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Ingliz tilidan DTM namunasidagi test

Manzil: Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor tumani 11-mavze 46-uy


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Oxirgi xabar

2022-12-11 06:22:56

Talabalik davringiz eng yorqin lahzalarga boy boʻlishini istaysizmi?
– Unda sizni diplomi tan olinadigan O’zbekiston Xususiy universitetlarga kirishingizni 100% kafolatlaymiz!
ta’lim YO‘NALISHLARIGA qishki qabul boshlandi
Davolash ishi
Filologiya (barcha tillar)
Kompyuter texnologiyalari (IT)
Sport turlari
Boshlang’ich ta’lim
Maktabgacha ta’lim
Iqtisodiyot sohalari
Bank ishi va audit
Neft va gaz
va boshqa ko’plab sohalar
Bugundan boshlab qabul ESHIKLARI sizlar uchun OCHIQ.
Qo’shni davlatlardan xususiy universitetlarga 2-3-kurslardan perevod qilish imkoni ham mavjud!

Ta’lim tili: O’zbek, Rus, ingliz
Bakalavr Diplomi
Universitetlar: Litsenziya | Akkreditatsiyaga ega
O’zbekistonda tan olinadigan Diplom

Qabul tugashiga sanoqli kunlar qoldi!

Batafsil ma’lumot uchun telefonlar

238 viewsС. Латипов, 03:22
2022-12-10 17:08:22

Telegramda KATTA KONKURS start oldi!

10-dekabr kuni 23:59 da ball yig’ish to’xtatiladi va eng ko’p ball yig’gan 10 ishtirokchi pul yutuqlari bilan taqdirlanadi:

1-o’rin — 5 million so’m
2-o’rin — 2 million so’m
3-o’rin — 1 million so’m
4-o’rin — 500 ming so’m
5-o’rin — 400 ming so’m
6-7-o’rinlar — 300 ming so’m
8-9-o’rinlar — 200 ming so’m
10-o’rin — 100 ming so’m


121 views���������������������� �������������� , 14:08
2022-12-10 13:04:36

DTM imtihoni uchun
BARCHA FANLARDAN onlayn tayyorgarlik testiga start berildi!

Ertaga, 11-dekabr kuni 20:00 da DTM standartidagi onlayn imtihonda ishtirok eting va bilimingizni sinovdan o’tkazing!

Ishtirok etish BEPUL
Imtihonda qatnashish

BLOK TEST barcha fanlardan bo’lib o’tadi. O’zingizga mos yo’nalishni tanlang:

Ingliz tili + Matematika
Ingliz tili + Ona tili
Kimyo + Biologiya
Matematika + Ingliz tili
Matematika + Ona tili
Matematika + Fizika
Ona tili + Ingliz tili
Ona tili + Matematika
Ona tili + Rus tili
Ona tili + Tarix
Tarix + Geografiya
Tarix + Ingliz tili
Tarix + Ona tili
Biologiya + Ona tili
Biologiya + Kimyo
Kimyo + Matematika
Geografiya + matematika
va boshqa yo’nalishlar

Test sizga nima beradi ?

barcha fanlardan blok test
➞ javoblar tahlili
➞ umumiy natijalar mandati
➞ DTM standartidagi savollar
➞ asosiy fan + majburiy fanni tanlash

Eng muhimi, test yakunida qaysi oliygohga kirishingiz mumkinligi haqida tahliliy ma’lumotlar beriladi.

Edu – ta’lim yangiliklari

183 viewsС. Латипов, 10:04
2022-12-10 13:04:20

Nodavlat oliy ta’lim tashkiloti tugatilganda talabalarining taqdiri nima bo‘ladi?

Savolga rasmiy javobni Xususiy universitetlarga litsenziya beradigan asosiy tashkilot Ta’lim sifatini nazorat qilish davlat inspeksiyasi Axborot xizmati rahbari Shavkat Xo‘jaqulov javob berdi.

159 viewsС. Латипов, 10:04
2022-12-09 16:05:46

2022/2023 yil uchun O’zbekistonda joylashgan litsenziyaga ega Universitetlarda talaba bo’lishingiz uchun so’nggi imkoniyat

Ta’lim shakli: Kunduzgi va sirtqi

Kompyuter dasturlash texnologiyalari;
Filologiya: Ona tili/ Ingliz tili
Soliq va soliqqa tortish;
Buxgalteriya hisobi va moliya;
Tarix, Huquq
Boshlang’ich ta’lim
Maktabgacha ta’lim
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport

Kontrakt 10 mln so’m dan boshlanadi

Firma to’lovi chegirmada 2.5 mln
2-kursga perevod uchun 4 mln
3-kursga perevod uchun 4,5 mln

Murojaat uchun:
93-613-11-21 | Online murojaat
94-072-11-21 | Online murojaat
99-533-11-21 | Online murojaat

Manzil: Toshkent shahar novza metro Ziraat bank yonida
Manzil: Namangan Sardoba bozori yonida

Telegram kanal: @dreaminternational_uz

399 viewsС. Латипов, 13:05
2022-12-09 10:51:09


“YUKSALISH GROUP CONSULTING” orqali tez va osson talaba boʻling


Barcha universitetlarga chegirma davom etmoqda .
20 dan ortiq yoʻnalishlar bor.
2, 3 kursga oʻqishni koʻchirish mumkin. (Перевод)

Firma toʻlovi 4.000.000 emas chegirma narxda 1.000.000 soʻm.
(Chegirma muddati 1-dekabrdan 20-dekabrgacha)

Call Center
+998949452056 | Online murojaat
+998949442056 | Online murojaat
+998949822056 | Online murojaat
+998917888248 | Online murojaat

Manzil: Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor tumani 11-mavze 46-uy

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar:
Instagram | Telegram

138 viewsС. Латипов, 07:51
2022-12-08 17:57:36

Talaba bo’lishga ulgurmadingizmi?
Sizda NMD group support yordamida �������������������� talaba bo’lish imkoni bor.

Rasman 2022-2023-o’quv yili uchun O’zbekistonda joylashgan Oliy ta’lim muassasalariga qishki qabul boshlandi

Mavjud yo’nalishlar
Boshlang’ich ta’lim;
Maktabgacha ta’lim;
Pedagogika va psixologiya;
Moliya va moliyaviy texnologiyalar;
Xorijiy til va adabiyot (Ingliz tili, rus tili).

Ta’lim shakli: kunduzgi, kechki, sirtqi
Kontrakt 9 milliondan boshlanadi
Hujjatlar 3 kun davomida onlayn qabul qilinadi
3 yil staji borlar uchun onlayn ta’lim

Firma to’lovi: 1.8 million so’m;
Perevod uchun: 2.5 million so’m;

Murojaat uchun:

Shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan

122 viewsС. Латипов, 14:57
2022-12-08 12:00:15

O’ZBEKISTONdagi xususiy universitetlarga 2022-2023
o’quv yili uchun qabullarimiz yakunlanmoqda O’zbekiston va chet el universitetlariga ATIGI 3.000.000 SO’MGA talaba bo’lishingizni kafolatlaymiz

Filologiya (tillar bo’yicha)
Pedagogika va psixologiya
Boshlang’ich ta’lim
Maktabgacha ta’lim
Kompyuter texnologiyalari (IT)
Davolash ishi
Neft va gaz
Elektir energiya

Xususiy universitetlarga 2-3 kursdan perevod qilish imkoni ham mavjud!

Ta’lim shakllari: Kunduzgi, Sirtqi va kechki
Yillik kontrakt: 11 mlndan 17 mlngacha

Shoshiling kvotalar soni cheklangan!

Batafsil ma’lumot va hujjatlar qabuli uchun telefonlar

Murojaat uchun:

Qabul tugashiga 4 kun qoldi

Manzil:Toshkent shahar chilonzor tumani shuxrat choraxa turon bank yonida

265 viewsС. Латипов, 09:00
2022-12-07 14:25:58

Abiturientlar Diqqatiga!

Toshkent da joylashgan nufuzli universitetlarda TALABA bo’lish imkoniyati hali ham mavjud!

Ta’lim turi: kunduzgi, sirtqi, kechki
Bakalavr diplomi
Litsenziya | Akkreditatsiyaga ega
O’zbekistonda tan olingan diplom
Qulay to’lov-kontrakti
Kafolatlangan xizmat
2-kurs dan o’qishga joylash (PEREVOD)

– Tarix
– Iqtisod
– Rus tili adabiyoti
– Ingliz tili adabiyoti
– Soliqlar va soliqqa tortish
– Buxgalteriya
– Xalqaro moliya
– Matematika
– Dasturlash – IT
– Arxitektura


Kompaniya xizmati- 2.5 mln so’m

Rasmiy shartnoma bilan ishlaydigan yagona ishonchli consulting firma
Firibgarlardan ogoh bo’ling


Qabul komissiya bo’yicha
Murojaat uchun:
+998998240997 | @uni_operator
+998998340997 | @uni_operator_1

Ingliz tilidan DTM namunasidagi test

13. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
Actually I find it … for health to sit and stare at the screen of the computer all day without doing anything.
A) dangerously B) dangerous C) danger D) dangerless

14. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

For years her only ambition ______ to become a film star.
A) is B) has been C) have been D) are

15. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

If you had got up earlier, you ______ not ______ the bus.
A) will/miss B) had/missed C) would/have missed D) did/miss

16. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

The Grand Hotel ________ five pounds for a single room with bath.
A) pays B) prices C) charges D) expends

17. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

A bird in the hand _____.
A) is worth two in the bush
B) makes even a cat laugh
C) has brought forth a mouse
D) speaks louder than words

18. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

It was raining, ________ was a pity.
A) what B) that C) the which D) which

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below, according to the text (19-21).

After finishing school they got jobs working together at a medical school hospital which their university had been affiliated with. The four years of intense training they had obtained made them suitable for positions not often given to new graduates. After a short in- service program they were assigned to their wards and began working with patients who had undergone major surgery. The new group of nurses proved to be excellent professionals. At the same time, they were able to maintain the close bonds of friendship that had developed between them before graduation.

19. The new nurses were trained _____.
A) in the hospital before they began to work.
B) for four years in an intensive university program.
C) for major surgery.
D) to be professionals and to maintain their bonds.

20. Their training _____.

A) was better than that of other students.
B) taught them to care about each other.
C) took place in an affiliated school.
D) was in their service position.

21. The best TITLE for this passage is _____.

A) Training of Nurses.
B) Graduation and the Nurse
C) What They Did After School
D) The New Professionals.

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below, according to the text (22-24).

The rose is the first thing that comes into the minds of most people when they hear the word flower. The rose has been known throughout the Northern Hemisphere as far back as literature records.

The name for the rose is almost the same in every European language. But the Europeans are not the only people to have given this flower importance. Writers and poets of ancient civilizations such as the Persians and Chinese also praised the flower. Dried roses have even been found in Egyptians tombs.

22. The rose _____.

A) is a flower that has been known to only a few lucky civilizations.
B) has been written about on Egyptian tombs.
C) is the first flower known to people.
D) has been treasured by all civilizations.

23. We know that ancient civilizations prized the rose because _____.

A) the Persians wrote about it.
B) poets have praised it.
C) the Egyptians buried them.
D) nor-them writers mention it.
E) it is referred to in the earliest forms of literature.

24. The best TITLE for this passage is _____.

A) A Rose by Any Name
B) Roses and Man’s History
C) The Universal Flower
D) The Ancients and the Rose

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below, according to the text (25-27).

When Queen Victoria died in 1901, the world was entering a new and exciting period of change. For instance, in that year, for the first time, wireless signals had crossed the Atlantic and, in the following

year, an airship flew from Europe to America. Already the motor car had come into use and was making life much easier. Telephones, also, were becoming fairly common. Politically and economically, people looked forward to a time of peace, wealth and progress. In fact, nothing seemed to stand in the way of such a future.

25. It is obvious from the passage that the twentieth century _____.
A) opened with a decline in industrial and economic activity.
B) inherited, from the previous century, very many serious social and political problems.
C) began in a spirit of hope and confidence which was more or less world-wide.
D) was ushered in by a wave of despair and discontent.
E) introduced a period of economic and political unrest.

26. At the beginning of the twentieth century, people _____.
A) were still not fully aware of the benefits of the telephone.
B) believed that technological and economic progress could not be halted.
C) preferred to make their long distance journeys by airship.
D) were extremely upset by the death of Queen Victoria.

27. From the passage one can conclude that at the turn of the new century _____.
A) the drawbacks of industrialization became evident.
B) it seemed that nothing more could be invented.
C) progress and change were to be seen on every side.
D) Technological progress was hampered by an economic crisis.

Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below, according to the text (28-30).

Public libraries, maintained by the local authorities, are well developed and progressive, and everywhere allow people to borrow books without charge. The books in the lending section are always kept on open shelves, and library staffs are very helpful in getting books on request from other libraries through the exchange system. Most libraries report an increase in borrowing over the past few years, so television does not seem to be stopping people from reading, as it was feared that it would.

28. It is explained in the passage that any book which is not available in one library _____.
A) won’t be available at any library
B) can be brought from another
C) discourages people from using libraries
D) spoils the whole lending system of the public libraries

29. As pointed out in the passage, people nowadays _____ .
A) prefer entertaining television programs to reading
B) are using public libraries more than they used to in the past
C) read a lot but don’t use the libraries much
D) complain a great deal about the poor services the libraries are offering

30. The passage gives us the impression that public libraries ____ .
A) charge more than is necessary for the services given
B) are no longer receiving any financial support from local authorities
C) are working extremely efficiently at present
D) do not cooperate with each other at all

Test topshirish

Oliy taʼlim muassasalariga kirish uchun mo‘ljallangan savollarga o‘xshash savollardan iborat test imtihonlarini topshiring. Har biri 15 ta savoldan iborat 3 ta majburiy fanlardan hamda tanlangan taʼlim yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha 30 talik test savollaridan iborat 2 ta blokdagi testlarni 3 soat davomida ishlab chiqing va natijalarga ega bo‘ling. VIRTUAL IMTIHON topshirish bepul.

Mavzuli testlar

Tanlangan fanlardan mavzulashtirilgan yoki aralash testlarni ishlagan holda bilimingizni mustahkamlang. Savollar soni ixtiyoriy bo‘lib, natijalar test yakunida yoki test davomida ko‘rsatiladi. MASHG‘ULOT testlarini topshirish bepul.

Blokli testlar

30 ta test savolidan iborat blokli testlar DTM standartlari asosida professional repetitorlar tomonidan tuzilgan bo‘lib mavzularning ketma-ketligi va savollarning qiyinchilik darajasi kirish imtihonlaridagi testlar kabi tanlab olinadi. Blokli test topshirish bepul.

Qabul kvotalari 2020/2021

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining qaroriga muvofiq, 2020/2021 oʻquv yilida Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi oliy taʼlim muassasalariga davlat buyurtmasi asosida oʻqishga qabul qilishning quyidagi parametrlari tasdiqlandi.