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In ancient times, there was a young man who did not have a profession, but always complained: “Everyone is successful on his job, but I’m not lucky”. His words irritated the people, and they joked: “Wouldn’t it be better if you instead of complainingcould find your own luck in order shaking your hands? Maybe it is far away from you”.
The gullible young man believed in these words and set off in search of luck. He was never far from his village before. As he walked more and more, he felt something lighting in his heart. He liked the flower-covered fields, the hills, the majestic mountains, the nightingales singing in the gardens, the clear water flowing in the streams. “My luck has gone so far not in vain”, he thought.
Ingliz tili
Once upon a time, when some people lived in poverty, rich and poor were not friendly, it was very bad times. Now listen to my story.
In ancient times, there was a young man named Mo’min. When the elders saw him as their own son, the children loved him as their brother, and he was even widely known as the Faithful Merciful.
There was a severe drought that year and the harvest was poor. The merciful Believer also distributed the grain to the helpless, which he took as a seed, leaving not a single seed for sowing in the spring. Then he went to study with artisans in the city.
Trip to the calm castle
In ancient times, there was a lazy boy who made excuses for work and ran for soup. It was like saying if it was summer, if it was not winter, if it was soup, if there was no work.
One day, as he was daydreaming and not wanting to get up as usual, someone knocked softly on the window. As Little boy melted and turned to the window, he was called by a beautiful lady. He had never seen Mrs. Little boybefore. The lady opened thewindow:
– Little boy, I do not know your name, and as everyone calls it, you must be the boy I am looking for. I want to take you to the calm castle. No one there will tell you to do it, do it. What you want is instantaneous. The condition is that you should never hit your hand in cold water there. In the calm castle you can only rest, eat and sleep from morning until night. If you want, we will leave now, ‘he said, extending his hand to Little boy.Little boyimmediately liked the lady’s words and followed her.
The song of an enterprising rabbit- Donduk
Bir bor ekan, bor yo‘q ekan, blrov lo‘q bo‘lsa-da, ko‘zl och, birov och bo‘lsa-da, ko‘ngli to‘q ekan. Ana shunday za-monlarda bir yurtda Oltin daryo bo‘lgan ekan. Oltin daryo deyishlariga sabab daryosida oltin baliq suzgan, baliqchilar bir-biridan o‘zgan ekan, ammo hech kimsa oltin baliqni ko‘rmagan ekan. Daryoga yaqin qishloqda eskigina, devorlari nuragan kulba bor ekan. Shu kulbada bir chol bilan kampir yashar ekan.
The young man who was looking for luck
In ancient times, there was a young man who did not have a profession, but always complained: “Everyone is successful on his job, but I’m not lucky”. His words irritated the people, and they joked: “Wouldn’t it be better if you instead of complainingcould find your own luck in order shaking your hands? Maybe it is far away from you”.
The gullible young man believed in these words and set off in search of luck. He was never far from his village before. As he walked more and more, he felt something lighting in his heart. He liked the flower-covered fields, the hills, the majestic mountains, the nightingales singing in the gardens, the clear water flowing in the streams. “My luck has gone so far not in vain”, he thought.
The grain of the mouse
Bir bor ekan, bor yo‘q ekan, blrov lo‘q bo‘lsa-da, ko‘zl och, birov och bo‘lsa-da, ko‘ngli to‘q ekan. Ana shunday za-monlarda bir yurtda Oltin daryo bo‘lgan ekan. Oltin daryo deyishlariga sabab daryosida oltin baliq suzgan, baliqchilar bir-biridan o‘zgan ekan, ammo hech kimsa oltin baliqni ko‘rmagan ekan. Daryoga yaqin qishloqda eskigina, devorlari nuragan kulba bor ekan. Shu kulbada bir chol bilan kampir yashar ekan.
The cunning trick of the enterprising rabbit-Donduk
Bir bor ekan, bor yo‘q ekan, blrov lo‘q bo‘lsa-da, ko‘zl och, birov och bo‘lsa-da, ko‘ngli to‘q ekan. Ana shunday za-monlarda bir yurtda Oltin daryo bo‘lgan ekan. Oltin daryo deyishlariga sabab daryosida oltin baliq suzgan, baliqchilar bir-biridan o‘zgan ekan, ammo hech kimsa oltin baliqni ko‘rmagan ekan. Daryoga yaqin qishloqda eskigina, devorlari nuragan kulba bor ekan. Shu kulbada bir chol bilan kampir yashar ekan.
Swallow, wind and rainbow
Bir bor ekan, bor yo‘q ekan, blrov lo‘q bo‘lsa-da, ko‘zl och, birov och bo‘lsa-da, ko‘ngli to‘q ekan. Ana shunday za-monlarda bir yurtda Oltin daryo bo‘lgan ekan. Oltin daryo deyishlariga sabab daryosida oltin baliq suzgan, baliqchilar bir-biridan o‘zgan ekan, ammo hech kimsa oltin baliqni ko‘rmagan ekan. Daryoga yaqin qishloqda eskigina, devorlari nuragan kulba bor ekan. Shu kulbada bir chol bilan kampir yashar ekan.
Savior Donduk
Bir bor ekan, bor yo‘q ekan, blrov lo‘q bo‘lsa-da, ko‘zl och, birov och bo‘lsa-da, ko‘ngli to‘q ekan. Ana shunday za-monlarda bir yurtda Oltin daryo bo‘lgan ekan. Oltin daryo deyishlariga sabab daryosida oltin baliq suzgan, baliqchilar bir-biridan o‘zgan ekan, ammo hech kimsa oltin baliqni ko‘rmagan ekan. Daryoga yaqin qishloqda eskigina, devorlari nuragan kulba bor ekan. Shu kulbada bir chol bilan kampir yashar ekan.
Enterprising Donduk
Donduk and the fox that we are familiar used to live in the forest. The greedy fox was in pursuit of prey from dusk to dawn. The fox was very angry for several times of failures to catch the rabbit that we know very well even if the fox met the rabbit several times. Do you know why it is like this? The primary reason for that is that the rabbit knows how to exploit its erudition. Let me retell the story in which the events of the rabbit and fox are held. One day, the rabbit heard that the fox was chasing after him from the neighbors. He hanged a red ribbon to the top of his house, and went to bed covering under blanket. After seeing the fox from distance, he burnt harmala herb to kill infections. He opened the gate. The fox pretended himself to be the guest for rabbit.
Once upon a time, Donduk devised a brand new way of protection from the fox. The rabbit asked the head of radio broadcasting of the forest-squirrel to give Rabbit 10 minutes to be on the air. He took the microphone and began to report: “Dear and respectful forest folk, let’s begin our talk about the rabbit. This topic is interesting for the all in the forest. I want to invite a guest from foreign country, YoQu, candidate of rabbit-related sciences. Mr Yon Qu knows our language perfectly. You are welcome, MrYo Qu. The forest folk are all ears for your speech.”
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