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English-uzbek uzbek-english dictionary

are soon parted This idiom means that people who aren’t careful with their A Dictionary of English Idioms .

English uzbek kitob

• Thematic dictionary Uzbek-English & Tashkent dialect

• Uzbek-English dictionary by topics

• 17 minute languages: Uzbek-English common phrases (+ audio)

• Omniglot: Uzbek-English common phrases (+ audio)

• Uzbek dictionary & phrasebook by Nicholas Awde, William Dirks, Umida Hikmatullaeva (2002) NEW

Uzbek language

→ Uzbek keyboard to type a text with the Cyrillic alphabet

→ Uzbek conversion: Cyrillic <> Latin characters

• Oxus: profil of the Uzbek language

• anthem of Uzbekistan with translation into English

• YouTube: Uzbek alphabet & common phrases (video)

• Language competencies for Peace Corps Volunteers in Uzbekistan (1992)

• The formation of the modern Uzbek Turkic by Emek Üşenmez, in Turkish studies (2016)

• Romanisation in Uzbekistan, past and present , by Mehmet Uzman, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (2009)

• Meaning and usage of compound verbs in Modern Uighur and Uzbek , by Ablahat Ibrahim, thesis (1995)

• Evidentiality in Uzbek and Kazakh by Christopher Straughn, master thesis (2011)

The Uzbek language ( o‘zbek tili ( tili : language) or o‘zbekcha ) is spoken in Uzbekistan. It was written with Arabic letters, then Latin letters after 1928, like in Turkey. In 1940, the cyrillic alphabet is imposed by the Soviet Union. After the independance, the Latin alphabet is now used.

Uzbek alphabet

А Б Ч Д Е, Э Ф Г Ғ Ҳ И Ж К Қ Л М Н О Ў П Р С Ш Т У В Х Й З Ъ
а б ч д е, э ф г ғ ҳ и ж к қ л м н о ў п р с ш т у в х й з ъ
A B Ch D E F G G‘ H I J K Q L M N O O‘ P R S Sh T U V X Y Z
a b ch d e f g g‘ h i j k q l m n o o‘ p r s sh t u v x y z

• BBC in Uzbek (Cyrillic alphabet) – VOA in Uzbek (Latin alphabet)

Texts & Literature

• Uzbek feelings of ethnicity, a study of attitudes expressed in recent Uzbek literature , by William Fierman, in Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique (1981)

• Tanzil: translation of the Quran into Uzbek ( Қуръон, Qur’on ) by Мухаммад Содик (in Cyrillic alphabet)

• Institute for Bible translation: Muqaddas Kitob, Муқаддас Китоб (2016), translation of the Bible into Uzbek (Latin & Cyrillic alphabets) (+ audio)

First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Barcha odamlar erkin, qadr-qimmat ba huquqlarda tang bo‘lib tug‘iladilar.
Ular aql va vijdon sohibidilar va bir-birla iga birodarlarcha muomala qilishlari zarur.

Барча одамлар эркин, қадр-қиммат ба ҳуқуқларда танг бўлиб туғиладилар.
Улар ақл ва виждон соҳибидилар ва бир-бирла ига биродарларча муомала қилишлари зарур.

→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text in Uzbek, Uyghur & other languages

english-uzbek uzbek-english dictionary

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Translation of “kitob” into English

book, portrait, workbook are the top translations of “kitob” into English. Sample translated sentence: Menga kitob o’qish yoqadi. ↔ I like reading books.

noun Noun grammar

“kitob” in Uzbek – English dictionary


collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material [..]
Menga kitob o’qish yoqadi. I like reading books.


An orientation where the long dimension of a rectangular area (for example, screen or paper) is vertical.



One matrix, or a collection of matrixes, that use a single model site as a data source.
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Automatic translations of “kitob” into English

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Translations with alternative spelling

“Kitob” in Uzbek – English dictionary


Kitob bu yaxshi sovg’a. A book is always an acceptable gift.
HeiNER – the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

Phrases similar to “kitob” with translations into English

portrait orientation
shared workbook

Translations of “kitob” into English in sentences, translation memory

Ushbu uchrashuvda oladigan amaliy yo‘l-yo‘riqlar ko‘plarga takroriy tashriflar qilishda va Muqaddas Kitob tadqiqlarini boshlashda yanada dadil bo‘lishga yordamlashmoqda.

The practical instruction we receive at this meeting helps many of us feel more confident about making return visits and conducting Bible studies.

Muqaddas Kitob sizga ham qanday yordam bera oladi?
How can the Holy Scriptures help you?
Bu haftadagi Muqaddas Kitob mutolaasidan Yahova haqida nimani o‘rgandingiz?
What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?

Ushbu chuqur ma’noga ega bo‘lgan ibodatni ko‘rib chiqish, Muqaddas Kitob ta’limotlarini tushunishimizga yordam beradi.

It is a very meaningful prayer, and a consideration of its first three petitions will help you to learn more about what the Bible really teaches.

Biroq, Uning shaxsi to‘g‘risida Muqaddas Kitob sahifalaridan bilib olishingiz mumkin.
As the psalmist said, you can “gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah.”
MUQADDAS YOZUVLARDA Rut deb nomlangan kitob bor.
IN THE Bible you will find a book called Ruth.
Kitob shunday boshlanadi.
The book starts like this.
Muqaddas Kitob: «Iso Masih ko‘rinmas Xudoning in’ikosidir»,— deb aytganida nimani nazarda tutadi?
What does the Bible mean when it refers to the Son as “the image of the invisible God”?
To‘qmoqda bu kitob bittagina bo‘lgani sababli o‘zimiz uchun uni qo‘lda ko‘chirib oldik.
* And since there was just one copy of this book in Tokmok, we copied it by hand for ourselves.

Uyma-uy xizmat qilayotganimning ikkinchi haftasida yoshi 30 dan oshgan ayolni uchratdim va u bilan Muqaddas Kitob tadqiqini boshladik.

During my second week in the door-to-door ministry, I met a woman in her 30’s with whom I began to study the Bible.

Muqaddas Kitob, Yahova butun olamning mehribon Parvardigori, deb o‘rgatmoqda
The Bible teaches that Jehovah is the loving Creator of the universe
Tadqiqot natijalari ushbu kitob negizini tashkil qilgan mavzularni aniqlashga yordam berdi.
A framework of topics to be addressed through the story was developed using the survey results.
Bu kitob hozir ko‘p tillarda mavjud.
It is now available in many languages.

Odam o‘lsa u bilan nima sodir bo‘lishini tasvirlab, Muqaddas Kitob shunday deydi: «Sening o‘tkinchi tanang yerning tuprog‘iga qaytar, Xudo bergan ruhing ham Uning O‘ziga qaytar» (Voiz 12:7).

Speaking about man’s death, Ecclesiastes 12:7 states: “The dust [of his body] returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it.”

Muqaddas Kitob ularni jinlar, deb ataydi.
In the Bible they are called demons.

Muqaddas Kitob Xudo to‘g‘risida: «Uning O‘zi sizlarga g‘amxo‘rlik qiladi»,— deb aytmoqda (1 Butrus 5:7).

“He cares for you,” the Bible says. —Read 1 Peter 5:7.

1870-yillarda Muqaddas Kitob tadqiqotchilarining kichik bir guruhi anchadan beri unutilib ketgan Xudoning Kalomidagi haqiqatlarni asta-sekin yuzaga chiqara boshladi.

In the 1870’s a small group of Bible students began rediscovering long-lost Bible truths.
Bu haftadagi Muqaddas Kitob mutolaasidan yana qanday ma’naviy marvaridlar topdingiz?
What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?
Agar kuniga uch-besh bobdan o‘qisangiz, bu ilohiy kitob bilan bir yil ichida tanishib chiqasiz.
By reading three to five chapters a day, you can read the entire Bible in a year.
Muqaddas Kitob boshqa kitoblardan nima bilan farq qiladi?
In what ways is the Bible different from any other book?

To‘lov haqida ko‘proq bilishni istasangiz, «Muqaddas Kitob ta’limotlari», nomli kitobning 5- bobiga qarang.