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Bolalar uchun ingliz tili

2. A dog and a pig. 2. Kuchuk va cho‘chqa. 3. A cat and a rat. 3. Mushuk va kalamush. 4 . 1 see: 4. Men ko‘ryapman: a pig and a hen cho‘chqani va tovuqni a dog and a gun kuchukni va miltiqni a cat and a hat mushukni va shlapani v. Esda tuting: I see [‘ai’si:] – men ko‘ryapman I see 9

Bolalar uchun ingliz tili pdf


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Bolalar uchun ingliz tili

УДК 811.111(075) К В К 81.2 Ингл S-63 Skulte, Valentina Ivanovna S-63 Bolalar uchun ingliz tiii: 2 qismli o ‘quv qoilanm a: Us- lubiy ko‘rsatma va javoblar / Valentina Ivanovna Skulte; – Toshkent: ,VRT FLEX, 2012. – 880 b. ISBiN 978-9943-345-51-5 V. Skultenir.g ushbu ommabop kitobi – ingliz tilini tez va oson o‘zlashtirislmi istagan bolalar hamda katta yoshdagi kishilar uchun bebaho qoMlanmadir. Metodik ko’rsatm alar va kalitlar bilan to ‘ldiriIgan ushbu metodik nashr ingliz tilini o ‘rganuvchilarga mustaqil ravishda, ham­ da o‘qituvchi bilan m ashg‘ulot olib borish imkonini beradi. 0 ‘quv materiali qiziqarli tarzda, ingliz mumtoz adabiyoti namunalarining asl matnlaridan keng foydalanilgaa holda o’quvchilarga havola etilmoqda. УДК 811,1X1(075) KBK 81.2 Ингл COSliaxova N.V.. m erosxo‘rlar, 1997 & «AYRiS-press» Nashriyoti» MChJ, 2002 \”©•O’zbekiston Respublikasi hududida o‘zbek (tiiidagi nashri. “ART FLEX” MChJ. Jami- ; yatning birinchi nashr etish yili. 2012

LESSON ONE (1) I N G L I Z CH A H A R F L A R MOCRТ,LЛAosaa. r/rfc-Aa Bb Cc Rr Tt TL itlfc ia cat a bat a rat izCOCLCb, o c c r , Ш : ж ~п£~ Алл,, a T Z L 4 fz ; T ia;-¿n; лхц. :cay. тшгг А 2 (bt, a t, a t, a t a a it, a /ul¿, a ên£-

at at at at cat cat rat rat bat bat a cat, a rat, a bat, a rat, a bat, a rat, a cat, a bat алъ а, en cro -o cr ‘fr’frfr fr H i t / ai at ai A s A s A s A /J y А П У A / l t С П / C n i ¿ O s $ ü Í H arflar va tovushlar а[э][® ] с [к] t[t] b [b] r[r] S o ‘z la r 1. a cat [a’kæt] – mushuk 2. a bat [a’bæt] – ko‘rshapalak 3. a rat [a’ræt] – kalamush Topshiriqlar I. 3-betdagi rasmlaming nomini inglizcha ayting. II. 4-betdagi matrnii o ‘qing. III. So‘zlam i o ‘qing va taijim a IV. So‘zlami ingliz tiliga taijima qiling. qiling. 1. A rat, a bat, a cat. 1. Kalamush, ko‘rsha- palak, mushuk. 2. A bat, a cat, a rat. 2. Ko‘rshapalak, mu­ shuk, kalamush. V. Esda tuting: one [wAn] – bir, bitta, bir dona lesson [lesn] – dars

LESSON TWO (2) fid Dd Ee e* Hh n ,» N n cl cn: PP a cap cl J ulL a hat a pen /ri/ri/rb/rb At Al Ai~Al f i srum, (Lpj&n, a him 9rm ti9z a. Juit, a. aLh, a. aih- cun (Ml Otyn/Iy usn/v Cl a P cl A u m a n d , ~rz T

âlJ iæ i A pen and a hen. a hen A cat and a rat. A hat and a cap. A rat and a bat. H arflar va tovushlar h [h] e [e] n [n] d [d] p [p] S o‘zlar 1. a cap [э’каер] – kep- 3. a pen [э’реп] – ruch- ka, qalpoq ka 2. a hat [a’hæt] – shla- 4. a hen [a’hen] – tovuq pa (erkaklar va 5. and [and] – va ayollamiki) (bog‘lovchi) Topshiriqlar I. 3, 5, 6-betdagi rasmlaming nomini inglizcha ayting. II. 6-betdagi matnni o ‘qib, tarjima qiling. III. 0 ‘qing va taxjima qiling: IV. So‘zlami ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling: 1. A hen, a hat, a pen. 1. Tovuq, shlapa, ruchka. 2. A bat, a cap, a cat. 2. Ko‘rshapaIak, kepka, 3. A rat and a cat. mushuk. 4. A bat and a hat. 3. Kalamush va mushuk. 4. Ko‘rshapalak va shla- pa.

5. A hen, a bat, a cat 5. Tovuq, ko‘rshapalak, and a rat. mushuk va kalamush. 6. A cap, a pen. 6. Kepka, ruchka. 7. A bat and a cat. 7. Ko‘rshapalak va V. Esda tuting: two [tu:] – i mushuk. LESSON THREE (3) ^9 Gg J a, l i U. U u Oor Oo a dog a pig CL tjJJsn a cup a gun 7

Ау Aу Ay AL AL А Г Ч Г ÿ iL ÿ iL ÿ iL CIL CLL CIL p i s £Ж 7р1 VMêW/i ~Œ(ÿWn^ CL CL u p up и л a сиЛ, a œ p a a pû p H IT T pJ C r c r c r d z r c u r cl c w y , ФЯЮ 1I » û A dog and a pig. A cup and a cap. A bat, a dog and a pig. A gun and a cup. A hat and a hen. A gun, a cup and a hat. One gun, one dog and one rat. H arflar va tovushlar о [о] i[i] g [g] и[л] th [0] ее [i:] S o‘ z 1a г 1. three [0ri:] – uch 4. a cup [э’клр] – fínjon 2. a dog [э'(Ьд] – ku- (piyola) chuk, it 5. a gun [э’длп] – miltiq 3. a pig [a’pig] – 6. one [wAn] – bir, bir cho‘chqa dona, bitta. Topshiriqlar I. 7-betdagi rasmlar nomini inglizcha ayting. II. 8-betdagi matnni o ‘qing. III. 0 ‘qing va taijima qiling: IV. So‘zlami ingliz tiliga taijim a qi- ling: 1. A pig, a dog, a cup, 1. Cho‘chqa, kuchuk, mil- a gun. tiq, finjon. 8

2. A dog and a pig. 2. Kuchuk va cho‘chqa. 3. A cat and a rat. 3. Mushuk va kalamush. 4 . 1 see: 4. Men ko‘ryapman: a pig and a hen cho‘chqani va tovuqni a dog and a gun kuchukni va miltiqni a cat and a hat mushukni va shlapani v. Esda tuting: I see [‘ai’si:] – men ko‘ryapman I see 9

LESSON FOUR (4) -jw m jam -TTTT T- F /jti /j i xxi o‘q. 1. I h r/s no stick. 2. Bu bolada tayoq 2. Thi j boy has a bor. stick. 3. Undakoptok va quti 3. H i his a ball and a bor. box. 4. Unda tulki bor. 4. He has a fox. 5. Unda miltiq yo‘q, 5. He has no gun, but lekin tayoq bor. he has a stick. 6. Menda finjon bor, 6. I have a cup, but I biroq qoshiq yo‘q. have no spoon. 7. Menda guldon bor. 7. I have a vase. 8. Unda lampa va fin- 8. He has a lamp and jon bor. a cup. 9. Menda yulduzcha 9. I have no star and yo‘q, unda ham yul­ he has no star. duzcha yo‘q. 10. Anavi bolada mu- 10. That boy has a kit­ siiukcha bor, men­ ten, I have a kitten da ham musiiukcha too. bor. 11. Bir, ikki, uch, to‘rt, 11. One, two, three, besh, olti, yetíi, sak- four, five, six, se­ kiz. ven, eight. 12. Bu so’zni ayting. 12. Say this word! 23

LESSON NINE (9) This girl has a dish. This fish is on the dish. This girl has three dolls. This boy has two balls. That girl has five books. That boy has four pens. a frog The girl has one dish. She has two spoons. The boy has three sticks. He has five stars. This frog is on the log. That frog is in the lake. The snake is in the box. a snake The spoon is in the cup. The squirrel is on the log. The doll is on the bed. 24

I like cakes. a cake I have two cakes. He has two stars. She has three dolls. The doll is on the bed. The snake is in the lake. The hen is on the log. The bat is in the hat. W ords 1. nine [nain] – to‘qqiz 10. in [in] – ichida 2. a girl [s’gail] – qiz 11. a lake [s’leik] – k o i bola 12. a snake [a’sneik] – 3. a dish [a’dij] – la­ ilon gan 13. to like [laik] – yoq- 4. a fish [s’fij] – baliq tirmoq 5. is [ iz ] – bor bo‘lmoq I like – men yaxshi 6. on [Dn] – ustida ko‘raman, menga 7. she [Ji:] – u (ayol va yoqadi qizlar uchun) 14. a cake [a’keik] – 8. a frog [a’frog] – qur- tort, pirojniy baqa 15. a doll [a’dol] – qo‘- 9. a log [a’bg] – to‘sin g ‘irchoq Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va tarjima qiling. 25

II. 0 ‘qing va tarjima qiling: III. Ingliz tiliga ta/jima qiling: 1. This girl has five kit­ 1. Bu qizning 5 ta mu- tens and two cats. shukchasi va 2 ta mushugi bor. 2. She has three hens. 3 . 1have four books and 2. Unda 3 ta tovuq bor. 3. Menda 4 ta kitob va nine copy-books. 4. This boy has eight 9 ta dañar bor. 4. Bu bolada 8 ta yul- stars. 5. He has six sticks, but duzcha bor. 5. Unda 6 ta tayoq bor, he has no gun. 6 .1 like fish. lekin miltig‘i yo‘q. 6. Men baliqai yaxshi 7. One snake is in the lake. ko‘raman. 7. Bitta ilon bor ko‘l- 8. One frog is on the log. da. 8. Bitta qurbaqa bor 9. Jam is in the vaze. to‘sin ustida. 9. Murabbo bor vaza- da. Show me! J’IUdtrtktfWJñK A wolf and a star. A boy, a stick and a ball. 26

A lamp, a book and a copy-book. A kitten and a frog. LESSON TEN (10i Has she a doll? Yes, she has. Have you a rabbit? No, I have not. one girl one boy three chickens Count from one to ten! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Count the rabbits! One, two. 27

two rabbits Count the chickens! One, two, three. This girl has three rabbits. She has five chickens. Has this girl a kitten? Yes, she has. Has this girl a vaze? Yes, she has. Has she a hat? Yes, she has. Has she a snake? No, she has not. Has she a frog? No, she has not. Has she a bat? No, she has not. That boy has two squirrels. He has one fox too. He has nine rabbits. He has four bats. Has that boy a wolf? No, he has not. Has he a gun? No, he has not. Has he a pistol? No, he has not. Has he a stick? Yes, he has. Has he a ball? Yes, he has. You have one hen and eight chickens. You have nine rabbits too. Have you a hat? Yes, I have. Have you a stick? No, I have not. Catch that rabbit! 28

W ords 1. ten [ten] – o‘n 9. a chicken [a’tjikin] – 2. Has she? – Unda jo ‘ja (qiz bolada) bormi? 10. to count [kaunt] – 3. yes [jes] – ha sanamoq 4. you [ju:] – sen, siz 5. Have you? – Sizda 11. from [from] – dan to [ta] – gacha bormi? from . to – . dan 6. a rabbit [o’raebit] – . gacha quyon 12. to catch [kaetj] – tut- 7. no [nou] – yo‘q moq, ushlamoq 8 .1 have not – menda yo‘q Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va taijim a qiling. III. Ingliz tiliga taijima qiling: II. O lqing va taijim a qiling: 1. Senda koptok bormi? 1. Have you a ball? Ha, menda bor. Yes, I have. 2. Menga koptokni ko‘r- 2. Show me the ball! sating! 3. Cat, cat, catch a bat! 3. Mushuk, mushuk, ko‘rshapalakni tut! 4. Count the chickens! 5. Catch that boy! 4. Jo‘jalami sanang! 5. Anavi bolani ush- 6. Show me this rab­ bit! lang! 6. Menga bu quyonni 7. Count from ten to one! ko‘rsating! 7. 10 dan 1 gacha sa­ 8. Have you a doll? nang! No, I have not. 8. Senda qo‘g‘irchoq 9. Say ten words! bormi? Yo‘q, menda yo‘q. 9. 10 ta so‘zni ayting! 29

LESSON ELEVEN (11) How many balls have you? a duck with Have you a cat? a duckling Yes, we have. How many kittens has the cat? It has one kitten. How many ducks have you? We have two ducks and ten ducklings. How many hens have you? I have eight hens. How many cows have you? We have one cow. How many dogs have you? I have two dogs. How many books has this boy? He has eleven. How many copy­ books has that girl? She has four. a cow 30

How many pens has she? She has ten pens. How many kittens have you? I have three kittens. How many chickens has the hen? It has eleven. How many ducklings has the duck? It has eight. How many kittens has the cat? It has three. How many dolls has the girl? She has two. How many sticks has the boy? He has five. How many hats have I? You have one. W ords 1. eleven [l’levn] – o‘n 6. a duck [a’dAk] – o‘r- bir dak 2. how [hau] – qan- 7. a duckling [s’dAk- day lir)] – o‘rdakcha 3.many [‘mem]- 8. a cow [a’kau] – sigir ko‘p 9. it [it] – u (narsalar 4. How many? – Qan- va hayvonlar uchun) cha? 10. with [wid] – bilan 5. we [wi:] – biz 31

Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va tarjima qiling. II. 0 ‘qing va taijima qiling: III. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling: 1. I have a copy-book. 1. Menda daftar bor. 2. You have a book. 2. Sizda kitob bor. 3. He has a ball. 3. Unda (o‘g‘il bolada) koptok bor. 4. She has a doll. 4. Unda (qiz bolada) qo‘g‘irchoq bor. 5. We have a cake. 5. Bizda tort bor. 6. Have you many 6. Sizlarda quyonlar rabbits? ko‘pmi? 7. We have many 7. Sizlarda jo ‘jalar ko‘p- chickens. mi? 8. She has many hens. 8 Unda (qiz bolada) to- vuqlar ko‘p. 9. Count from ten to 10 dan 1 gacha sana! one! 10. I see a girl with a 10. Men qizni qo‘g‘ir- doll. chog‘i bilan ko‘ryap- man. IV. Topishmoq: It has four legs, a long tail and can give milk. V. Inglizcha javob qaytaring. (Javobiga qarang.) Namuna: Have you a doll? Yes, I have. (No, I have not.) 1. Have you a cat? Ha (Yo‘q). 2. Have you a dog? Ha (Yo‘q). 3. Have you a ball? Ha (Yo‘q). 4. Have you a book? Ha (Yo‘q). 5. Have you a hat? Ha (Yo‘q). 6. Have you a cow? Ha (Yo‘q). 32

LESSON TWELVE (12) They have a horse; a horse it is black. They have a pig; it is big. They have a goat; it is white. They have a cow; the cow is red. They have no car. a goat We have four goats. We have a car; it is in the street. We have no ducks. You have a ribbon; a car it is in the box. You have a lemon; it is on the dish. You have no hens. 33

He has one dog; it is black. He has a hen; it has three chickens. He has a ball; it is big. a lemon She has a kitten; it is white. She has a hat; it is white too. She has a ribbon; it is red. This is a box; it is big. This is a rabbit; it is white. This is a girl; she is big. This is a boy; he is big too. W ords 1. twelve [twelv] – o‘n 8. white [wait] – oq ikki 9. a car [a ka:] – avto- 2. they [Sei] – ular mobil 3. a horse [a’hois] — ot 10. a street [a’stri:t] – 4. black [blaek] – qora ko‘cha 5. big [big] – katta 11. a ribbon [a’nban] 6. a goat [9’gout] – lenta echki 12. a lemon [a’leman] – 7. red [red] – qizil, limon malla Topshiriqlar I. Matnr.i o‘qing va taijim a qiling. II, 0 ‘qing va taijima qiling: III. liigliz tiliga taijima qiling: 1. This boy has a rab­ 1. Maria bu bolada qu- bit; it is in the box. yon bor; u qutida. 2. That girl has a doll; 2. Anavi qizning qo‘g‘ir- it is big. chog‘i bor; u katta. 34

3. She has a ribbon; 3. Uning lentasi bor; the ribbon is red. lenta qizil. 4. The boy has a red 4. Bolada qizil yulduz- star. cha bor. 5. We have twelve hens 5. Bizda o‘n ikkita tovuq and eleven ducks. va o‘n bitta o‘rdak bor. 6. They have two kit­ 6. Ularda ikkita mushuk- tens, three squirrels, cha, uchta olmaxon, eight ducklings and sakkizta o‘rdakcha va twelve chickens. o‘n ikkita jo ‘ja bor. 7. He has a red horse. 7. Uning mallarang oti bor. 8. How many lessons have you? – We 8. Sizning nechta darsin- have five lessons. giz bor? – Bizning beshta darsimiz bor. IV. Topishmoq: tiort tail and it can give It has four legs, a (Javobiga qarang.) milk. LESSON THIRTEEN (13) Where is the girl? She is in the room. Where is your book? It is on the table. Where is the table? It is in the house.

Where is the house? It is in the garden. a house Where is the boy? a garden He is in the garden Where are you? I am in the garden too. a tree Where is your pen? My pen is on the table. 36 Where is your copy­ book? It is on the table too. Where is your goat? My goat is in the gar­ den. Where is your horse? My horse is under that tree.

Have you a house? Yes, we have. Have you a garden? Yes, we have. Is your garden big? Yes, it is. Is your goat under the tree? Yes, it is. Is your car under the tree too? No, it is not. Is the boy in the house? Yes, he is. Is the girl in the room? Yes, she is. My room is very good. My gun is very good. My garden is very big. Is your goat white? Yes, my goat is white. Is your cow red? No, my cow is not red. Give me my hat! Thank you. W ords 1. thirteen [‘0a:’ti:n] – 8 .1 am [ai’aem] – men o‘n uch he, she, it is – u (bor bo‘lmoq) 2. where [wea] – qa- yerda 9. my [mai] – mening 10. under [‘Anda] -tagida 3. a room [a’ru:m] – 11. a tree [a’tri:] – daraxt xona 12. very [‘ven] – juda 13. good [gud] – yaxshi 4. your [jo:] – sening, 14.Thank you [‘Gaeqk sizning ’ju:] – Rahmat (Siz- 5.atable[a’teibl]-stol dan minnatdorman) 6. a house [a’haus] -u y 7. a garden [a’ga:dn] 37 -bog‘

Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o’qirig va taijim a qiling. III. Ingliz tiliga taijim a qiling: II. 0 ‘qing va taijim a qiling: 1. Mening ruchkam qa- 1. Where is my pen? It is on the table. ni? U stol ustida. 2. Where is my book? 2. Mening kitobim qa- It is on the table too. ni? U ham stol ustida. 3. Where is your car? 3. Sizning avtomobi- lingiz qayerda? It is in the street. U ko‘chada. 4. Where are you? I am 4. Siz (sen) qayerda- in my room. siz (san)? Men o‘z xonamdaman. 5. This is a very good 5. Bu juda yaxshi ki- book. tob. 6. Your white goat is 6. Sizning oq echkingiz under that tree. anavi daraxtning ta- gida. 7. Show me that vase! 7. Menga anavi guldonni Thank you. ko‘rsating! Rahmat. IV. Suhbat. Boy: Where is your doll? Girl: My doll is on the bed. Boy: Where is your ball? Girl: It is under the table. Boy: Have you red ribbons? Girl: Yes, I have. Boy: Where are your red ribbons? Girl: They are in the box. Boy: Show me your ribbons! Thank you. V. 0 ‘tgan darslardagi rasmlaming nomini inglizcha ayting. 38

LESSON FOURTEEN (14) What colour is this flag? It is blue, white and green. What colour is your shirt? a flag It is green. What colour is your cap? It is grey. What colour is my dress? It is blue. What colour is my hat? It is black. a shirt I have a kitten; my kitten is white. He has a dog; his dog is black. She has a dress; her dress is blue. You have a car; your a dress car is big. 39 His shirt is very good. His cap is good too. His pistol is black and his horse is black too.

Has he a flag? Yes, he has. Has he a stick? No, he has not. Has she a doll? Yes, she has. Have you a black pencil, Daddy? Yes, I have. Have you a green hat, Mammy? Yes, I have. Where is it? It is in the box. Have you a blue dress? Yes, I have. Where is it? It is on the bed. Have you a goat? Yes, I have. Where is it? It is in the garden. Have you a horse? Yes, I have. Where is it? It is in the garden too. He has a big dog. His dog is under that tree. She has a kitten. Her kitten is in the box. Take my ball! Take this copy-book! a pencil W ords 1. fourteen [‘fb:’ti:n] – 3. a flag [a’flaeg] – bay- o‘n to‘rt roq 2. What colour? [‘wot 4. a shirt [s’JV.t] – erkak- ‘kAb] – Qanday larko‘ylagi rangda? 5. green [griin] – yashil 40

6. grey [grei] – kul- 10. a pencil [a’pensl] – rang qalam 7. a dress [dres] – 11. Daddy [‘daedi] – da- ko‘ylak dajon 8. blue [blu:] – moviy, 12. Mammy [maemi] – k o ‘k oyijon 9. his [hiz] – uning 13. her [ha:] – unga, un- (o‘g‘il bolalar dan, uni (qiz bolalar uchun) uchun) 14. to take [teik] – olmoq Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va taijim a qiling. II. O lqing va taijim a qiling: III. Ingliz tiliga taijima qiling: 1. What colour is your 1. Qalamingning rangi pencil? My pencil is qanaqa? Mening qa- green. lamim yashil. 2. Show me your blue 2. Menga havorang ko‘y- shirt! lagingni ko‘rsat! 3. Give me her grey 3. Menga uning kulrang dress! ko‘ylagini bering! 4. Daddy, where is the 4. Dadajon, yashil bay- green flag? roq qayerda? It is on the house. U uyning tepasida. 5. Mammy, take my 5. Oyijon, mening piroj- cake, it is very good. niyimni oling, u juda yaxshi. 6 .1 like lemons. 6. Men limonni yaxshi ko‘raman. 41

IV. Suhbat. Boy: Where is Mammy? Girl: She is in her room. Boy: Where is Daddy? Girl: He is in the garden. LESSON FIFTEEN (15) Look, what is this? It is a flower. These flowers are red and those flowers are blue. a rose What is this? It is a rose. What is this? It is a violet. Is this a violet or a rose? It is a rose. Is this a rose too? No, it is not. That girl has many vio­ lets in her garden. She has many red roses too. She has many flowers in her garden. 42

Is this a chicken? No, , it is not. What is this? It I is a bird. Where is the bird? It is in the cage. Is this bird big or lit­ tle? It is little. a cage Is this a stick? No, it is not. What is this? It is an umbrella. What colour is the umbrella? It is black. How many umbrellas an umbrella have you? I have two umbrellas. Give me one umbrella! This bird is in the cage. This girl is in the room. That rose is red. That flower is yellow. This book is on the table. This kitten is in the box. This spoon is in the cup. That violet is little. That rose is good. 43

These birds are in the tree. These girls are in the garden. Those roses are red. Those flowers are not yellow. These books are on the table. These kittens are under the bed. These spoons are on the dish. Those violets are very big. Those roses are little. I have good trousers. What colour are they? They are grey. These trousers are not bad. W ords 1. fifteen [‘fif ti:n] – 7. a rose [rouz] – atir- o‘n besh gul 2. to look [luk] – qa- 8. a violet [‘vaialit] – ramoq binafsha Look! – qara(ng)! 9. or [d:] – yoki 3. what [wot] – nima 10. a bird [ba:d] – qush 4. a flower [‘flaua] – 11. a cage [keid3] – qafas 12. little [litl] – kichkina gul 5. these [6i:z] – bular 13. an umbrella [Am- (yaqindagi narsalar) ’breb] – soyabon 6. those [douz] – ana 14. yellow [‘jelou] – sa- ular (uzoqdagi nar- riq salar) 44

15. trousers [‘trauzaz] – 16. bad [baed] – yomon shim Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va taijim a qiling. III. 0 ‘qing, ingliz tiliga taijima II. 0 ‘qing, tarjima qiling, javob- qiling, matnga muvofiq ja­ vob bering. lami matndan toping. 1. Ana u qizning bo­ 1.What has that girl in gada nima bor? her garden? 2.Uning bog‘ida ko‘p 2. Has she many flowers gul bormi? in her garden? 3. Bu kitob qayerda? 3. Where is this book? 4. Bu qushlar qayerda? 4. Where are these birds? 5 .0 ‘sha mushukcha qa­ 5. Where is that kitten? yerda? 6. What colour are those 6. Bu atirgullar qanday roses? rangda? 7. Are these trousers 7. Bu shim yomonmi? bad? 8.Anavi binafsha kat- 8. Is that violet big? tami? IV. Suhbat. Girl: Is this a bird in that tree? Boy: No, it is not a bird. Girl’. What is it? Boy: It is a squirrel. 45

LESSON SIXTEEN (16) What have you? What has she? I have a book. It is old. She has a silver bell. It is new. He has a long stick. It is strong. You have a new house. It is big. We have an old garden. It is green. They have a good cow. It is red. What has this boy? He has good trousers and new shirt. His trousers are grey. What has this girl? She has a bird. Her bird is little. * What have you? I have a flower. My flower is yellow. What have I? You have a dog. Your dog is big. What have we? We have a room. Our room is big. What have they? They have a car. Their ear is old.

Our children have many rabbits. Their rabbits are grey and white. Are your children at home? Yes, they are. Is your book new? Yes, my book is new. Is your house old? Yes, our house is old. Is his cow red? Yes, his cow is red. Is his dog big? Yes, his dog is big. Is his stick long? Yes, his stick is long. Is her doll big? Yes, her doll is big. Is her hat red? Yes, her hat is red. Is my goat white? Yes, your goat is white. Are my chickens yellow? Yes, your chickens are yellow. Are your hens grey? Yes, my hens are grey. Are their books new? Yes, their books are new. Children, bring Father his stick, please. Boys, give Mother that new dish, please. Girls, say these long words! Our children are not at home. My goat has a little silver bell. 47

W ords 1. sixteen [‘siks’ti:n] – 8. our [‘aua] – bizning o‘n olti 9. their [Ssa] – ular- 2. old [ould] – eski, ning qari 10. children [‘tjildran] – 3. silver [‘silva] – ku- bolalar mush 11. at home [at’houm] – 4. a bell [bel] – qo‘n- uyda g‘iroq 12. father [‘fa:6a] – ota 5. new [nju:] – yangi 13. mother [‘mAda] – ona 6. long [bq] – uzun 14. to bring [brig] – olib 7. strong [stoq] – kelmoq kuchli, baquwat 15. please [pli:z] – ilti- mos, marhamat Topshiriqlar I. Matnni o ‘qing va taijima qiling. II. 0 ‘qing va taijim a qiling: III. Ingliz tiliga taijim a qiling: 1. Is your umbrella 1. Sizning soyaboningiz new or old? eskimi yoki yangimi? It is new. U yangi. 2. Are those white bells 2. Anavi oq qo‘ng‘iroq- silver? chalar kumushdanmi? Yes, those bells are Ha, qo‘ng‘iroqchalar silver. kumushdan. 3. Is that long stick 3. Anavi uzun tayoq strong? Yes, it is. qattiqmi? Ha, qattiq. 4. Are your father and 4. Otang bilan onang mother at home? uydami? Yes, they are. Ha. 48

5. Our children have 5. Bizning bolalarimiz- sixteen yellow chi­ da 16 ta sariq jo ‘ja ckens and fifteen va 15 ta o‘rdakcha ducklings. bor. 6. Their car is very 6. Ularaing mashinasi old. juda eski. 7. Bring your toys! 7. 0 ‘yinchoqlaringni olib kel! IV. Suhbat. Father: Children, where is my new book? Girl: What book, Daddy? Father. My big green book. Boy: It is on your table, Daddy. Father: Bring it, please. LESSON SEVENTEEN (17) What animal is this? a tiger Is this a zebra or a tiger? It is a tiger. Is this a wolf or a jackal? It is a jackal. The wolf is big and strong. The jackal is small and weak. a jackal The zebra, the tiger, the lion, the wolf and the fox are animals. 49

The rose, the violet a lion and the daisy are flowers. We have many flowers at home. Have you many violets in your garden? What flower is this? It is a daisy. What animal is this? it is a jackal. Where is your cat? It is with its kittens. The hen is with its chickens. The duck is with its ducklings. This duck is as small as that hen. Is the boy strong? Yes, he is. Is the girl strong? No, she is not. The horse is a strong animal. Is the zebra strong? No, a daisy it is not so strong as the horse. Daddy, show me the animals in your book! We like to see birds in our garden. 50

Валентина Скулте: Болалар учун инглиз тили

V. Skutlening ushbu ommabop kitobi – ingliz tilini tez va oson o’zlashtirishni istagan bolalar hamda katta yoshdagi kishilar uchun bebaho qo’llanmadir. Metodik nashr ingliz tilini o’rganuvchilarga mustaqil ravishda hamda o’qituvchi bilan mashg’ulot olib borish imkonini beradi. O’quv materiali qiziqarli tarzda, ingliz mumtoz adabiyoti namularining asl matnlaridan keng foydalanilgan holda o’quvchilarga havola etilmoqda

ISBN 978-9943-7037–0-4
Количество страниц 880
Издательство ART FLEX
Тип обложки Твердая
Формат бумаги A5
Год издания 2021

Книги, продукты, мировая литература, узбекская литература, бизнес и психология, на русском языке, современная узбекская литература, детская литература, религиозная литература, наука и учебники, для абитуриентов, лучшие книги, топ-100 бестселлеров, художественная литература (биографическая литература), биография , на английском языке много другое. Быстрая доставка в Узбекистан


Валентина Скулте: Болалар учун инглиз тили