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Таълим / Образование

Answer key: 1-f, 2-b, 3-d, 4-g 5-h 6-e 7-a 8-c
Activity 2 Pupils Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words relating to job with their definitions.

Ochiq dars ishlanmasi ingliz tili

Registon Akademiya filialida ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi Muhayyo Tolipova tomonidan o’quvchilarga ochiq dars o’tkazildi. Ochiq .

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Kanalimizga obuna bo’ling va biz bilan birga ingliz tilini oson o’rganing , do’stlar bilan ulashing ! Darslar sizga yoqsa siz o’zingiz .

Таълим / Образование

Инглиз тилидан бошланғич синф учун бир соатлик дарс ишланмаси

Ушбу саҳифада ўқитувчилар инглиз тили фанидан бошланғич синф учун бир соатлик дарс ишланма намунасини юклаб олишлари мумкин.

I. Сана_________________ Синф ______________

II. Дарс мавзуси: Саломлашиш (Greeting) Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night

III. Дарснинг мақсади.

а) Таълимий мақсад: Ўқувчиларга саломлашишга оид созларни инглиз тилида ўргатиш.
б) Тарбиявий мақсад: Ўқувчиларга аҳлоқий тарбия бериш.
c) Ривожлантирувчи мақсад: Ўқувчиларда инглиз тилига бўлган дастлабки кўникмаларни ҳосил қилиш.

IV. Дарс тури: Янги тушунча ва билимларни шакллантирувчи ўйин дарси.

V. Дарс методи: Замонавий, ноанъанавий.

VI. Дарс жиҳози: Машғулотда ишлатиладиган дарс жиҳози: қуёш расми, миллий эртак қаҳрамонлари (Зумрад ва қиммат), компьютер ва интернетдан олинган маълумотлар, копток, рангли қаламлар ёки краска, альбом.

VII. Дарснинг таркибий қисми.
1. Ташкилий қисм. Саломлашиш. Давомат
2. Янги мавзу баёни

Ўқитувчи: Ассалому алайкум, болажонлар. Бугундан бошлаб сизлар билан биргаликда инглиз тили дарсимизни бошлаймиз. Биринчи дарсимизда биз сизлар билан инглиз тилида саломлашишни ўрганамиз. Қани болажонлар доскага қараймиз. Болажонлар доскада нимани кўряпсизлар?

Ўқувчи: қуёшни

Ўқитувчи: жуда тўғри. Қуёшимиз неча хил ҳолатда турибди экан?

Ўқувчи: 3 хил

Ўқитувчи: тўғри. Биринчи қуёшимиз нима қиляпти?

Ўқувчи: уйқудан туряпти.

Ўқитувчи: демак, тонг отяпти. Эрталаб туриб ота-онамизга биринчи нима деймиз?

Ўқувчи: Ассалому алайкум

Ўқитувчи: ҳа, Ассалому алайкум деймиз. Ҳозир эса мана шу сўзни инглиз тилида қандай айтилишини ўрганамиз. “Gooв morning” (болалар билан 3-4 марта қайтарилади).
Энди эса болалар 2-қуёшимизга қараймиз. Қуёш қандай ҳолатда?

Ўқувчи: қуёш нур сочяпти.

Ўқитувчи: қуёш чарақлаб нур сочганда қайси пайт бўлади?

Ўқувчи: туш пайти бўлади.

Ўқитувчи: тўғри, демак туш пайтида биз мактабдан қайтамиз ва уйга келиб бобо ва бувимизга яна нима деймиз?

Ўқувчилар: Ассалому алайкум

Ўқитувчи: баракалла болажонлар. Мана шу тушдан кейин айтган саломимизни инглиз тилида “Good afternoon” деймиз. Нима деб айтар эканмиз?

Ўқувчилар: Good afternoon.

Ўқитувчи: энди болалар мендан кейин қайтаринг . “Good afternoon” (3-4 марта қайтарилади).

Ўқитувчи: раҳмат болажонлар. Энди шу ўрганган сўзлармизни ролли ўйинлар билан машқ қиламиз.

3. Мустаҳкамлаш

Доскага қуёш расмларини илади унда кун вақтини акс эттирилган бўлади.

Good morning Good afternoon

Good evening Good night

Саломлашишни ўрганилади. Эртак қаҳрамонлари ёрдамида сўзлар мустаҳкамланади.

4. Янги мавзуни мустаҳкамлаш:

Гуруҳларга Қиммат, Зумрад ва буви номлари берилади. Ўқитувчи куннинг қисмини айтади ва ўзига тегишли бўлган гуруҳ шу заҳоти туриб ўша сўзни қайтариши керак.

а) Копток билан ишлаш: ўқувчилар бир-бирларига коптокни узатишлари орқали саломлашадилар.

б) Ўқувчилар доира шаклида бир бирларини қуллари устма –уст туради ва кетма кетликда кун вақтларини айтадилар. Масалан 1-ўқувчи Good morning 2- ўқувчи, Good afternoon, 3– ўқувчи Good evening, 4- ўқувчи Good night дейди ва ўйин шу тартибда давом этади.

6. Ўқувчиларни баҳолаш:

Дарс жараёнида ўқувчилар баллар орқали баҳоланиб борадилар ва дарс якунида қуёш нурларига қараб ғолиб бўлган гуруҳга рағбат сифатида кейинги дарсни бошлаб бериш имконияти берилади.

7. Уйга вазифа:

Уйдаги оила аъзолари билан куннинг вақтига қараб саломлашишни такрорлаш ва оила аъзоларига ўргатиш, шунингдек куннинг вақтини акс эттирувчи расмлар чизиш.

Olmaliq shahar 20-umumta`lim maktabining ingiliz tili fani o`qituvchisi Djakayeva Hafizaning bir soatlik ochiq dars ishlanmasi. Mavzu: “

Presentation on theme: “Olmaliq shahar 20-umumta`lim maktabining ingiliz tili fani o`qituvchisi Djakayeva Hafizaning bir soatlik ochiq dars ishlanmasi. Mavzu: “”— Presentation transcript:

1 Olmaliq shahar 20-umumta`lim maktabining ingiliz tili fani o`qituvchisi Djakayeva Hafizaning bir soatlik ochiq dars ishlanmasi. Mavzu: “ I like Navruz”

2 The technological map of the demonstrative lesson

3 The name of the subject: English.
Form: The Theme of the lesson: Unit 14 Lesson 1 “ I like Navruz” The page : The ferm: IV The system of the lesson: Developing oral speech, listening and writing skill. The type of the lesson : Identifying Puplis teamwork skills. The kind of the lesson: Explaining new vocabulary and develop oral speech. Organizational moment : min. The new theme exposition: min

4 Fixing the lesson : min Asking homework: min Giving homework: min Marking : min The other interpretation of the theme: “ Holidays are fun” Aims: 1. Educational aim- to develop and streng – then knowledge of pupils by means of holidays in Uzbekistan. 2. Bringing up aim- to form moral relations in the class, to support interest to holidays in Uzbekistan. 3. Developing – to create conditions for independent learning of foreign language with the help of gained knowledge. 4. Practical aim – to train free speaking in a foreign language.

5 The maintenance of the lesson.
Methods: Resources: – picture, computer, postcards. The way of the lesson– grouping the class. The style of the lesson– oral and written. Control: pronunciation, activities and right answer. Marking: With cards The procedure of the lesson. 1.Organization of the lesson. –Good morning pupils! — Good morning.

6 Well, let`s begin our lesson.
—Who is on duty today? —Who is absent today? —A is ( are) absent today. Who can tell me, what season is it now? – It is spring now. Which are spring months? March, April, May are spring months. What holidays do we have in spring? We have Women`s Day, Navruz holiday, Amir Temur`s birthday and others. Well, pupils let`s sing the song “ Sumalak”.

7 Rainbow bridge is in the sky
Green grass tells that soon Navruz In the Cattle sumalak For us our mother cooks Please, mom give me sumalak Tasty dish it is for us Sumalak is another cause To meet one more time my lass Sumalak, sumalak, sumalak suzing ona, ona, Pazandalar, pazandalar misoli Let us hand out door to door Fulfilled bowles of sumalak If we also knock your door Open or you will be in lack

13 Copy and write the words in the crossword.
1. It is a cold season. 2.We pick cotton in this season. 3. Amudaria is a …. 4. In Spring and in Autumn…. 5. It is hot. 6. It is an animal.

14 What holidays do you know?

15 Ex 2. Read and match 1.New year begins? a) in July and August. 2. Independence Day is? b) on 21 March 3. Schoolchildren do not study? c) on 8 March. 4. Women`s Day? d) on 1 September. 5. Teacher`s Day ? e) on 1 Jauary. 6. Navruz is ? f) on 1 October.

16 Ex 3a. Look at the pictures. Say “ Assalom Navro`z” in English
Ex 3a. Look at the pictures. Say “ Assalom Navro`z” in English. Ex 3b Cuess the title of the text. Read the text. 21 March is the Navruz holiday. It is the Asian New Year. People in Central Asia celebrate this holiday. There is a lot of music, dancing and sining. People in our country like it very much. They do not work on this day. They visit their friends and familiy and say “Happy Navruz”. They invite them to their homes. Often they take their children to the park. This is the first day of spring holidays in schools children love Navruz. Ex 3 c. Fing,guess and translate People invite (invitation) celebrate Ex 4. Say True or False.

17 Ex 4. Say True or False 1. Childeren love Navruz. 2. Navruz is a Winter holiday. 3. It is the Asian new Year. 4. People visit their friends and family. 5. We don`t listen to music at Navruz. 6. Children don`t go to School on 21 March.

18 Ex 5 it`s a good holiday. I like Navruz it usually rains
because … it`s in spring there is no music we visit our friends Remember Happy Navruz! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Happy Teacher`s Day! Homework: Ex : p:140.

19 Test your English. Homework: Ex :1.2 p:140.
Funny test. 1. How many seasons are there in a year? a) four b) five c) two d) one. 2. When do we celebrate the Navruz holiday? a) On the of March. b) On the of October. c) On the of march. d) On the of March Homework: Ex : p:140.

Ingliz tili fanidan dars ishlanmasi jalaquduq

Main part of the lesson:
Activity 1 Ask pupils to look at and answer questions and test their knowledge of famous people in Uzbekistan with the quiz.

Answer key: 1-A, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A, 6-A, 7-C, 8-D

Activity 2 Explain pupils that most words in English have their noun, adjective, adverb and verb form Ask them to sort out the word s into the following parts of speech. Some words might belong to two columns.

Activity 3 Play T 2 . 3. Ask pupils to listen to the tape and complete the sentence. Explain them that they shouldn’t write no more than one word.

Activity 4. Name the pictures. Who are they?

A – Abu Nasr Forobiy B – Al Khorazmiy

C – At Termiziy

D – Abu Ali ibn Sino E – Alisher Navoiy

Activity 5. Read the passage and do the true / false task.

Answer key:

Activity 6. Match mathematical terminology in the box A with the mathematical symbols in the box.

  1. How can you add eight 8’s to get the number 1,000? (only use addition)
  2. Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. The riddle is for you to explain how.
  3. What 3 positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?
  4. There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?
  1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today?
  2. Make a report on interesting facts about Al-Khwarizmi and Avicenna. Word limit is 80 -100 .
  3. Share your report with your peers.

Head of teaching process Signature

Unit 2 What is your speciality?

Lesson4. Introduction to the speciality.Information on types of professions.Prefessional words and terms.Information on the responsibilities of professional representatives.

Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about different specialities and professons, a part time jobs, and jobs for teenagers in GB

Sociolinguistic competence: – to enable pupils to choose needed lexical units in an appropriate form Pragmatic competence: – to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in different situations Equipments: “English” pupil’s book , handouts, DVD, technical aids, a blackboard and a piece of

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
    1. Who is on duty today?
    2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
    • Check for homework given on past lesson.

    Main part of the lesson:
    Activity 1 Ask pupils to match pictures a-e with 1 – 5 What do they have in common?

    Answer key: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B
    Activity 2 Sort out the words into the following parts of speech.

    Answer key:

    bring up verb

    take care phrasal verb

    catch a cold phrasal verb

    have a fever phrasal verb

    make a choice collocation

    Activity 3 Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the word s and phrases in the box.

    Answer key:

      1. What are these people doing?
      2. Are they enjoying their work? How do you know?

      Then pupils Ask your pupils to read the text about jobs for teenagers.
      Activity 6 Explain that they should Ask your pupils to match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the meanings below.

      Activity 8 Pupils test their vocabulary of “Jobs ” with the activity “word jumbles ”. 20 types of occupation are given below.

      Answer key:

      Activity 9 Ask pupils to Ask your pupils to match the function with the jobs

      1. Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.
      2. Make a report on your favourite job. Word limit is 80 -1 0 0 .
      3. Share your report with your peers

      Head of teaching process Signature

      The aim of the lesson:

      Lesson 5. People who are famous in the profession. My friend’s future career.

      Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

      Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

      learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

      Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about popular jobs in their country, -use to be going to, – write an essay about “My dream job” in English

      Sociolinguistic competence: – to enable pupils to choose needed lexical units in an appropriate form Pragmatic competence: – to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in different situations Equipments: “English” pupil’s book , handouts, DVD, technical aids, a blackboard and a piece of

      Procedure of the lesson:

        1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
          1. Who is on duty today?
          2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
          • Check for homework given on past lesson.

          Main part of the lesson:
          Activity 1 Ask pupils to look at the questions and check their grammar : To be going to. They complete the sentences using exercise 3 on page 27.
          Activity 2 Look at Temur ‟s diary. Write what he is going to do this week.

          e.g. Temur is going to visit a museum on Monday.

          1. Temur is going to do math onTuesday
          2. He is going to go swimming onWednesday
          3. He is going to do English onThursday
          4. He is going to the gym onFriday
          5. He is going to play footbal onSaturday
          6. He is going to go to the cinema onSunday

          Activity 3 Make your own diary for a week .

          Ask pupils to write their own diaries with their own activities for week.

          Activity 4 Ask your partner to tell about his/her plans for the week .

          After completing their weekly activities they tell their plans to partner. And discuss favourite activities

          Activity 5 Explain pupils that they should read the definition and find the professions. They use / to be going to / make their sentences full.

          1. He is going to be asurgeon
          2. He is going to be apostman
          • What kind of jobs are the most popular with youngsters in your country? Support your ides with the examples.
          • What kind of jobs are the least popular? Give reasons.

          Activity 8 There are giveb adverts offering different jobs, ask your pupils to read the job adverts and circle True or False for the given sentences.

          Answer key:

          • What is my dream job?
          • What kinds of tasks do I want (and not want) to do on my job?
          • What obstacles do I need to overcome to achieve my career goals?

          Use these phrases in you essay.

          The occupation I choose is because . This occupation requires

          For this occupation, I need to know . For this occupation, I need to be able to

          This occupation has a salary range of to .

          Head of teaching process Signature

          The aim of the lesson:

          Lesson 6. Job Interview. Information about the occupation of the parents. My dream profession. Workplaces and work schedules for teens.

          Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

          Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

          learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

            1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
              1. Who is on duty today?
              2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
              • Check for homework given on past lesson.

              Main part of the lesson:
              Activity 1 a) Ask pupil‟s to look at the picture on their book. Ask questions about who they are, what they are doing, What they are talking about. Accept any answer. They have to look at the picture and guess the situation:
              b) There are given 8 sentences with pictures. Tell your class to Ask your pupils to match these pictures with sentences b) Match sentences a-h with pictures 1-8 to describe each step of the interview process.

              Answer key: 1-f, 2-b, 3-d, 4-g 5-h 6-e 7-a 8-c
              Activity 2 Pupils Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words relating to job with their definitions.

              Answer key: 1-c, 2-g, 3-e, 4-h, 5-d, 6-b, 7-a, 8-k, 9-f, 10-j, 11-i
              Activity 3 Before playing audio explain pupils that two friends have a conversation. One of them applied to job and had an interview. Ask pupils to listen to the dialogue between them. There are given wrong sentences. They should rewrite them correctly.
              Activity 4 Listen again and choose the correct answer .
              Activity 5 Have pupils looking at the pictures and they choose the most important things for a job interview. They give their own opinions. Accept any ideas.
              Activity 6 Ask your class to Ask your pupils to read the text and choose the best heading for the text.

              1. Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.
              2. Write down 10 interview questions.
              3. Share your questions with your partner.

              The aim of the lesson:

              Lesson 7. Looking back. moving on. Analaysis of previous work and information on future plans.Information about the work done.A conversation about a successful person.

              Unit 3 My future plans

              Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

              Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

              learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

              Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about their future plans, making plans about future

              Sociolinguistic competence: – to enable pupils to choose needed lexical units in an appropriate form Pragmatic competence: – to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in different situations Equipments: “English” pupil’s book , handouts, DVD, technical aids, a map of the Uzbekistan, a

              blackboard and a piece of chalk.

              1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
                1. Who is on duty today?
                2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
                • Check for homework given on past lesson.

                Answer key:

                • What university are you going to study at?
                • Why?

                Activity 6 Remind pupils about the quotes of famous people. Say them the following quote and ask what do they understand from this quote by the 1st President of Uzbekistan.

                Our children must be stronger, wiser, more educated and certainly happier than us. (I. Karimov)

                Activity 7 Your class should Ask your pupils to read the text about Albert Einstein and choose the appropriate options according to the reading passage. At the end they should decide if the statements are true or false

                Answer key:

                1-D, 2-C, 3-C

                4-False 5-False 6-True 7-False
                Activity 8 Fill in the blanks with the best word from the box. Use each word only one.

                Activity 9 Tell your pupils to Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with their friends. Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren? In what ways?

                What are the main factors of the bright future? Could you describe yourself after 20 years?

                1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.
                2. Make a report on your achievements. (Word limit is 80 -100 words).
                3. Share your report with your peers.

                Lesson8. Words that express human character. Today and early. Creating and implementing plans.
                The aim of the lesson:

                Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

                Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

                learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

                Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about being successful and all postive manners to succeed. Advice to others.

                  1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
                    1. Who is on duty today?
                    2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
                    • Check for homework given on past lesson.

                    Main part of the lesson:
                    Activity 1 Check your grammar: To be going to.

                    Read the advice below and rewr ite them using should, ought to, had better and could.

                    Activity 2 Ask your pupils to read the sentences below. Do you agree with these statements. Why/Why not?

                    10 reasons why you should study abroad.

                    Activity 3 Make the sentences using new words from exercise

                    2. Include modal verbs of advice in your sentences. Discuss the ideas in the group by using your notes for exercise

                    Activity 4 Your pupils have to look at the picture and discuss the following question. Which of them are due to their character? Explain them that they should suppor t their idea with examples.

                    Activity 5 Ask your class to read and say what a successful person is and share their ideas with the class.

                    1. When was Mother Teresa born? In 1910
                    2. What was her real name? Agnes
                    3. What was the first lesson in life? kindness
                    4. What was the second lesson in life? Not givingup
                    5. Where did she work? In1928
                    6. What did she set up? In1948
                    7. What did she get in 1979? Nobel PeacePrize
                    8. Is Mother Teresa considered to achieve success? No
                    1. Are you a successful person? Why do you think so?
                    2. What must you do to become a successful person?
                    3. What is your motto in life?
                    4. What can you advise to other people?

                    Activity 8 Your pupils should fill in the table due to their plans. Ask them about their daily, weekly, yearly plans. By the end of the some period what they should have done and what is their task to achieve this.

                    Write down your long term plans for the future using your notes.

                    Head of teaching process Signature

                    The aim of the lesson:

                    Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

                    Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

                    learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

                    Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about their future, to imagine theirselves after 20 years. – to make future plans

                    Sociolinguistic competence: – to enable pupils to choose needed lexical units in an appropriate form Pragmatic competence: – to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in different situations Equipments: “English” pupil’s book , handouts, DVD, technical aids, a map of the Uzbekistan, a

                    blackboard and a piece of chalk.

                      1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
                        1. Who is on duty today?
                        2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
                        • Check for homework given on past lesson.

                        If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future look into your present actions.

                        Activity 2 Match the word s with their synonyms.
                        Answer key:

                        1-b, 2-a,

                        1-b, 2-a

                        1-a, 2-b

                        1-b, 2-a

                        1-a, 2-b

                        1-b, 2-a

                        1-a, 2-b
                        Activity 3 Play the audio. Tell your pupils to listen the song named “Win” by Brian McKnight and Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the suitable words and phrases from the box below.

                        Activity 4 Ask your pupils to look at and discuss interesting facts with their partner. Ask them what kind of interesting facts they know.

                        Activity 5 Tell your pupils which one describes them after ten years now. They have to support their ideas with the examples.

                        Activity 6 Ask your class to read the passage and give a title.
                        Activity 7 After reading a passage. As them to tick the right statement.
                        Activity 8 Fill in the blanks with the best word from the box. Use each word only one.
                        Answer key:

                        Activity 9 Tell your class to Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. in pairs.

                        • Which of your goals have you already achieved?
                        • What do you hope to have achieved by the time you‟re sixty?
                        • Do you have a five – year – plan for your life?
                        • What success have you had in this English class?
                        • What can you do to be more successful?
                        1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.
                        1. Make a report on your future plans. (Word limit is 80-100 words).
                        1. Share your report with your peers.

                        Head of teaching process Signature

                        The aim of the lesson:

                        Lesson 1.A. When? Where? How? A conversation about the proper allocation of time . Proper timing . Words about time planning .

                        Unit 4 Time management

                        Educational: – According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.

                        Developing: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English

                        learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self-educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

                        Linguistic competence: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about time management, organizing events, tasks

                          1. Organizing moment: Greeting.
                            1. Who is on duty today?
                            2. The pupil on duty, give your report, please.
                            • Check for homework given on past lesson.

                            You can‟t save time. You can‟t borrow time.

                            You can only do two things with time:

                            Use it or waste it.
                            Activity 2 You should explain that learners Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words with the definitions

                            according to their colour to find the right meaning.

                                1. to do things very well and quickly without wasting time – efficient
                                2. time or date that you have to complete something – deadline
                                3. planned lists of something that is to be done – to dolist
                                4. Something written or noticed to be done – task
                                5. Timing of activities – schedule
                                6. something good to receive – benefit
                                7. additional time – extratime
                                8. different tasks at the same time – multitask
                                9. make more modern – to update

                                Activity 3 Play the DVD. Your pupils listen and answer the following questions:

                                1. Who is organised and efficient? Surayyo
                                2. Who has problems with time management? Kamilla
                                3. How did Surayyo learn about time management? frombook
                                4. Does Surayyo think the recommendations will help Kamila? Yes
                                5. Why does Surayyo keep a to-do list? to do tasks beforedeadline
                                1. Did Kamila like Surayyo’s suggestions? Yes
                                2. What does Kamila need to do with time management? some extratime

                                Activity 4 Your pupils should Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps.

                                Answer key:

                                Activity 5 Ask your pupils to read the statements below. Ask if they agree or not? Why /Why not?

                                There will never be enough time to get everything done.

                                But there will always be enough time to get the most important things done.
                                Activity 6 Divide your pupils into small groups. And they should discuss and make a list of benefits of time management .
                                Activity 7 Your pupils learn the new words and their definitions. They have to fill the story with new vocabulary appropriately.
                                waste(v) to use too much of something; use something badly when there is a limited amount of it earn(v) recieve money as for work

                                gift(n) present or something that is given

                                enemy(n) a person who hates and opposes another person value(n) the importance or worth of something

                                wealth(n) a large amount of money of valuable possessions chance(n) the level of possibility that something will happen unset(n) time when sun goes down

                                treasure(n) place where all money, possessions are kept to take anap(coll) to sleep for a short time

                                1. distraction e) peace
                                2. take a nap h) energize
                                3. waste a) save
                                4. earn b) spend money
                                5. chance f) misfortune
                                6. effective c) ineffective
                                7. deadline d) limitless
                                8. opportunity i) failure
                                9. advancement j) bad luck
                                10. value g) disadvantage
                                1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.
                                2. Make a report on your time management. (Word limit is 80-100).
                                3. Share your report with your peers.

                                Head of teaching process Signature

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