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Www. hasanboy. uz dan olindiIngliz tili onlayn attestatsiya test savollari namunalari1. Choose the correct answer. Neil has committed a terrible crime. He is to be sent to jail. a) -c) theb) ad) an2. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. This shirt is too small I needsize. a) largest b) a larger c) large d) more large3. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence – I m going to stay in the samehotel as last yeara) Aren t you? b) Are you? c) Do you? 4. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. What did you have for dinner. Nothing. I didn t havefor dinner today,a) anyb) nothingc) anything5. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. They used to go to the valley and there they enjoyed observing the sun rise. a) -b) ad) an6. Choose the right answer. I read an. thing in the newspaper this morning. a) amusing b) amusingly c) to amazed) amused7. Choose the correct answer When did you leave school? I was sisteena) Whenb) Asc) As soon as d) Whilegestures and words8. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. People useto express their ideas and feelings. a) either b) both ofc) both d) neitherpresident needs to do9. Choose the correct answer. The situation in France is hinga)-c) thed) anb) a10. Choose the answer which correctly completes he sentence. She wouldn t go in her fathergot rid of it as there was a large spider in the bathrooma) alter b) untilc) while11 Choose the correct answer. You are working too slowly. You d better work! a) a bit more fast b) a piece faster c) a bit faster d) more fast12. Choose the answer which correctly completes he sentence. Our college is near the railwaystation – Oh, it. be noisy during classes. a) mustb) cand) ought toc) may​

Eslatib o‘tamiz, davlat ta’lim muassasalari xorijiy tillar o‘qituvchilari uchun xorijiy tillarni o‘zlashtirish darajasi bo‘yicha talablar belgilangan.

Возобновлены грузоперевозки между Узбекистаном и Афганистаном

В Термезе 8−10 февраля состоялись переговоры делегаций компаний «Узбекистон темир йуллари», её дочернего предприятия «Согдиана Транс» и Управления железных дорог Афганистана по вопросам дальнейшего сотрудничества, сообщила пресс-служба узбекистанского ж/д перевозчика.

В ходе встречи была достигнута договорённость и подписан новый протокол между администрацией железных дорог Афганистана и «Согдиана Транс» о продолжении эксплуатации железной дороги «Хайратон — Мазари — Шариф».

При этом, согласно договорённости сторон, с 10 февраля возобновлена доставка вагонов, направленных в Афганистан на станцию Хайратон предприятием «Согдиана транс».

Напомним, с 1 февраля Узбекистан приостановил железнодорожные перевозки в Афганистан, поскольку афганские железнодорожники не успели провести запланированные технические работы. Открыть движение по железнодорожной ветке «Галаба — Хайратон» в Афганистан планировалось после подписания нового контракта между компанией «Согдиана транс» и администрацией железных дорог Афганистана.

«Газета.uz» 6 652

  • # афганистан
  • # согдиана транс
  • # узбекистон темир йуллари

Www. hasanboy. uz dan olindi
Ingliz tili onlayn attestatsiya test savollari namunalari
1. Choose the correct answer. Neil has committed a terrible crime. He is to be sent to jail.
a) –
c) the
b) a
d) an
2. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. This shirt is too small I need
a) largest b) a larger c) large d) more large
3. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence – I’m going to stay in the same
hotel as last year
a) Aren’t you? b) Are you?
c) Do you?
4. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. – What did you have for dinner?.
Nothing. I didn’t have
for dinner today,
a) any
b) nothing
c) anything
5. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. They used to go to the valley al.
down and there they enjoyed observing the sun rise.
a) –
b) a
d) an
6. Choose the right answer. I read an. thing in the newspaper this morning.
a) amusing b) amusingly c) to amaze
d) amused
7. Choose the correct answer When did you leave school? – I was sisteen
a) When
b) As
c) As soon as d) While
gestures and words
8. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence. People use
to express their ideas and feelings.
a) either b) both of
c) both d) neither
president needs to do
9. Choose the correct answer. The situation in France is critical.
c) the
d) an
b) a
10. Choose the answer which correctly completes he sentence. She wouldn’t go in her father
got rid of it as there was a large spider in the bathroom
a) alter b) until
c) while
11 Choose the correct answer. You are working too slowly. You’d better work!
a) a bit more fast b) a piece faster c) a bit faster d) more fast
12. Choose the answer which correctly completes he sentence. – Our college is near the railway
station – Oh, it . be noisy during classes.
a) must
b) can
d) ought to
c) may​

he will be ableto speakfrenchfree, when he returnsfrom paris.

can itake yourhand? -yesof course!

do you know howto skate?

whenhe was young,hecould walk20 kilometers a day.

no one couldhelp me.

you can dothe jobtomorrow?

iknow how to swimwhen i was 5years old.

you couldtranslate this text?

this bookcan be purchased atany store.

we cangoto the mountainsnext year.

Ответ разместил: HotaruAnastasija
10.03.2019 18:48
Ответ разместил: scumak399p07zdf
10.03.2019 18:48

i am a pupil of the ? form. the pupils of our school learn english. i have my english ? times a week. i take my english textbook, vokabulary and exercise-book and go to my eng. lesson. during the lesson we speak english a lot, but we also read texts from our textbooks, ask each other questions and speak out on what we have heard. during the lesson we also write on the blackboard, learn grammar rules and do exercises.

i like my eng. lessons very much and come to them with joy!

я ученик(ца) ? класса.уроки . языка у меня ? раз в неделю. я беру учебник, словарь, тетрадь и иду на урок . языка. во время урока мы много разговариваем на , но мы также читаем тексты из учебника, задаём друг другу вопросы и обсуждаем услышанное. также во время урока мы пишем на доске, учим грамматические правила и делаем .

мне нравятся уроки языка и я с радостью хожу на них.

если хотите что-то добавить – пишите – переведу.

Xorijiy tillarni bilish darajasini baholovchi xalqaro tan olingan sertifikatlar ro‘yxati tasdiqlandi

Ro‘yxatda 11 ta tilni bilishni tasdiqlovchi 30 ta eng mashhur testlar keltirilgan. TOEFL, IELTS, (TOPIK I), TORFL, TRKI shular jumlasidan.

Xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish bo‘yicha qaror Adliya vazirligi tomonidan davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazildi (ro‘yxat raqami: 3318, 07.09.2021 y).

Ro‘yxatda 11 ta tilni bilishni tasdiqlovchi dunyodagi 30 ta eng mashhur testlar keltirilgan. Ular orasida ingliz tili bo‘yicha TOEFL, IELTS, TESOL, CELTA, fransuz tili bo‘yicha DELF, DALF, TCF, nemis tili bo‘yicha Goethe-Zertifikat, DSD, DAF, rus tili bo‘yicha TORFL, TRKI, koreys tili bo‘yicha (TOPIK I), (TOPIK II) testlari bor.

Qaror bilan quyidagilar tasdiqlandi:

– Xorijiy tillarni bilish darajasini baholovchi xalqaro tan olingan sertifikatlarning ro‘yxati;
– Xorijiy tillarni bilish darajasini belgilovchi milliy va xalqaro tan olingan sertifikatlar o‘rtasidagi muvofiqlik darajasi.

Eslatib o‘tamiz, davlat ta’lim muassasalari xorijiy tillar o‘qituvchilari uchun xorijiy tillarni o‘zlashtirish darajasi bo‘yicha talablar belgilangan.

Unga ko‘ra, 2022/2023 o‘quv yilidan davlat ta’lim muassasalarining xorijiy tillar o‘qituvchilari lavozimlariga ishga yangi qabul qilinayotgan talabgor kamida B2 darajadagi milliy yoki unga tenglashtirilgan mos darajadagi xalqaro sertifikatga ega bo‘lishi lozim.

Назначен новый пресс-секретарь министра иностранных дел Узбекистана

Ранее А.Бурханов работал на различных должностях в Посольстве Узбекистана в США и Центральном аппарате МИД.

Напомним, в апреле 2021 года Юсуп Кабулжанов был назначен советником Министра по вопросам информационной политики, пресс-секретарем и официальным представителем МИД Республики Узбекистан. О его нынешнем статусе не сообщается.


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Возобновлены грузоперевозки между Узбекистаном и Афганистаном

8-10 февраля 2023 года в г.Термез состоялись переговоры делегаций АО «Узбекистон темир йуллари», ДП «Согдиана Транс», и Управления железных дорог Афганистана по вопросам дальнейшего сотрудничества. В.

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Глава Сената Узбекистана участвует в первом межпарламентском форуме стран Центральной Азии

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