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2-sinf kirish testi the English room is the second floor

a)Started b)Finished c)Came d)Gave

5-sinf uchun test savollari

1. “Geografiya” atamasining etimologik ma’nosi:
a) yunoncha “geo”-yer, “grafio”-tasvirlayman; b) lotincha “geo”-yer, “grafio”-chizaman;
c) arabcha “geo”-yer, “grafio”-tasvirlayman; d) yunoncha “geo”-yer, “grafio”- o’qiyman;
e) lotincha “geo”-yer, “grafio”-o’qitaman;

a) yunoncha “geo”-yer, “grafio”-tasvirlayman;

2. Geografiya qanday qismlarga bo’linadi?
a) tabiiy va aholi geografiyasiga; b) tabiiy va iqtisodiy-ijtimoiy geografiyaga;
c) umumiy geografiya va o’lkashunoslikka; d) transport va sanoat geografiyasiga;
e) aholi va shaharlar geografiyasiga;

b) tabiiy va iqtisodiy-ijtimoiy geografiyaga

3. Geografiya asosan nimani o’rganadi?
a) Materiklar geografiyasi va aholisini; b) Mamlakatlar va ularning xo’jaligini
c) Yer yuzasi tabiati, aholisi, inson xo’jalik faoliyatini;
d) Materiklar va okeanlar geografiyasini; e) O’lkashunaslikka oid ma’lumotlarni;

c) Yer yuzasi tabiati, aholisi, inson xo’jalik faoliyatini

4. Dastlabki xarita qachon tuzilgan?
a) 13 asr muqaddam b) 14 asr muqaddam c) 15 asr muqaddam
d) 16 asr muqaddam

c) 15 asr muqaddam

5. “Geografiya” atamasini birinchi bo’lib fanga kim kiritgan?
a) Falas b) Pifagor c) Arastu d) Eratosfen e) Ptolomey

d) Eratosfen

6. Buyuk geografik kashfiyotlar boshlangan asr to’g’ri yozilgan javobni toping?
a) XV asrning o’rtalaridan; b) XV asrning boshlaridan;
c) XV asrning oxiridan; d) XVI asrning boshlaridan;

a) XV asrning o’rtalaridan

7. Buyuk geografik kashfiyotlar tugagan asr to’g’ri yozilgan javobni toping?
a) XVIII asrning o’rtalarigacha; b) XVIII asrning boshlarigacha;
c) XVII asrning oxirlarigacha; d) XVII asrning o’rtalarigacha;

d) XVII asrning o’rtalarigacha

8. Yerning “qattiq” yoki “tosh” qobig’ini aniqlang?
a) Gidrosfera b) Atmosfera c) Litosfera d) Biosfera

c) Litosfera

9. Litosfera deganda nimani tushunasiz?
a) Yerning ichki qismini; b) Yerning tashqi qobig’ini; c) Yer po’stini;
d) Yer mantiyasini; e) Yer po’sti va mantiyaning yuqori qismini;

e) Yer po’sti va mantiyaning yuqori qismini

10. Materiklarning parchalanishi qanday harakatlar natijasida ro’y beradi?
a) Vertikal; b) Balandlik; c) Pastlik; d) Gorizontal;

d) Gorizontal

11. “Vulkan” atamasi qanday ma’noni bildiradi?
a) “Yer xudosi” b) “Okean xudosi” c) “Olov xudosi”
d) “Dengiz xudosi” e) “Shamol xudosi”

c) “Olov xudosi”

12. Vulkanning mahsulotlari asosan qanday holatda uchraydi?
a) Qattiq, bug’, suv; b) Issiq suv, lava vulkan bombasi;
c) Suyuq, qattiq, qaynoq suv; d) Gaz, qattiq, suyuq; e) Qattiq, gaz, geyzer;

d) Gaz, qattiq, suyuq

13. Zilzilaning episentrini aniqlang.
a) Zilzila o’chog’i b) Y er qimirlash o’chog’i ustidagi joy
c) Zilzila bo’lib o’tgan joy; d) Zilzila bo’ladigan joy;

b) Y er qimirlash o’chog’i ustidagi joy

14. Atmosfera deganda nimani tushunasiz?
a) Yerning havo qobig’ini; b) Yerning suv qobig’ini; c) Yerning tosh qobig’ini;
d) Yerning hayot qobig’ini; e) Yerning qattiq qobig’ini;

a) Yerning havo qobig’ini

15. Iqlimning asosiy unsurlarini belgilang.
a) Harorat va bosim; b) Yog’in; c) Shamol; d) Hammasi

16. Yer sharida asosiy to’rtta havo massalarining tipi ajratilgan. Quyidagi javoblarning qaysi biri noto’g’ri?
a) Shimoliy tropik; b) Arktika; c) Mo’tadil; d) Tropik; e) Ekvatorial.

a) Shimoliy tropik

17. Dunyo suvayirg’ichi deganda nimani tushunasiz?
a) Barcha okeanlar havzalarini bir-biridan ajratadigan chegara;
b) Berk havzalarni ajratadigan chegara;
c) Barcha havzalarni ikki yirik guruhga ajratib turadigan chegara;
d) Tinch va Atlantika okeanlari havzalarini ajratib turadigan chegara;
e) Tinch va Shimoliy Muz okeani, Hind okeanlari havzalarini ajratib turadigan chegara.

c) Barcha havzalarni ikki yirik guruhga ajratib turadigan chegara

18. Okean va dengiz suvlarining qalqishiga nima ko’proq ta’sir qiladi?
a) Yerning markaziga intilma kuchi; b) Oyning tortilish kuchi;
c) Yerning markazidan qochma kuchi; d) Koriolis kuchi; e) Quyoshning tortilish kuchi.

b) Oyning tortilish kuchi

19. “Biosfera” qanday ma’noni anglatadi?
a) Yerning hayot qobig’i; b) Yerning suv qobig’i; c) Yerning tosh qobig’i;
d) Yerning o’simlik qobig’i; e) Yerning havo qobig’i;

a) Yerning hayot qobig’i

20. “Komponent” so’zi qanday ma’noni anglatadi?
a) lotincha “chirmashmoq” demakdir; b) lotincha “tashkil etuvchi” demakdir;
c) yunoncha “uyg’urlik” demakdir; d) yunoncha “majmua” demakdir;
e) lotincha “o’zaro bog’liqlik” demakdir.

b) lotincha “tashkil etuvchi” demakdir

21. “Kompleks” so’zi qanday ma’noni anglatadi?
a) lotincha “uyg’unlashmoq” demakdir; b) yunoncha “chirmashmoq” demakdir;
c) lotincha “majmua” demakdir; d) yunoncha “o’zaro bog’liqlik” demakdir;
e) lotincha “tashkil etuvchi” demakdir.

c) lotincha “majmua” demakdir

22. Quruqlikda tabiat zonasining hosil bo’lishi asosan nimaga bog’liq?
a) Geografik kenglikka; b) Yorilish mintaqasiga; c) Harorat bilan namlikning nisbatiga; d) Quyosh energiyasiga; e) Quyosh energiyasining tushish burchagiga.

c) Harorat bilan namlikning nisbatiga

23. Balandlik mintaqalariga tegishli javobni aniqlang?
a) Past tog’lardagi almashib keladigan tabiat zonalari;
b) Tekislikdan o’rtacha balandlik tomon almashinadigan tabiat zonalari;
c) Tog’lardagi balandlik bo’yicha almashinadigan tabiat zonalari;
d) Baland tog’lardagi balandlik bo’yicha almashinadigan tabiat zonalari.
e) Eng baland tog’lardagi balandlik tomon asta-sekin almashinadigan tabiat zonalari.

c) Tog’lardagi balandlik bo’yicha almashinadigan tabiat zonalari

24. Hind okeanining eng chuqur botig’ini aniqlang?
a) Peru b) Zond c) Marianna d) Puerto-Riko e) Shimoliy

25. Yer yuzining dengiz sathidan 500 m dan ortiq baland bo’lgan joylariga . deyiladi.
a) tekisliklar b) qirlar c) yassi tog’lar d) pasttekisliklar

c) yassi tog`lar

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2-sinf kirish testi the English room is the second floor

1. Answer the questions. Is your sister getting washed now ?

A)Yes ,She is B)Yes.they are C) No,he is not D) Yes ,it is
2.He _________ in the jungle. A)were B)climbed C)work D))lived
3.They ____ _____ about him . A)took care B)look C)were D)were
4.Are the birds singing now?
A) Yes, they’re B)Yes, I’m C) No, she is’nt D) Yes, it is
5.Bobur has a little sister and he takes care about ___ A)it B)him C)her D)his
6. My friend has a dog Tresor.He takes _ for a walk. A)him B)his C)them )they
7.Our teacher gives ____much homework . A)we B)us c)they D)I
8.Find the TV programmes. A)nature ,horror film, cartoon B)gym ,canteen ,classroom C)donkey ,goat .sheep D)book,eraser , album
9.Comlete the sentences. Kate loves watching ______ TV.
A) A B) the C) an D) –
10.Answer the questions. Do you like chess? A)Yes,I like B)No ,he doesn`t
C) Yes ,it is D)No, I don`t. I like playing draughts.
11.Do you _________ a hobby? A)live B)have C)write D) make
12.Find the domestic animals. A)deer ,snake ,leopard B)donkey,pig, turkey
C)PE ,botany, geography D) pink ,green ,blue,
13.I like my cats and they like _______ A)me B) I C)he D)its
14.My sister likes chicks and she feeds______ A)him B)them C)you D)it
15.Find the school subjects. A)gym ,staff room,library B)book, copy book,pencil case C)PE,botany,geography D)Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday
16.Choose the best answer.Tarzan __ a little boy. A)was B) am C)were D)be
A)cartoons B)boring C) now D) interesting
17.Bill has a__ A)cats B)football C)books D)dog
18.Comlete the sentences.Do you like __stamps?
A)collecting B)doing C)sewing D)play
19.I like_____ puzzles. A)cooking B)do C)playing D) doing
20.They ____ _____ about him . A)took care B)look C)were D)were
21.He _____and______the tall trees.
A)jumped /climbed B)lived /was C)liked /ran D)ate /climbs
22.In the jungle his parents _____ monkeys. A)have B)were C)was D) is
23. Find the odd word :college ,doctor, elephant ,mechanic, pupil
A)college B)pupil C) elephant D)farmer
24.He ___ ______a father and a mother. A)didn`t have B) have C) was D)like
25.His parents ______ monkeys . A)was B)were C)lived D)is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


1. Continue the logic list. A living room, a dining room, a bedroom .

A) a kitchen B) a sofa C) a fork D) a spoon
2. How milk is there? A) many B) much C) a little D) a few
3. What is bad for your teeth? A) lemons and oranges B) butter, eggs, fish
C) sweets, chocolates, candy D) bread, rice, potatoes
4. Charlie Chaplin was born in A)1889 B) 1441 C)1989 D)1998
5. . there are no metal spoons and people do not drink water with their meal.
A) In China B) In Iran C) In India D) In German
6. gave the world somsa. A) Italy B) China C) Uzbekistan D) America.
7. Choose the correct Interrogative form. She bought a new dress.
A) Did she bought a new dress? B) Did she buy a new dress?
C) was she bought a new dress? D) Does she buy a new dress?
8. What do you get your birthday? A) at B) to C) on D) near
9. In what country people use chopsticks?
A) In Germany B) In China C) in Iran D) in India
10. This palov . good. A) taste B) tastes C) tasted D) tasting
11. The flowers .. wonderful. A)smell B)smells C)smelled D)have smelled
12.Sally is .than Jane. A)taller B) tall C)the tallest D)more taller
13.Ann is . Intelligent girl in our class.
A) more B) most C) intelligencer D) the most
14.The superlative degree of the adjective “good” is
A) goodest B) better C) the best D) gooder
15. Where you . on holiday last year?
A) did/went B) go/did C) did/go D) do/go
16. Choose the correct answer. ‘Chocolate came to Europe and Uzbekistan from .’
A) The USA B) Japan C) China D) South America
17. Choose the correct interrogative form. ‘Olim opened the window.’
A) Did I opened the window? C)Does he open the window?
B) Did he open the window? D)Was he open the window?
18. What is the thing for you? A) good B) better C) best D) well
19.Your class is . than my class. A) noisy B) noisiest C) noisier D) more noisy
20. We . see Tom last night. A) don’t B) didn’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


  1. Exuse me, but this is pen.
    1. my c. me
    2. mine d. theirs
    1. spent c. was spent
    2. is spent d. were spent
    1. is he c. hasn’t he
    2. has he d. haven’t he
    1. isn’t it c. isn’t there
    2. isn’t this d. is it
    1. rains c. will rain
    2. rain d. would rain
    1. isn’t it c. isn’t there
    2. isn’t this d. is there
    1. He has just built a tower, ?
    1. isn’t he c. has he
    2. hasn’t he d. have he
    1. He’ll find the book in the library.
    1. be able c. must
    2. can d. may
    1. Boys, you’ll have to do everything
    1. yourself c. themselves
    2. yourselves d. ourselves
    1. If she me about it I shall till her everything.
    1. ask c. will ask
    2. asks d. would ask
    1. Look at stars. They are beautiful, aren’t they?
    1. this c. those
    2. these d. that
    1. The bike belongs to
    1. my c. me
    2. mine d. ours
    1. Tom is the best pupil. He the best pupil in his class.
    1. always c. was always
    2. has always been d. have been
    1. I don’t know if she me about it.
    1. ask c. will ask
    2. asks d. asked
    1. I like Pushkin. He my favorite poet.
      1. is c. has been
      2. was d. were
      1. this c. those
      2. that d. these
      1. be able to c. must
      2. can d. could
      1. rains c. rain
      2. will rain d. rained
      1. translated c. was translated
      2. has translated d. were translated
      1. Mary school.
        1. like / to go to c. likes / to go
        2. likes / go to d. likes / to go to
        1. that c. this
        2. than d. them
        1. Fortress c. Hyde
        2. Buckingham d. Trafalgar
        1. see c. watch
        2. sees d. watches
        1. of/ of c. – / of
        2. of / on d. – / on


        1. The bus stops is the end of the street.
        1. at c. near
        2. under d. from
        1. The dog usually sleeps the table.
        1. under c. below
        2. from d. over
        1. I am not very good games.
        1. from c. on
        2. for d. at
        1. Have you ever been Japan?
        1. at c. for
        2. to d. from
        1. The mother told her son.
        1. to play in the street c. not to play in the street
        2. to be noisy d. why his hands are dirty
        1. Italy is in South of Europe, isn’t it?
        1. a / an c. the / the
        2. the / – d. an / an
        1. East or West home is best.
        1. the c. –
        2. an d. on
        1. My dog is very laree
        1. So is my cat c. So isn’t my cat
        2. So was my cat d. Neither is my cat
        1. I have a bath every morning
        1. So had I c. So do I
        2. Neither have I d. Neither is he
        1. If I shopping I some food tomorrow
        1. went / shall buy c. will go / will buy
        2. go / shall buy d. goes / will buy

        21.You are my sunshine, the my sunshine

        a)Is b)only c)are d)will
        22.Where are the children?-They . Trees in the garden.
        a)Cleaning b)Are writing c)are planting d)Is plating
        23.When I came home fromschool Kate with her toys.
        a)Going b)Was playing c)Was doing d)Washing
        24.While I was reading, David TV
        a)Was watching b)Watch c)Were watching d)Watches
        25.Who far the children at the bus stop?
        a)Is doing b)Is waiting c)Is dancing d)Is playing

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
        A A D B C B C A C B B A B A B B C B B B B C B A B


        1. Badiiy film b)Hujjatli film c) Teleserial
        1. I had never been in such a big room before
        2. I been never in such a big room before
        3. I am never in such a big room before
        1. A novel b) poetry c)science fiction
        1. Arthur Charles Clarke b) Arthur Conan Doyle c) Robert Frost
        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
        C A C B B A C A C B C C A B C A B A C C B A B A C

        10 sinf Kirish testi

        1. Samarkand . . . . . . by Amir Timur in the 14 th century.

        A) was ruled B) is ruled C) ruled D) were ruled
        2. In my time, I enjoy reading, painting and cooking
        A) vocation B) free time C) on time D) spend time
        3. I think you ____ know about priority organizer. It’s good for your future plans.
        A) must B) mustn’t C) should D) have to
        4. Which of them is division?
        A) + B) – C) ÷ D) X
        5. A genealogical diagram of the people who live together.
        A) ancestor B) family tree C) descendant D) founder
        6. Peter . . . . . . at seven o‘clock yesterday
        A) goes up B) gets C) got up D) woke up
        7. We _____ live in a flat.
        A) don’t B) hasn’t C) doesn’t D) are not
        8. is the Algebra ? founder Who of
        A) Who is the founder of Algebra B) who is founder algebra is
        C) algebra is founder of who D) who is the algebra of founder
        9. To get (money) for working.
        A) babysitting B) wage C) earn D) salary
        10. . . . . . . read stories and play with children
        A) paperboy B) librarian C) baby-sitter D) cleaner
        11. _____ is very good exercise.
        A) Swim B) To swims C)Swimming D) To swimming
        12. They _____ pay for the tickets
        A) haven’t to B) don’t have C) don’t have to D) mustn’t
        13. There are a few shops ____ the end ____ the street.
        A) at/on B) in/at C) at/of D) in/on
        14. Find synonym of chance
        A) distraction B) value C) opportunity D) peace
        15.You _______ wear uniform at shool.
        A)must B) may C) can D) should
        16. I didn’t have a shower this morning ___ my hair was really dirty all day.
        A) so B) whereas C) because
        17. I really love driving, ___ on sunny days.
        A) whereas B) then C) especially
        18. I love summer. ___, I hate getting on the underground in the heat.
        A) However B) So C) Because
        19. I didn’t eat any crisps ___ I ate an icecream!
        A) generally B) but C) especially
        20. I saw someone applying their make-up ___ they were driving!
        A) so B) in conclusion C) while

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
        A B C C B C A A C C C C C C A A C A B C

        2-sinf kirish testi the English room is the second floor

        2. Translate: Where’s the library? a) Oshxona qayerda?

        b) Matematika xonasi qayerda? c) Kutubxona qayerda?

        3. Our classroom is …….. .

        a) big b) red c) door 4. Find the missed letter: classro…m

        5. We play football on the … .

        a) playground b) classroom c) school

        6. What subject do you like?

        a) reading b) basketball c) library

        7. Nargiza ……….. books at 6.30

        a) reads b) read c) road

        8. Malika……..dinner at 7.00

        a) have b) is c) has 9.Ann ……… in London.

        a) live b) lives c) goes

        10. We speak English at ………… lessons

        a)Music b)Maths c) English

        11. Anvar ………………… music

        a) doesn’t like b) like c) look

        12. How many months are there in a year?

        13. My favourite season is……………… .

        a) Winter b) March c) September

        14. There are four ………… in a year.

        a) months b) seasons c) weeks

        15. Women’s Day is in ……………. .

        a) March, 8 b) January, 1 c) December, 8

        A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
        Q B C A B A A A C B C A 12 A B A

        1What……in the kitchen?

        A)in B)is C)has D)if

        3.The trees in the ………

        A)garden B)bed C)kitchen D)window

        A)dancing B)do C)want D)see

        A)shines B)pours C)good D)storm

        A)has B)have C)does D)is

        7.How many ….have you got?

        A)box B)finish C)legs D)small

        8. Yakshanba” translate

        A)seshanba B)chorshanba C)payshanba D)Sunday

        9. Insect” translate

        A)hasharot B)colour C)rang C)bug’doy

        A)sleep B)eating C)corn D)birds

        11. Birds” translate

        A)qushlar B)boy C)zo’r D)baliq

        12. Momaqaldiroq” translate

        A)Thursday b)thunderstorm C)thirty D)thank

        13.What is your telephone …….? A)number B)call C)wants D)then 14.There…a pen on the table. A)is B)has C)good D)am

        15.What is in ……… A)you B)we C)they D)your

        16. How are you? A)I’m B)he’s C)I’m OK D)we are here

        17. O’rmon’’translate A)trees B)forest C)door D)river

        18.There ……two felt-pens on the table. A)are B)is C)has D)in

        19……..your teeth. A)run B)brush C)sleep D)pour

        20……your milk. A)drink B)brush C)eat D)was

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
        B B A A A B C D A B A B A A D C B A B A


        1. My granddad was a good … music
        1. At b) in c) with d)after
        1. -…? – I’d like a model car, please
        1. Can I go to. b) Can I help you? c) May I help you? d) I can help you?
        1. …can I buy book? – At the book shop.
        1. When b) where c) what d) how
        1. We give flowers to our … on October 1.
        1. Teaches b) teachers c) mothers d) fathers and teachers
        1. Biz quvlashmachoq o’ynar edik
        1. Do we play tag?
        2. b) we play hopscotch c) we played tag d) we are playing tag
        1. When are we say “Good afternoon”?

        7. Father , mother, sister, brothers are……

        a) family b) friends c) relatives d) sisters

        8.Mother, … is Rustam. He is my friend.

          1. this b) these c) they d) those
          1. …are in the classroom.
            1. The boy b) The teacher c) The boys d) I
            1. – b) is c) are d) am

            а) mechanic b) secretary c) doctor d) teacher

            12. the elephant . washing now.

            a) am b) is c) are

            13. Find true answer: which animal is big?

            a)frog b)bear c)bird

            14. “Men kuylayapman”

            a) I can sing b) I singing c) I am singing

            15.Complete the sentence. In the evening………..

            a.I go to school . b.I have breakfast c. She plays games d. He watches TV .

            1A 2B 3B 4B 5C
            6B 7C 8A 9C 10C
            11D 12B 13B 14C 15D

            5-SINF KIRISH TESTI

            1. Answer the questions. Is your sister getting washed now ?

            A)Yes ,She is B)Yes.they are C) No,he is not D) Yes ,it is

            2.He _________ in the jungle. A)were B)climbed C)work D))lived

            3.They ____ _____ about him . A)took care B)look C)were D)were

            4.Are the birds singing now?

            A) Yes, they’re B)Yes, I’m C) No, she is’nt D) Yes, it is

            5.Bobur has a little sister and he takes care about ___ A)it B)him C)her D)his

            6. My friend has a dog Tresor.He takes _ for a walk. A)him B)his C)them )they

            7.Our teacher gives ____much homework . A)we B)us c)they D)I

            8.Find the TV programmes. A)nature ,horror film, cartoon B)gym ,canteen ,classroom C)donkey ,goat .sheep D)book,eraser , album

            9.Comlete the sentences. Kate loves watching ______ TV.

            A) A B) the C) an D) –

            10.Answer the questions. Do you like chess? A)Yes,I like B)No ,he doesn`t

            C) Yes ,it is D)No, I don`t. I like playing draughts.

            11.Do you _________ a hobby? A)live B)have C)write D) make

            12.Find the domestic animals. A)deer ,snake ,leopard B)donkey,pig, turkey

            C)PE ,botany, geography D) pink ,green ,blue,

            13.I like my cats and they like _______ A)me B) I C)he D)its

            14.My sister likes chicks and she feeds______ A)him B)them C)you D)it

            15.Find the school subjects. A)gym ,staff room,library B)book, copy book,pencil case C)PE,botany,geography D)Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday

            16.Choose the best answer.Tarzan __ a little boy. A)was B) am C)were D)be

            A)cartoons B)boring C) now D) interesting

            17.Bill has a__ A)cats B)football C)books D)dog

            18.Comlete the sentences.Do you like __stamps?

            A)collecting B)doing C)sewing D)play

            19.I like_____ puzzles. A)cooking B)do C)playing D) doing

            20.They ____ _____ about him . A)took care B)look C)were D)were

            21.He _____and______the tall trees.

            A)jumped /climbed B)lived /was C)liked /ran D)ate /climbs

            22.In the jungle his parents _____ monkeys. A)have B)were C)was D) is

            23. Find the odd word :college ,doctor, elephant ,mechanic, pupil

            A)college B)pupil C) elephant D)farmer

            24.He ___ ______a father and a mother. A)didn`t have B) have C) was D)like

            25.His parents ______ monkeys . A)was B)were C)lived D)is

            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
            A D A A C A B A D A B B A B C A D A C A A B C A B

            6-SINF KIRISH TESTI

            1. Continue the logic list. A living room, a dining room, a bedroom………….

            A) a kitchen B) a sofa C) a fork D) a spoon

            2. How …… milk is there? A) many B) much C) a little D) a few

            3. What is bad for your teeth? A) lemons and oranges B) butter, eggs, fish

            C) sweets, chocolates, candy D) bread, rice, potatoes

            4. Charlie Chaplin was born in … A)1889 B) 1441 C)1989 D)1998

            5. …. there are no metal spoons and people do not drink water with their meal.

            A) In China B) In Iran C) In India D) In German

            6. …………gave the world somsa. A) Italy B) China C) Uzbekistan D) America.

            7. Choose the correct Interrogative form. She bought a new dress.

            A) Did she bought a new dress? B) Did she buy a new dress?

            C) was she bought a new dress? D) Does she buy a new dress?

            8. What do you get …your birthday? A) at B) to C) on D) near

            9. In what country people use chopsticks?

            A) In Germany B) In China C) in Iran D) in India

            10. This palov …. good. A) taste B) tastes C) tasted D) tasting

            11. The flowers ….. wonderful. A)smell B)smells C)smelled D)have smelled

            12.Sally is ….than Jane. A)taller B) tall C)the tallest D)more taller

            13.Ann is …. Intelligent girl in our class.

            A) more B) most C) intelligencer D) the most

            14.The superlative degree of the adjective “good” is …

            A) goodest B) better C) the best D) gooder

            15. Where……you …. on holiday last year?

            A) did/went B) go/did C) did/go D) do/go

            16. Choose the correct answer. ‘Chocolate came to Europe and Uzbekistan from….’

            A) The USA B) Japan C) China D) South America

            17. Choose the correct interrogative form. ‘Olim opened the window.’

            A) Did I opened the window? C)Does he open the window?

            B) Did he open the window? D)Was he open the window?

            18. What is the …thing for you? A) good B) better C) best D) well

            19.Your class is …. than my class. A) noisy B) noisiest C) noisier D) more noisy

            20. We …. see Tom last night. A) don’t B) didn’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t

            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
            A B C A A C B C B B A A D C C D B C C B

            7-SINF KIRISH TESTI

            1. Exuse me, but this is … pen.
              1. my c. me
              2. mine d. theirs
              1. spent c. was spent
              2. is spent d. were spent
              1. is he c. hasn’t he
              2. has he d. haven’t he
              1. isn’t it c. isn’t there
              2. isn’t this d. is it
              1. rains c. will rain
              2. rain d. would rain
              1. isn’t it c. isn’t there
              2. isn’t this d. is there
              1. He has just built a tower, … ?
              1. isn’t he c. has he
              2. hasn’t he d. have he
              1. He’ll … find the book in the library.
              1. be able c. must
              2. can d. may
              1. Boys, you’ll have to do everything …
              1. yourself c. themselves
              2. yourselves d. ourselves
              1. If she … me about it I shall till her everything.
              1. ask c. will ask
              2. asks d. would ask
              1. Look at … stars. They are beautiful, aren’t they?
              1. this c. those
              2. these d. that
              1. The bike belongs to …
              1. my c. me
              2. mine d. ours
              1. Tom is the best pupil. He … the best pupil in his class.
              1. always c. was always
              2. has always been d. have been
              1. I don’t know if she … me about it.
              1. ask c. will ask
              2. asks d. asked
              1. I like Pushkin. He … my favorite poet.
                1. is c. has been
                2. was d. were
                1. this c. those
                2. that d. these
                1. be able to c. must
                2. can d. could
                1. rains c. rain
                2. will rain d. rained
                1. translated c. was translated
                2. has translated d. were translated
                1. Mary … … school.
                  1. like / to go to c. likes / to go
                  2. likes / go to d. likes / to go to
                  1. that c. this
                  2. than d. them
                  1. Fortress c. Hyde
                  2. Buckingham d. Trafalgar
                  1. see c. watch
                  2. sees d. watches
                  1. of/ of c. – / of
                  2. of / on d. – / on
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                  A C B B C B B B B B C C B C A B A A C D B B D A C

                  9-SINF KIRISH TESTI

                  1. The bus stops is … the end of the street.
                  1. at c. near
                  2. under d. from
                  1. The dog usually sleeps … the table.
                  1. under c. below
                  2. from d. over
                  1. I am not very good … games.
                  1. from c. on
                  2. for d. at
                  1. Have you ever been … Japan?
                  1. at c. for
                  2. to d. from
                  1. The mother told her son.
                  1. to play in the street c. not to play in the street
                  2. to be noisy d. why his hands are dirty
                  1. Italy is in … South of … Europe, isn’t it?
                  1. a / an c. the / the
                  2. the / – d. an / an
                  1. East or West … home is best.
                  1. the c. –
                  2. an d. on
                  1. My dog is very laree …
                  1. So is my cat c. So isn’t my cat
                  2. So was my cat d. Neither is my cat
                  1. I have a bath every morning …
                  1. So had I c. So do I
                  2. Neither have I d. Neither is he
                  1. If I … shopping I … some food tomorrow
                  1. went / shall buy c. will go / will buy
                  2. go / shall buy d. goes / will buy

                  a)Africa b)Southern Hemisphere c)Europe d)America

                  12. What is the capital of Australia?

                  a)Canberra b)New York c)London d)Victoria

                  13)My aunt lived on … ground floor in … old house on … River Thames

                  a)The-the-… b)The-an-the c)…-…-… d)a-on-the

                  14.My right hand is stronger than yours (anton)

                  a)Left b)Dirty c)Wrong d)Pretty

                  15.John is … of all to act

                  a)nice b)The quickest c)small d)Short

                  16.They began to work together 5years ago (ant)

                  a)Started b)Finished c)Came d)Gave

                  17.I am fond of reading

                  a)So do I b)Finished c)Came d)Gave

                  18.Where is Edinburgh situated?

                  a)So do I b)Scotland c)Russia d)Uzbekistan

                  19.You can eat a piece of it? What is it?

                  a)Salt b)Cake c)Paper d)Rice

                  20.My sister has graduated from the University

                  a)So is my sister b)So has his brother c)Neither has she d)So do they

                  21.You are my sunshine, the … my sunshine

                  a)Is b)only c)are d)will

                  22.Where are the children?-They …. Trees in the garden.

                  a)Cleaning b)Are writing c)are planting d)Is plating

                  23.When I came home fromschool Kate … with her toys.

                  a)Going b)Was playing c)Was doing d)Washing

                  24.While I was reading, David … TV

                  a)Was watching b)Watch c)Were watching d)Watches

                  25.Who … far the children at the bus stop?

                  a)Is doing b)Is waiting c)Is dancing d)Is playing

                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                  A A D B C B C A C B B A B A B B C B B B B C B A B

                  8-SINF KIRISH TESTI

                  1. Badiiy film b)Hujjatli film c) Teleserial

                  I never (be) such a big room before.

                  1. I had never been in such a big room before
                  2. I been never in such a big room before
                  3. I am never in such a big room before

                  Describes imaginaryfuture developments in science and their effects on life

                  1. A novel b) poetry c)science fiction

                  He is best remember for his detective stores where the main characters are Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. He also wrote historical novels and plays.

                  1. Arthur Charles Clarke b) Arthur Conan Doyle c) Robert Frost

                  a) is a book-length fictional story

                  b) is the writer’s story of some other person’s life

                  c) is the writer’s story of his or her life

                  6. He wrote books for children, among them ,,Childhood”, Alisher’s Youth”

                  a) Oybek b) Tohir Malik c) R. Frost

                  7. How do people often call The London Underground?

                  a) Metro b) Train c) Tube

                  8. It. cold outside.

                  a) was b) have c) were

                  9. I would have a rest it I . you

                  a) am b) was c) were

                  10. If I had a computer I would .

                  a) go swimming b) learn to use the internet c) sit outdoors

                  11. If it was hot and sunny I would .

                  a) buy sweets for everyone b) play games on it c) go swimming

                  12. I would be each, if I ….. a company

                  a) have b) had c) will have

                  13. If it is hot, you …… much water

                  a) drink b) drank c) drunk

                  14. Every day he ….. tennis with his father

                  a) play b) plays c) played

                  15. you look heat

                  a) I’d wash the cat, if I were you .

                  b) I’d have a rest, if I were you .

                  c) I’d have a drink of water , if I were you .

                  16. If I were you ….. .

                  a) I’d have a rest.

                  b) I’d put a sweater on

                  c) He’d have a rest

                  17. “O’tkan kunlar” is ….. film

                  a) detictive b) historical c) comedy

                  18. Complete the sentence.

                  … the UK people have special food for New Year.

                  19. Complete the sentence: On October 31 st it is … .

                  a) Valenten day b) Merry Chirstmas c) Halloween Day

                  20.Preposition. British people light fireworks … Bonfire Night.

                  21.Take a piece … rectangular colored paper.

                  a) a) in b) of c)on

                  22. My father works at school, He is a ……

                  a) a teacher b) a doctor c) a nurse

                  23. We ….. in Uzbekistan.

                  a) like b) live c) from

                  24. ….. she at school yesterday?

                  a) was b) is c) has

                  25. where ….. you go every day?

                  a) did b)have c) do

                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                  C A C B B A C A C B C C A B C A B A C C B A B A C

                  10 sinf Kirish testi
                  1. Samarkand . . . . . . by Amir Timur in the 14 th century.

                  A) was ruled B) is ruled C) ruled D) were ruled

                  2. In my … … time, I enjoy reading, painting and cooking

                  A) vocation B) free time C) on time D) spend time

                  3. I think you ____ know about priority organizer. It’s good for your future plans.

                  A) must B) mustn’t C) should D) have to

                  4. Which of them is division?
                  A) + B) – C) ÷ D) X

                  5. A genealogical diagram of the people who live together.

                  A) ancestor B) family tree C) descendant D) founder

                  6. Peter . . . . . . at seven o‘clock yesterday

                  A) goes up B) gets C) got up D) woke up

                  7. We _____ live in a flat.

                  A) don’t B) hasn’t C) doesn’t D) are not

                  8. is the Algebra ? founder Who of

                  A) Who is the founder of Algebra B) who is founder algebra is

                  C) algebra is founder of who D) who is the algebra of founder

                  9. To get (money) for working.

                  A) babysitting B) wage C) earn D) salary

                  10. . . . . . . read stories and play with children

                  A) paperboy B) librarian C) baby-sitter D) cleaner

                  11. _____ is very good exercise.

                  A) Swim B) To swims C)Swimming D) To swimming

                  12. They _____ pay for the tickets

                  A) haven’t to B) don’t have C) don’t have to D) mustn’t

                  13. There are a few shops ____ the end ____ the street.

                  A) at/on B) in/at C) at/of D) in/on

                  A) distraction B) value C) opportunity D) peace

                  15.You _______ wear uniform at shool.

                  A)must B) may C) can D) should

                  16. I didn’t have a shower this morning ___ my hair was really dirty all day.

                  A) so B) whereas C) because

                  17. I really love driving, ___ on sunny days.

                  A) whereas B) then C) especially

                  18. I love summer. ___, I hate getting on the underground in the heat.

                  A) However B) So C) Because

                  19. I didn’t eat any crisps ___ I ate an icecream!

                  A) generally B) but C) especially

                  20. I saw someone applying their make-up ___ they were driving!

                  A) so B) in conclusion C) while

                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
                  A B C C B C A A C C C C C C A A C A B C

                  Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

                  Ma’lumotlar bazasi mualliflik huquqi bilan himoyalangan © 2023
                  ma’muriyatiga murojaat qiling

                  Русский Язык 2 Синф

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