deal B)to deal C)dealt D)dealing

4. This person can make a lot of money, sometimes he/she risks and his job is very stressful.

A) trader B) barber C)biologist D) fireman

5. What are the disadvantages of the full -time job?

A)We shall be busy all the time B) We can get more money than the others

C) We can not go home D) It is a less-controlled job

6.Go along this street ____the post office and turn left. The supermarket is on the left.

A) till B) as far as C) into D) about

7. Which one is cheaper to contact friends?

A) phone B)e-mail C) fax D) book

8. I am phoning____ if you are able to come to come to the office earlier.

A) ask B)asking C)asked D)to ask

9.Are you successful?

A)Yes,I was B)No, I don’t C)Yes, I do D)Yes, I am

10.In the USA about half of all private schools are run by______ .

A)National government B) School council C)Catholic D) Directors

11. Find the construction noun+noun=adj

A) right-wing party B)businesswoman C)education system well-paid job

12.Find the correct translation:Urush 1941 – yil otam tug’ilganda boshlangan.

A) The war had begun when my father was born in 1941 B) The war began in 1941, when my father was born C) The war was in 1941 then my father was born in

D) When my father was born the war begun in 1941

13. When was the first motion picture studio opened in Holliwood?

A) In 1999 B)In 1898 C) In 1911 D)In 1973

14.Which one is true?

A) 4 th july is Independence day in the UK B)American children go trick or treating on October 31 C)Labour day is a religious holiday D) Pumpkins are not eaten by people

15. It is ___________music I have ever used.

A) more beautiful B)the most beautiful C)beautiful D)less beautiful

16. He said ,”I don’t want to see this film”. He said that___________

A) he did not want to see this film B)he doesn’t want to see this film

C)not to see this film D) he didn’t want to see that film

17. I am 17 now,_____?

A)are you B)don’t you C)amn’t I D)aren’t I

18.You are a teenager, are not you?

19.How many types of schools are there in the US education system?

20. A ________________is a person who studies people’s bodies , animals and plants.

21.Do you use e-mail ? (Give positive answer)

22.Yesterday we had ____good breakfast.(Put the article)

23.What are private schools called in England and Wales.

24. Rings, earrings, etc. made of gold and silver-What are they?

25Translate into Uzbek. Truancy.

9-sinf ingliz tilidan Olimpiada savollari 2-variant

1.How many types of schools are there in the US education system?

2. What are private schools called in England and Wales?

A) public schools B) comprehensive schools C) secondary schools D)middle schools

3. I am phoning____________you to my birthday party?

4.Translate. Kotibaning ishi kam haq to’lanadigan mas’uliyatli ishdir.

A)A secretary’s job which is demanding is not well paid B) The secretary is not paid well but her job is very responsible C) Secretaries are not well paid which their work is demanded

D) A secretary demands a job which is well paid

5.I am a member of the school council,_______________?

A)are you B)aren’t you C)aren’t I D) don’t I

6.He said to me,”I am buying a new car”

A) He told to me that he was going a new car B) They were buying a new car

C) He told me that he was buying a new car D)He said to me that he was buying a new car

7. She was _____Paris last month.

A) to B)through C) along D)in

8. ______________I have another cup of tea?

A) Must B) Would C)May D)Do

9. Whish on is true?

A) A producer is the person who organizes money for a film. B) “O’tgan Kunlar “ is a satirical comedy C) Yuri Nikulin is from states D) The Statue of Liberty is the present of Americans

10.Which one is cheaper to contact friends?

A) Fax B) E-mail C) Phone D) TV

11. This is ___________essay I have written lately

A) the most B) the more interesting C) the shortest D) long

12. I___________tell you the truth if you _________in time

A)tell/came B) will/ will come C)would/had come D)would/came

13.Find the construction noun+noun=adj

A)construction union B) left-wing party C)businessman D) Remembrance Day

14.I don’t want to lose my job. But I wish I had a job ______perks

A) with B)on C)to D) about

15.There__________a big apple tree and some cherry trees in our garden.

A) are B)has C)is D)were

16.Where is the girl ___________dictation was written with full of enthusiasm?

A) who B)whose C)which D)that

17. Her little brother _______me ___friend.

A)remind/for B)reminds /of C) reminding/to D)reminded/ to

18.Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering are the main heroes of_____________

19.Which school is for children with only one parent in England and Wales?

20. Yesterday we had _____good swim. Put the article.

21. Had you ever been there before? (Give a positive answer)

22.East or West ________is best

23.Past form of the verb “teach”

24. The person who is responsible for you but is not your father or mother

25.What is the English for “darslarni sababsiz qoldirgan o’quvchi”

Monitoring guruhi rahbari: Istamova X

A’zolari: Toshpo’latova M, Jabborov M

9-sinf ingliz tili olimpiada savollari III-variant

1. A barber’s job _____is quite interesting is not well paid.

A)which B)who C)where D)what

2. I am phoning____ if you are able to come to come to the office earlier.

A) ask B)asking C)asked D)to ask

3. When was the first motion picture studio opened in Holliwood?

A) In 1999 B)In 1898 C) In 1911 D)In 1973

4.Find the correct translation:Urush 1941 – yil otam tug’ilganda boshlangan.

A) The war had begun when my father was born in 1941 B) The war began in 1941, when my father was born C) The war was in 1941 then my father was born in

D) When my father was born the war begun in 1941

5.I am a member of the school council,_______________?

A)are you B)aren’t you C)aren’t I D) don’t I

6. How many types of schools are there in the US education system?

7. He said ,”I don’t want to see this film”. He said that___________

A) he did not want to see this film B)he doesn’t want to see this film

C)not to see this film D) he didn’t want to see that film

8. I am 17 now,_____?

A)are you B)don’t you C)amn’t I D)aren’t I

9Where is the girl ___________dictation was written with full of enthusiasm?

A) who B)whose C)which D)that

10. Her little brother _______me ___friend.

A)remind/for B)reminds /of C) reminding/to D)reminded/ to

11.I don’t think that detention is good. A)So do I B)Neither does he C)He also thinks D) Neither we do

12. I enjoy_______with a lot of people.

A)deal B)to deal C)dealt D)dealing

13. This person can make a lot of money, sometimes he/she risks and his job is very stressful.

A) trader B) barber C)biologist D) fireman

14. Whish on is true?

A) A producer is the person who organizes money for a film. B) “O’tgan Kunlar “ is a satirical comedy C) Yuri Nikulin is from states D) The Statue of Liberty is the present of Americans

15.Which one is cheaper to contact friends?

A) Fax B) E-mail C) Phone D) TV

16.Are you successful?

A)Yes,I was B)No, I don’t C)Yes, I do D)Yes, I am

17. She was _____Paris last month.

A) to B)through C) along D)in

18.In the USA about half of all private schools are run by______ .

19.East or West ________is best

20.Past form of the verb “teach”

21.What is the capital of the USA?

22. What are private schools called in England and Wales.

23. Rings, earrings, etc. made of gold and silver-What are they?

24.Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering are the main heroes of_____________

25. You are a teenager, are not you?

Answer key 1 st version

1B 2A 3D 4A 5A 6B 7B 8D 9D 10C 11A 12B 13C 14B 15B 16D 17D

18Yes, I am 19 5types 20 biologist 21 Yes , I do

22 a 23 public schools 24 jewelry 25 sababsiz dars qoldirish

Answer key 2 nd version

1C 2A 3C 4A 5C 6C 7D 8C 9A 10B 11C 12D 13B 14A 15C 16B 17 B 18Pygmalion 19The state nursery schools 20 a 21 Yes, I had 22 home

23 taught 24 guardian 25 truant

S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
j A D C B C C D C B B B D A A B D D

18. Catholic

Respublika Ingliz tili fan olimpiadasi. 1-bosqich!

Iqtidorli yoshlarni qo‘llab quvvatlash va yoshlarning ingliz tili savodxonlik darajasini oshirish maqsadida OLIYGOH.UZ ta’lim platformasi jamoasi va “REGISTON” o‘quv markazi hamkorlikda Respublika miqyosida 3 bosqichli “Ingliz tili fan olimpiadasi” tashkil etildi.

Olimpiada uchun Respublikamizning turli burchaklaridan jami 17 ming 800 nafar yoshlar ro‘yxatdan o‘tishdi va g‘oliblik uchun kurashishdi.

Olimpiadaning birinchi iva ikkinchi bosqichlari OLIYGOH.UZ ta’lim platformasida tashkil etildi. Olimpiadaning 1-bosqichi 11-iyul kuni bo‘lib o‘tdi va Respublikamizdan jami 9 mingdan ziyod yoshlar ishtirok etdi hamda eng yaxshi nomzodlar keyingi bosqichga yo‘llanmani qo‘lga kiritishdi. Olimpiadaning 2-bosqichi 18-iyul kuni Respublikamizning minglab iqtidorli yoshlaridan saralanib olingan 1000 nafar eng yaxshi nomzod qatnashishdi hamda eng kuchlilar final bosqichiga yo‘llanmani qo‘lga kiritishdi.

Olimpiadaning hal qiluvchi 3-bosqichi (final bosqichi) ga eng yaxshi natija ko‘rsatgan 169 nafar (bir yuz oltmish to‘qqiz nafar) ishtirokchi yo‘llanma olishdi. Olimpiadaning final bosqichi 25-iyul kuni “REGISTON” o‘quv markazining “Registan Academy” va “Registan Chilanzar” filiallarining maxsus imtihonlar bo‘lib o‘tadigan auditoriyasida sinovdan o‘tkazildi. Ishtirokchilar final bosqichida ingliz tili bilish darajasining speaking, writing, reading va listening ko‘nikmalarini sinovdan o‘tkazishdi.

Ma’lumot uchun, Olimpiada g‘oliblariga maxsus mukofotlar, esdalik sovg‘alar, I,II va III darajali QR-kodli DIPLOMLAR topshirildi. Olimpiadada ishtirok etgan nomzodlarning barchasiga maxsus sertifikatlar va esdalik sovg‘alar berildi.

Hamkor tashkilotlar: Innovatsion rivojlanish vazirligi, Respublika yosh olimlar Kengashi, “Regbooks” nashriyoti.