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Excel Book

“This Excel book gave me all the shortcuts, formulas, and functions I needed to become a power user! Thanks, CFI.” – Colis

Учебники по Excel

Excel является наиболее мощным инструментом для управления и анализа различных типов данных. Этот учебник охватывает углубленные уроки о том, как использовать различные формулы Excel, таблицы и диаграммы для управления малыми и крупномасштабными бизнес-процессами.

что я должна знать?

Ничего! Этот курс предполагает, что вы новичок в Excel.

Что вы узнаете?


Руководство Введение в Microsoft Excel
Руководство Как сложить, вычесть, умножить, разделить в Excel
Руководство Проверка данных Excel, фильтры, группировка
Руководство Введение в формулы и функции в Excel
Руководство Логические функции (операторы) и условия в Excel
Руководство Визуализация данных с помощью диаграмм в Excel
Руководство Пример: управление личными финансами с помощью Microsoft Excel

Advance Stuff

Руководство Как импортировать данные XML в Excel [Пример]
Руководство Как импортировать данные CSV (текст) в Excel [Пример]
Руководство Как импортировать данные MS Access в Excel [Пример]
Руководство Как импортировать данные базы данных SQL в Excel [Пример]
Руководство Сводные таблицы в Excel: руководство для начинающих
Руководство Создание расширенных диаграмм в Excel
Руководство Excel в облаке: Office 365
Руководство CSV против Excel (.xls) — в чем разница?
Руководство Учебник по VLOOKUP для начинающих: учитесь на примерах
Руководство Функция Excel ISBLANK: учиться на примере
Руководство Sparkline в Excel с примерами
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Руководство 20 лучших курсов Excel
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Руководство 85 лучших курсов Microsoft Office
Руководство Excel PDF

Макросы и VBA в Excel

Руководство Введение в макросы в Excel
Руководство Создание вашего первого Visual Basic для приложений (VBA) в Excel
Руководство Типы данных VBA, переменные и константы
Руководство VBA Arrays
Руководство Контроль формы VBA Excel и контроль Activex
Руководство VBA Арифметические Операторы
Руководство Строковые операторы VBA
Руководство Операторы сравнения VBA
Руководство VBA логические операторы
Руководство Excel VBA Вызов подпрограммы
Руководство Учебник по функциям Excel VBA: возврат, вызов, примеры
Руководство VBA Range Objects

Excel Book

Excel Book – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Excel

CFI’s Excel Book is free and available for anyone to download as a pdf. Learn about the most important Excel shortcuts and functions to succeed in your career!

Welcome to the official Excel Book from the Corporate Finance Institute. In this 206-page summary, we walk through all the most important and useful Excel functionalities that will advance your career in financial services. From logical functions such as IFERROR to calculating the yield of a bond, CFI’s Excel eBook provides you with numerous examples and key shortcuts! We hope you find this book useful in reaching your future goals.

CFI’s book on Excel is divided into four chapters. Below is a detailed breakdown of what’s included in each chapter.

CFI’s Excel Book – Excel Shortcuts for PC and Mac (Chapter 1)

  • Editing Shortcuts
  • Formatting Shortcuts
  • Navigation Shortcuts
  • File Shortcuts
  • Ribbon Shortcuts
  • Paste Special Shortcuts
  • Clear Shortcuts
  • Selection Shortcuts
  • Data Editing Shortcuts
  • Data editing (inside a cell) Shortcuts
  • Other Shortcuts
  • Reasons to use Excel Shortcuts
  • Free Excel Course

Basic Excel Formulas (Chapter 2)

  • Basic Terms in Excel
  • Five Time-saving Ways to Insert Data in Excel
  • Seven Basic Excel Formulas For Your Workflow

CFI’s Excel Book – Advanced Excel Formulas (Chapter 3)

  • IF combined with AND / OR
  • OFFSET combined with SUM or AVERAGE
  • PMT and IPMT
  • LEN and TRIM
  • CELL, LEFT, MID, and RIGHT functions

Most Useful Excel functions For Financial Modeling (Chapter 4)

Download Excel Ebook

Excel Book Review

Below is one of many reviews CFI received from satisfied readers of the Principles of Excel Book:

“This Excel book gave me all the shortcuts, formulas, and functions I needed to become a power user! Thanks, CFI.” – Colis

Additional Resources

The CFI Excel book is a great way to jumpstart your spreadsheet knowledge. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate student, this book is a great way to get a lot of information in one highly organized format. And the best part is…it’s 100% free!

To learn more and advance your career, check out these additional free CFI resources:

  • All CFI eBooks
  • Free Excel Crash Course
  • Finance Interview Questions
  • Career Map
  • See all Excel resources
  • Share this article

Excel tutorials in PDF

The computer material for IT and Excel-related courses and tutorials can be found here. The materials for which you will get the PDF files are Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021; charts; pivot tables and pivot charts; formulas; data and statistics; pivot tables; VLOOKUP; and IF functions; and many others. These tutorials are included in many academic schedules, so you will need to get detailed information. Because it will be impossible for you to search the web for every minor topic, you can download PDF files to access the information quickly. Also, tutorials, corrected exercises, and practical work will make it easy for you to understand every topic.

What’s unique about those materials is that they have been created by collecting data from different sources so that everyone will understand them easily. You can learn everything you need about any of these Excel topics by going to this Excel topic, whether you are a beginner or want more advanced information. Moreover, all the material is free to download from this website.

The Meaning of “Microsoft Excel”

Spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel makes it possible to sort, format, and calculate data with the help of formulas.

This program works with the rest of Microsoft’s Office suite because it is part of it. Microsoft Excel and the rest of Microsoft Office are now available as a cloud-based subscription service through Office 365.

A Guide to Understanding Excel

Microsoft Excel, abbreviated as MS Excel, is a commercial spreadsheet application developed and marketed by Microsoft for the Windows and Mac OS computer operating systems. With this program, you can do many useful things, like simple math operations, graphing, making pivot tables, and programming macros.

Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs store and manipulate information in a grid of cells. The information can also be shown in pictures, such as pie charts, bar graphs, and histograms.

Microsoft Excel users can rearrange their data in various ways to gain new insights. Excel add-ins written in Microsoft Visual Basic let users create advanced mathematical procedures. There is an option for programmers to use Windows for coding, debugging, and organizing code modules in the Visual Basic Editor.

The Promising and Long History of Excel

Microsoft Excel was essential in the early days of affordable personal computer business computing for keeping financial records and accounting for businesses.

It’s easy to see why an “autosum” table format would be ideal for Microsoft Excel.

Adding up a column of numbers in Microsoft Excel is as simple as clicking into a cell at the bottom of the spreadsheet, entering the column’s values, and clicking the “autosum” button. This takes the place of the time-consuming task of adding up ledgers by hand, which was the norm for businesses before electronic spreadsheets came along.

Microsoft Excel has become indispensable for many business computing needs thanks to autosum and other innovations. These include looking at daily, weekly, or monthly numbers, adding up payroll and taxes, and doing other similar business tasks.

Microsoft Excel is an essential end-user technology with many simple use cases that can be used for training and professional development. Microsoft Excel has been a mainstay of business computing courses for many years, and temporary staffing agencies often judge candidates based on how well they know Microsoft Word and Excel, two programs that can be applied in various office environments.

However, as business technology has progressed, Microsoft Excel needs to catch up.

This is due to the rise of what is known as “visual dashboard” technology, also known as “data visualization.”

In recent years, businesses and technology providers have developed innovative approaches to data visualization that don’t require users to peruse a traditional spreadsheet formatted like columns of numbers and identifiers. Instead, they resort to more high-tech presentations, like graphs and charts, to quickly and easily grasp the data. People have finally “read” that a visual representation is much easier to digest.

Previously established Excel applications have been rethought in light of data visualization principles. Most modern business use cases involve spreadsheets that handle fewer than a few dozen values for any given project, as opposed to the hundreds of records that Microsoft Excel was once used for.

If the spreadsheet has more than a few dozen rows, it might be better to use a visual dashboard instead of a traditional spreadsheet to show the data.