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Pedro Pascal Cries From His Head While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Sean Van Acker 15 часов назад Yes, but he didn’t become a chilli LEGALLY. Time to step in and show him how it’s done Mr Zocial Butterfly.

Kla 15 часов назад hello mister silly man to the max fosh
Juicy Jesus 15 часов назад How did you comment 7 minutes before the video was posted what the heck

moglaude 15 часов назад We can now dream of a Fosh eating hot wings on here one day ! Silly and hot ��

Princely Snail 15 часов назад Are you going to comment on every hot ones video until you get invited now?

FixtaFernback 16 часов назад +657

Imagine being a part of 3 huge TV shows, two of which he is the main star of, and being this humble, charming and likeable. Love him.

Editor Jay The Editor 15 часов назад He didn’t even pitch them. thats a truly nice guy.
Ollie Ox 15 часов назад Much like Bryan Cranston.

Domingo Rubies 15 часов назад @12StringFingerpicking he still does all the dialogue, they pay him well , guy’s a Star

raccoonka raccoonka 15 часов назад Maybe it’s because he became popular when his personality formed

12StringFingerpicking 15 часов назад +2 Its gotta be a good deal for him.. starring in Mandolorian when most all of his scenes can be played by someone else in a costume. Im curious how that works out with pay and his work load at Mandolorian.

starsong124 15 часов назад +72

Sean is literally one of the best interviewers, you could tell this was probably the best interview Pedro has done considering they’re all about him being “daddy” and a thirst trap. He was actually asked about his work and personal things- I love that for him ��

Clara -My New SAX Video Vlog 16 часов назад +749

If Pedro Pascal, Brendan Fraser and Keanu Reeves were all in the same film, the mass amount of wholesomeness would destroy the space time continuum.

Joseph Henson 15 часов назад Obviously missed the whole Gina Corano thing and how he pushed to get her fired and constantly wished bad on his political opponents.

Aaron Trask 15 часов назад And that’s facts
Katie Rowen 15 часов назад +1 Add Ke Huy Quan.
Andrew Sawyer 15 часов назад smash.
krazyknva78 15 часов назад +1 Too wholesome, we need something to keep it grounded . Ryan Reynolds.
ahmya km 16 часов назад +207

all throughout this video i held the biggest longest smile ever. Pedro is such a blessing to this world.

C M 15 часов назад +1 Same!! Guess Pedro just has that effect on some ppl…
Mnxe 16 часов назад +85

Pedro Pascal is one of those rare celebrities that just feels so genuine and absolutely deserves the love and hype he’s been getting lately and I hope it continues through the rest of his career. He stays out of drama, has no controversies – he’s just a decent guy who’s comfortable making fun of himself and making people laugh. I love him, he’s genuinely just an awesome dude. ❤ I can’t wait to see what he does in the future. “Thank you for having me, I feel like I’m finally cool.” Oh my gosh, he’s so sweet. ��

O‘zbek administratori va muallimi blogi

Ushbu blogda open source, linux va turli dasturlar hamda ularni oʻzbek tiliga tarjima qilish haqida maqolalar berib boriladi.

Monday, December 29, 2014

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Ilgari ham bu haqda maqola yozgandim, lekin ko‘pchilik yangi “Adobe Reader” dasturidan foydalanayotganligi uchun tushunmaslik holatlari bo‘ldi, shuning uchun o‘sha eski maqolani yangilamoqdaman.

Kitob holida chop qilish uchun koʻplab dasturlar chiqarilgan, lekin buni “Adobe reader” dasturida juda oson amalga oshirish mumkin. Buning uchun .pdf formatdagi faylni “Adobe reader” dasturida ochishinizga toʻgʻri keladi. Keyin esa Ctrl+P tugmasini bosish bilan chop qilish oynasini paydo qilamiz.
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Hamma sahifalar printerdan chiqib boʻlgach, qogʻozlarni chalkashtirmasdan, olib printerning qogʻoz qoʻyiladigan joyiga qoʻyish kerak (Yaʻni endi chiqishi kerak boʻlgan tarafi toza boʻlishi kerak).
Endi biz sahifaning orqa tarafini chiqarishimiz kerak boʻladi. Yana Ctrl+P ni bosamiz.
1. “Booklet printing” tanlanganligiga ishonch hosil qilamiz.
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4. “Reverse pages” degan joyga belgi qoʻyamiz va “OK” tugmasini bosamiz.

Endi chiqqan qogʻozlarni bukib kitob holiga keltirish va maxsus stepler yoki oddiy igna va ip yordamida tikib olishingiz mumkin. Tepada ko‘rsatilgan birorta ham holatni e’tiboringizdan chetda qoldirmang! Faqat bu chop qilish usulini oldin kamroq sahifali varaqlarni chop qilib sinab koʻrishni maslahat beraman. Buning uchun oddiy yozuvlarni “Libre office”da .pdf formatga aylantirib chiqarish mumkin. Sahifa kamida 4 varaqdan ibora boʻlishi kerak.
Endi bemalol sinab koʻrishingiz mumkin.