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ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс Spotlight Student s book ответы и переводы к учебнику Ваулиной, Дули

expresses personal feelings and opinions on topic;

ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Биболетова, Денисенко Enjoy English

Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н. Серия: Enjoy English Издательства: Титул , Дрофа .

ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс Биболетова – та дополнительная справочная литература, в которой так нуждаются все учащиеся без исключения. Все дело в том, что несмотря на базовый уровень знаний ребенка, ему все равно нужна помощь. Особенность школьной программы этой ступени образования в постоянном добавлении новых предметов, а также усложнении материала по уже знакомым. Поэтому в таком потоке меняющихся данных ребята легко могут запутаться и что-то упустить. А иностранный входит в список тех дисциплин, по которым обязательно надо иметь хорошие и отличные оценки. Его важность в мире возрастает с каждым днем, полиглоты сейчас более ценные на рынке труда работники и имеют много возможностей в жизни. Такой навык позволяет не только поступить в желанный университет или институт, но даже в элитный колледж за границей, а это очень престижно. Кажется, что трудно достичь таких высот, однако для этого нужно лишь старание, вера в себя и, конечно, верный помощник, который всегда рядом.

Как поможет обучающемуся учебник по английскому языку 6 класс Биболетова enjoy english

Прекрасный учебно-методический комплекс выпущен издательством «Титул» в 2015 году. Его составляли и разрабатывали долгие годы самые настоящие мастера своего дела. Профессиональные и опытные методисты, которые посвятили несколько лет жизни преподаванию, добавили туда все необходимые комментарии и подсказки. Они подали каждую тему понятным и доступным языком, даже самая элементарная глава разобрана детально, так как у всех детей разный уровень изначальных умений. Перечень других плюсов решебника онлайн за шестой класс энджой инглиш от Биболетовой:

  • удобный, красивый и яркий дизайн и интуитивно понятная сортировка задач и ключей к ним;
  • экономия времени на проверку д/з, что позволит уделять больше внимания другим не менее важным занятиям и секциям;
  • доступ на все современные устройства (смартфон, пк, ноутбук, планшет, электронная книжка).

Ответы из решебника

Учебник 2019 (Дрофа)

Unit 1. Meeting new friends



Progress check

Unit 2. Let’s spend time together



Progress check

Unit 3. The fact file of the UK



Progress check

Unit 4. An adventure holiday



Progress check

Учебник 2015 (Титул)

Unit 1. Launching the International Explorers’ Club



Progress check

Unit 2. Spending time together



Progress check

Unit 3. Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland



Progress check

Unit 4. Talking about an adventure holiday



Progress check

Иностранные языки занимают особое место в современной жизни и образовательном процессе, поэтому крайне важно обеспечить учеников надежным уровнем лингвистической подготовки для будущего, получения высшего обр-я и построения карьеры. Основной тенденцией современного лингвистического образования является регулярная языковая практика. В среднем звене учащимся прививают навыки успешной коммуникации по различным темам жизни, быта, учебы, путешествий и других аспектов деятельности человека в нашей стране и за рубежом. Ответственная работа на уроках вкупе с регулярным выполнением всех требований преподавателя являются отличными предпосылками для достижения высокого уровня владения языком. Кроме того, учащимся будет полезно обратиться к сборнику готовых домашних заданий по предмету, который поможет разобраться во всех аспектах дисциплины.

Что представляет собой онлайн-решебник по английскому для шестого класса от Биболетовой

Он полностью соответствует структуре и составу оригинального печатного учебника. В нем содержатся подробные рекомендации по выполнению всех типовых практических упражнений, готовые правильные ответы к вопросам и заданиям, отсылки к теоретическим сведениям. Выполнение домашней работы по предмету и проверка собственных решений с помощью сборника позволит ребятам надежно закрепить знания и приобрести необходимые языковые компетенции. Современные онлайн-сборники – это не просто возможность списать готовые решения из шпаргалок и забыть о необходимости самостоятельно выполнять заданные упражнения. Решебник по англ. яз. становится прекрасным тренажером для школьников, который укажет слабые места и имеющиеся пробелы в знаниях, а также оперативно решит эти проблемы. В нем можно найти ответы на вопросы, переводы текстов, информацию о составлении предложений и много другого полезного материала. Грамотно используя его, школьник в скором времени начнет грамотно разговаривать на уроках английского со сверстниками и преподавателями. О практичности пособия говорят его ключевые преимущества:

  • круглосуточный онлайн-доступ;
  • понятная и удобная навигация по частям и страницам школьного издания;
  • доступное изложение всех разделов создателями;
  • исключительно правильно сделанные упр-я;
  • точный перевод всего наполнения на русский для того, чтобы старшеклассник освоил и понял все.

Содержание справочника по английскому для 6 класса, авторы: Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н.

Книга включает перечень всех параграфов, которые рекомендованы министерством образования и являются обязательными для изучения в указанный период обучения:

  1. Узнаем о городах России.
  2. На каникулах побываем в Великобритании.
  3. Фестивали, праздники, торжества, традиции и обычаи народов различных континентов.

ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс Spotlight Student’s book ответы и переводы к учебнику Ваулиной, Дули

Изучение иностранных наречий является важной составляющей современной школьной программы. Но, если ребенок не справляется с самостоятельным выполнением работ или нуждается в дополнительной проверке знаний, ему необходим решебник, содержащий ответы на задания. С этим легко справятся выпущенные с привлечением опытных авторов ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс Spotlight.

Module 1. (Страницы с 5 по 14)
Страница 5, Who’s who: 1
Страница 6-7, 1a. Family members: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Страница 8-9, 1b. Who are you?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 10, 1c. My country: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 11, 1d. Culture corner: 1 2 3
Страница 12, English in use: 1 2 3 4
Страница 13, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4
Страница 14, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 2. (Страницы с 15 по 24)
Страница 15, Here we are!: 1
Страница 16-17, 2a. Happy times: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Страница 18-19, 2b. My place: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 20, 2c. My neighbourhood: 1 2 3 4
Страница 21, 2d. Culture corner: 1 2 3
Страница 22, English in use: 1 2 3 4
Страница 23, Extensive reading: 1 2 3
Страница 24, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 3. (Страницы с 25 по 34)
Страница 25, Getting around: 1
Страница 26-27, 3a. Road safety: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 28-29, 3b. On the move: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 30, 3c. Hot wheels: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 31, 3d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4
Страница 32, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 33, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Страница 34, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Module 4. (Страницы с 35 по 44)
Страница 35, Day after day: 1
Страница 36-37, 4a. Day in, Day out: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 38-39, 4b. How about. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Страница 40, 4c. My favourite day: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 41, 4d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4
Страница 42, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 43, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Страница 44, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 5. (Страницы с 45 по 54)
Страница 45, Feasts: 1
Страница 46-47, 5a. Festive time: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 48-49, 5b. Let’s celebrate: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 50, 5c. Special days: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Страница 51, 5d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Страница 52, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 53, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4
Страница 54, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5
Module 6. (Страницы с 55 по 64)
Страница 55, Leisure activities: 1
Страница 56-57, 6a. Free time: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Страница 58-59, 6b. Game on!: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 60, 6c. Pastimes: 1 2 3
Страница 61, 6d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 5
Страница 62, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 63, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4
Страница 64, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 7. (Страницы с 65 по 74)
Страница 65, Now & then: 1
Страница 66-67, 7a. In the past: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 68-69, 7b. Halloween spirit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Страница 70, 7c. Famous firsts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Страница 71, 7d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 72, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 73, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 74, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 8. (Страницы с 75 по 84)
Страница 75, Rules & Regulations: 1
Страница 76-77, 8a. That’s the rule: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Страница 78-79, 8b. Shall we?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Страница 80, 8c. Rules & Regulations: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Страница 81, 8d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 82, English in use: 1 2 3 4
Страница 83, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4
Страница 84, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 9. (Страницы с 85 по 94)
Страница 85, Food & Refreshments: 1
Страница 86-87, 9a. Food and drink: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Страница 88-89, 9b. On the menu! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Страница 90, 9c. Let’s cook: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 91, 9d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 92, English in use: 1 2 3 4
Страница 93, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4
Страница 94, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Module 10. (Страницы с 95 по 104)
Страница 95, Holiday Time: 1
Страница 96-97, 10a. Holiday plans: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 98-99, 10b. What’s the weather like?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Страница 100, 10c. Weekend fun: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 101, 10d. Culture corner: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 102, English in use: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 103, Extensive reading: 1 2 3 4 5
Страница 104, Progress check: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Spotlight in Russia: Страница №1 Страница №2 Страница №3, Families Страница №4, Dachas Страница №5, Metro Страница №6, Hi! Страница №7, White nights Страница №8, Free time Страница №9, National pride Страница №10, Moscow zoo Страница №11, Mushrooms Страница №12, Sochi

ГДЗ и решебник по английскому языку за 6 класс Spotlight Student’s book Ваулина ответы и переводы онлайн

Возможность смотреть готовые решения и ответы дает учащемуся комфорт при подготовке домашней работы. Решебник не просто позволяет списать нужный вариант или перевод текста. При помощи ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ваулиной Spotlight можно произвести:

  • эффективное повторение пройденного материала;
  • подготовку к тестированию, написанию контрольной работы;
  • проверку знаний при самостоятельном выполнении упражнений;
  • контроль за учебой ребенка со стороны родителей.

Простой и удобный решебник и перевод текстов по английскому языку за 6 класс Spotlight обеспечивает существенное упрощение при прохождении материала учащимися. ГДЗ активно рекомендуют к использованию многие преподаватели, считающие интересы своих учеников приоритетными в прохождении образовательного процесса. С ними учеба из сложной и утомительной обязанности превратится в простое и приятное занятие.

Spotlight 8, Progress Check 6

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 8 из раздела Progress Check 6.

Задание Ответ

1. Sam doesn’t like to go anywhere too far off the beaten __ .
2. I can’t stand Kim and Ann. They __ me crazy.
3. Tina likes to visit quiet resorts that aren’t too __ .
4. All the flights are delayed, so we are all in the same __ .
5. We always went on __ holidays when we were young.
6. Pollution is affecting many beautiful __ around the world.
7. The luggage was loaded onto the plane as the passengers __ .
8. Let’s __ our flights now, so we can start organising the rest of the holiday.
9. You should wear a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid __ .
10. If we hurry, we can __ the 10 o’clock train.

1. Sam doesn’t like to go anywhere too far off the beaten track. – Сэм не любит уходить далеко от проторенной дороги.
2. I can’t stand Kim and Ann. They drive me crazy. – Терпеть не могу Кима и Анну. Они сводят меня с ума.
3. Tina likes to visit quiet resorts that aren’t too touristy. – Тина любит посещать спокойные курорты, которые не наводнены туристами.
4. All the flights are delayed, so we are all in the same boat. – Все рейсы отложены, поэтому мы все в одной лодке (т.е. в одинаковых условиях).
5. We always went on seaside holidays when we were young. – Когда мы были молодыми, то всегда ездили в отпуск на берег моря.
6. Pollution is affecting many beautiful monuments around the world. – Загрязнение влияет на многие красивые здания во всем мире.
7. The luggage was loaded onto the plane as the passengers boarded. – Багаж погрузили на самолет, когда пассажиры садились на борт.
8. Let’s book our flights now, so we can start organising the rest of the holiday. – Давай забронируем рейсы сейчас, чтобы мы могли начать организовывать остаток дня.
9. You should wear a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid sunstroke. – В жаркую погоду тебе следует носить шляпу и пить много воды, чтобы избежать солнечного удара.
10. If we hurry, we can catch the 10 o’clock train. – Если мы поторопимся, то можем успеть на 10-часовой поезд.

Задание Ответ

1. “I don’t think you understand the SERIOUS of the problem,” he said.
2. Tom is going to stay in a new luxury DEVELOP next to the beach.
3. Ian thanked his hosts for their KIND.
4. We play board games on long journeys for AMUSE.
5. At the end of my holiday, I always feel a bit of SAD about leaving a place.

1. “I don’t think you understand the seriousness of the problem,” he said. – “Я не думаю, что вы понимаете серьезность проблемы”, – сказал он.
2. Tom is going to stay in a new luxury development next to the beach. – Том собирается остаться в роскошном районе возле пляжа.
3. Ian thanked his hosts for their kindness. – Ян поблагодарил своих хозяев за их доброту.
4. We play board games on long journeys for amusement. – Для развлечения во время длинных поездок мы играем в настольные игры.
5. At the end of my holiday, I always feel a bit of sadness about leaving a place. – В конце моего отпуска мне всегда немного грустно покидать место.

Задание Ответ

1. “I enjoy travelling a lot,” she said.
2. “I visited Spain last year,” he said.
3. “Travelling solo is the best thing I’ve ever done,” he said.
4. “I’ll go to Italy next year,” said Jane.
5. “I’m looking for an interesting destination,” said Tim.

“I enjoy travelling a lot,” she said. – “Мне нравится много путешествовать”, – сказала она.
She said that she enjoyed travelling a lot. – Она сказала, что ей нравится много путешествовать.

“I visited Spain last year,” he said. – “В прошлом году я посетил Испанию”, – сказал он.
He said that he had visited Spain the previous year. – Он сказал, что посетил Испанию в прошлом году.

“Travelling solo is the best thing I’ve ever done,” he said. – “Путешествие в одиночестве – это лучшая вещь, которую я когда-либо совершал”, – сказал он.
He said that travelling solo was the best thing he had ever done. – Он сказал, что путешествие в одиночестве – это лучшая вещь, которую я когда-либо совершал.

“I’ll go to Italy next year,” said Jane. – “Я поеду в Италию в следующем году”, – сказала Джейн.
Jane said that she would go to Italy the following year. – Джейн сказала, что поедет в Испанию в следующем году.

“I’m looking for an interesting destination,” said Tim. – “Я ищу интересное место назначения”, – сказал Тим.
Tim said that he was looking for an interesting destination. – Тим сказал, что он ищет интересное место назначение.

Задание Ответ

1. I have been setting ___ a bit of money all year for my summer holidays.
2. Winter has started to set ___ already, so we can go skiing.
3. We had to set ___ early in the morning to catch the 6 am boat.
4. A two-hour delay on the way to the ferry set us ___, but we made up the time later.
5. When they realised they had missed the last train, anxiety set ___ .

1. I have been setting aside a bit of money all year for my summer holidays. – Весь год я откладывал немного денег на летний отпуск.
2. Winter has started to set in already, so we can go skiing. – Зима уже установилась, так что мы можем пойти кататься на лыжах.
3. We had to set off early in the morning to catch the 6 am boat. – Мы должны были отправляться рано утром, чтобы успеть на 6-часовой корабль.
4. A two-hour delay on the way to the ferry set us back, but we made up the time later. – Двухчасовая задержка по пути к парому задержала нас, но позже мы компенсировали упущенное время.
5. When they realised they had missed the last train, anxiety set in. – Когда они поняли, что пропустили последний поезд, наступило беспокойство.

Задание Ответ

1. I’m picking up my tickets ___ the airport.
2. We got stuck in traffic ___ the motorway.
3. There aren’t any cars left ___ hire on the island.
4. I booked my holidays ___ advance this year.
5. You will receive the parcel by Wednesday ___ delay.

1. I’m picking up my tickets at the airport. – Я забираю билеты в аэропорту.
2. We got stuck in traffic on the motorway. – Мы застряли в пробке на автомагистрале.
3. There aren’t any cars left for hire on the island. – На этом острове больше нет машин напрокат.
4. I booked my holidays in advance this year. – В этом году я забронировал отпуск заранее.
5. You will receive the parcel by Wednesday without delay. – Я без задержек получу бандероль к среде.

Exercise 1. Match to form exhanges.
Упражнение 1. Подберите подходящие друг к другу фразы.

Задание Ответ

1. How was your holiday?
2. Everything went wrong.
3. I found your purse.
4. There’s been an accident.
5. Why do these things keep happening to me?

a. Thank goodness!
b. I don’t know.
с. It was a nightmare!
d. What a shame!
e. Really? What happened?

How was your holiday? – Как прошел твой отпуск?
It was a nightmare! – Это был кошмар!

Everything went wrong. – Все пошло не так.
What a shame! – Как жаль!

I found your purse. – Я нашел твой кошелек.
Thank goodness! – Слава богу!

There’s been an accident. – Произошел несчастный случай.
Really? What happened? – Правда? Что случилось?

Why do these things keep happening to me? – Почему это происходит со мной?
I don’t know. – Я не знаю.

СОР_Англииский язык – Ағылшын тілі 6 класс

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organizing and carrying out Summative Assessment in “English language” for the Grade 6 learners. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 6 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations.

Methodological recommendations are designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations, educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria- based assessment and others.

Free access to the Internet resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio materials, etc. have been used in designing these Methodological recommendations.

Summative assessment for the unit «Our Class»

Learning objectives (6.L2) Understand more complex supported questions which ask for personal information (6.S2) Ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics

Assessment criteria

  • Identify complex personal questions with support
  • Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic and ask questions

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task 1. Listen what Joshua tells about his school in Japan. Choose the correct answer.

Go to this link to listen: Transcript can be found after the rubrics.

  • Which item did Joshua NOT take to school?
    • Backpack
    • Gym clothes
    • School hat
    • He stands and bows to the teacher.
    • He practices his reading and writing.
    • He puts on his gym clothes for class.
    • In his classroom
    • In the lunchroom
    • In the gymnasium
    • at 1:00 PM and at 2:00 PM
    • at 2:00 PM and at 3:00 PM
    • at 3:00 PM and at 4:00 PM

    Task 2. Work in pairs. Read the examples and possible answers. Then make up your own 3 questions about your class or school and ask your partner. Swap the roles.

    • What subject’s homework do you like? Why?
    • What are good and bad things about your school? Explain your answer.
    • What do you enjoy doing at school and what do you dislike doing? Explain your answer.

    Possible answers:

    • I prefer doing homework in Biology because it is always interesting for me.
    • Good thing in my school is that on Saturday we always have clubs and lessons on Music and Art
    • I enjoy staying with my friends and I dislike doing difficult problems in Math.

    Assessment criteria

    A learner

    Identify complex personal questions with support.

    1.chooses C ‘school hat’;

    2. chooses A ‘He stands and bows to the teacher.’;

    3.chooses A ‘in his classroom’;

    4. chooses B ‘at 2:00 PM and at 3:00 PM’;

    Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic and ask questions.

    asks 3 grammatically correct questions;

    answers 3 questions properly;

    uses topic related vocabulary accurately;

    pronounces words and phrases clearly.

    Total marks

    Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Our Class”

    Learner’s name

    Level of learning achievements

    Identify complex personal questions with support.

    Experiences difficulties in identifying personal questions. Answers most of the questions incorrectly.

    Experiences some difficulties in identifying personal questions. Makes mistakes in answers: school hat/He stands and bows to the teacher./in his classroom/ at 2:00 PM and at 3:00PM.

    Correctly identifies personal questions. Answers most of the questions correctly.

    Make up simple interrogative sentences to get information about the topic and ask questions.

    Experiences difficulties in interaction, in asking and answering the questions.

    Pronounces most of the words inaccurately with use of topical vocabulary. Has many pronunciation errors.

    Experiences some difficulties in interaction

    / asking questions/ answering the questions/ using proper topical vocabulary in his or her speech/ pronouncing some words and phrases clearly.

    Confidently communicates with a partner, asks grammatically correct questions. Answers most of the questions appropriately. Speaks with clear pronunciation of words.

    Transcript for listening task.

    Randall: Now what kinds of things do you take to school?

    Joshua: I take my taisofuku, that is gym clothes, and I take my backpack and my books [ Oh, okay. ] and stuff like that.

    Randall: Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school? Joshua: We do “kiritsu, rei.”

    Randall: “Kiritsu” and “rei.” Now what are those? Joshua: It means “stand up, bow.”

    Randall: Stand up and bow. Joshua: Uh-huh.

    Randall: And what do you study at school?

    Joshua: We study kokugo, that is writing and reading and stuff like that [ Okay ], and sansu, that’s math. [ Okay. ]. And, let’s see . . . , we do gym too.

    Randall: Okay, and where do you eat lunch? Do you have a lunchroom or cafeteria? Joshua: No, we eat in our classroom.

    Randall: You eat in your classroom! [ Yeah. ]. Oh, wow. That is very interesting. Now what time do you come home from school?

    Joshua: We come home sometimes at 3:00 and sometimes at 2:00. Randall: Okay, well thank you very much Joshua.

    Joshua: You’re welcome.

    Summative assessment for the unit “Helping and heroes”

    Learning objectives (6.R6) Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a growing range of general and curricular topics (6.W3) Write with some support about personal feelings and opinion on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics (6.W8) Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

    Assessment criteria

    • Identify the author’s attitude and viewpoint in short texts
    • Express personal feelings and opinion in written form with little support
    • Write high-frequency topic related words accurately

    Level of thinking skills

    Higher order thinking skills

    Task 1. Read the text and complete the tasks below.

    Greg likes to help his mom make cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are his favourite. His mom likes them too.

    He adds the chocolate chips to the batter. Then he stirs them in. He forms the batter into balls and places them on a baking sheet. His mom places the baking sheet into the oven.

    When the cookies are in the oven, Greg licks the last bits of batter from the bowl. He can hardly wait for the cookies to be ready.

    In 30 minutes the cookies are finished baking. The cookies are hot and yummy.

    Answer the questions.

    • What kind of cookies are Greg’s favourite?
    • What does he do when the chocolate chips are in the batter?
    • Where does he place the balls of batter?

    Choose the correct answer.

    • What is the best name for this text A) Cookie Dough B) Making Cookies

    Task 2. Write about your Sunday household chores.

    Follow the steps for writing:

    • Write one sentence about Sunday.
    • Write what household chores you can do at home to help your parents or elderly people.
    • Write about your feelings after help.
    • Explain why it is important to help people.

    Assessment criteria

    A learner

    Identify the author’s attitude and viewpoint in short texts.

    1.writes ‘chocolate chip cookies’;

    2.writes ‘he stirs them’;

    3.writes ‘on a baking sheet’;

    4.chooses B ‘Making cookies;

    Express personal feelings and opinions in written form with little support.

    Write high-frequency topic related words accurately.

    writes introductory sentence about Sunday;

    writes names of household activities;

    expresses personal feelings and opinions on topic;

    writes about the importance to help people.

    spells the topical vocabulary accurately.

    Total marks

    Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Helping and heroes”

    Learner’s name

    Assessment criteria

    Level of learning achievements

    Identify the author’s attitude and viewpoint in short texts.

    Experiences difficulties in identifying the author’s attitude and opinion. Answers most of questions incorrectly with spelling errors.

    Experiences some difficulties in identifying the author’s attitude and opinion

    Makes mistakes in answers:

    Chocolate chip cookies/ he stirs them/

    on a baking sheet/ Making Cookies. Makes some spelling mistak

    Correctly identifies the author’s attitude and opinion in the text. Answers most of the questions appropriately with accurate spelling.

    Express personal feelings and opinions in written form with little support.

    Write high-frequency topic related words accurately.

    Experience difficulties in writing paragraphs on topic, in expressing feelings and importance to help people. Spells most of vocabulary words with mistakes.

    Experience some difficulties in writing paragraphs with introductory sentence/in giving the names for household activities/ in expressing feelings/ in writing about importance to help people. Spells some of vocabulary words with mistakes.

    Presents a well- structured piece of writing with introductory sentence and gives the names for household activities. Writes sentences expressing feelings and importance to help people. Spells few words with

    Summative assessment for the unit “Our countryside”

    Learning objectives (6.L4) Understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics (6.S3) Give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics (6.S8) Recount some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics

    Assessment criteria

    • Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support
    • Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
    • Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic

    Level of thinking skills

    Higher order thinking skills

    Task 1. Listen to the story and choose the correct option.

    Go to the link to listen information

    Transcript can be found after the rubrics.

    Example: The chicken and the duck were friends/enemies.

    • The speaker tells the story about farmfriends/cityfriends.
    • The speaker says that the cat is a good animal/abadanimal.
    • The speaker is sure that the dog is friendly/angry.

    Task 2. Listen to the second time and complete the sentences.

    • In the beginning the chicken and the duck are speaking about the .
    • The second animal they speak about is the .
    • At the end of the story they speak about the .

    Task 3. Learners work in pairs. Each pair gets a picture. Learners describe the picture participating in the discussion equally. Give some time to learners to get ready with questions to the picture.

    Look at the picture. Make a 2-3-minutes talk asking and answering the questions. Participate in the conversation equally. You have 1 minute to prepare.

    Possible questions for discussion.

      • What can you see on the picture?
      • Is it a city or a country?
      • How many animals can you see on the farm?
      • Can you name some animals?
      • What do people do in villages?
      • Do you want to live in a village? Why? / Why not?

      Assessment criteria

      A learner

      Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some

      1. chooses ‘farm friends’;

      2. chooses ‘a bad animal;

      3. chooses ‘friendly’;

      3. writes‘ Man/farmer’;

      Provide a point of view in

      conversations and discussions

      Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic.

      expresses his/her opinion in discussion clearly;

      answers the questions properly;

      uses vocabulary words appropriately;

      conveys ideas clearly;

      speaks with clear pronunciation of words.

      uses grammatically correct sentences in speech;

      Total marks

      Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment for the unit “Our countryside”

      Learner’s name

      Assessment criteria

      Level of learning achievements

      Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support.

      Experiences difficulties in identifying the main points of the talk.

      Chooses most of the answers incorrectly. Completes most of the

      Experiences some difficulties in identifying the main points of the talk. Makes mistakes in answers: Farm friends/ A bad animal/ friendly/ Cat/ Dog/ Man or farmer.

      Properly identifies the main points of the talk while listening.

      Completes the tasks correctly with proper spelling of words.

      Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions.

      Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic.

      Experiences difficulties in providing a point of view in discussion and in asking and answering a variety of questions. Tries to tell episodes on topic.

      Pronounces most of the words unclear. Uses many grammatically incorrect sentences and inappropriate vocabulary.

      Experiences some difficulties in providing a point of view in discussion / in asking questions on topic/ in answering a variety of appropriate questions/ in using topical vocabulary accurately and grammatically correct sentences. Gives some inaccuracies in episodes on topic. Pronounces some of the words clearly.

      Accurately provides a point of view in discussion and answers a variety of questions. Uses topical vocabulary and grammatically correct sentences accurately.

      Clearly presents episodes on topic. Pronounces most of the words clearly.

      Transcript for listening task.

      The chicken and the duck were friends. They lived on a farm. They walked around together. They swam in the pond together. They talked about many things. They talked about the cat. They thought the cat was tricky. They thought the cat was dangerous. The cat looked at them a lot. They didn’t trust the cat. “We must always keep our eyes open when the cat is around,” they both agreed. They talked about the dog. The dog was very friendly. The dog wanted to play. The dog had lots of energy. It barked a lot. It ran around a lot. They both liked the dog. They talked about the farmer. The farmer brought them food. The farmer took care of them. The farmer took care of all the animals. He fed the cow. He fed the pig. He fed the goat. He fed the sheep. He fed the rabbit. They liked the farmer. He took good care of everyone. He was a nice man. “Farmers are good,” said the chicken. “We need farmers,” said the duck.

      Summative assessment for the unit “Drama and Comedy”

      Learning objectives (6.R2) Understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics (6.W2) Write with some support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics (6.W5) Develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics (6.UE15) Use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

      Assessment criteria

      • Find particular facts and parts in short simple texts
      • Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences with support
      • Write coherent arguments with support
      • Give examples and reasons to support arguments
      • Differentiate between the usage of infinitive and gerund forms and infinitive of purpose after common verbs

      Level of thinking skills

      Higher order thinking skills

      Task 1. Read about a famous movie’ Life of Pi’ and do the task below.

      Life of Pi

      When Pi is 16, his family decides to close the zoo and move to Canada. They sell some of the animals to zoos in North America and the family takes the animals with them on a ship to Canada. On the way, there is a terrible storm and the ship sinks. Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orang-utan and a tiger. When he sees the animals, Pi is scared and he jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the ocean and he climbs back into the lifeboat.

      Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and are burnt by the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Sometimes, Pi is happy and hopeful, but sometimes he feels sad and lonely. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to read the book to find out what happens in the end!

      Circle True or False for these sentences.

      • Pi moves to Canada in 16. True False
      • Pi is scared when he sees the animals in the lifeboat. True False
      • Pi fights with a big shark. True False
      • At the end they land in the USA. True False

      Task 2. Look at the facts about a famous cartoon ‘Rio 2’. Write 2 paragraphs using the information below.

      Directed by – Carlos Saldanha

      Starring – Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg Production company – 20th Century Fox Animation Music by – John Powell

      Release date – March 20, 2014 Running time – 101 minutes Country – United States Language – English

      Tips for writing:

      • Write one sentence about this cartoon (Use structures as I like (to watch) and I would like (to tell).
      • Write general facts about the cartoon.
      • Write about actors, music and the country of production.
      • Include information about company production, release date, running time and language.
      • Recommend this cartoon to your friends.

      Assessment criteria

      A learner

      Find particular facts and parts in