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Тесты для учеников 9 класса по Английскому языку

Bu imtihon huddi Milli sertifikat deyiladigan daraja aniqlash (CEFR/Multi-level) ga o’xshaydi va O’zbekistondagi kuchi Milliy sertifikat qanday imtiyoz bersa, Linguaskill ham huddi shu imtiyozlarni beradi. Lekin Linguaskillning Milliy sertifikatdan ham ustunroq tomonlari bor.

2-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak Ismingiz nima?

11. Alisher likes his pupils. He works in a school. He’s a.

12. the elephant . washing now.

13. Find true answer: which animal is big?

14. “Men kuylayapman”

15plete the sentence. In the evening………..

1A 2B 3B 4B 5C
6B 7C 8A 9C 10C

15. He watches TV .

5-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak
1. Complete the sentences. Hello.

I (1) _____ Lucy. My father’s name (2) _____Thomas.

A) am,is B) am,am C) is,is D) are, is

2 .Write question to the answer. 1) My name is Akmal. -your/ What’s/ name?

A) What’s your name? B) Name what’s your?

C) What’s name your? D) Name your what’s?

3. I am 11 years old. you/ are/ How/ old?

A) How old are you? B) How old you are?

C) How are old you? D) How old are ?

4. Complete the sentences There . four people . my family.

A) are, on B) are , in C) is, on D) are, at

5plete the sentences :Aziz ________ in a house.

A) live B) lives C) like D) go

6plete the sentences :There ________ six people in his family.

A) is B) are C) am D) at

7plete the sentences: He ______ chess and reads books there.

A) play B) like C) plays D) –

8. Look and match. 1) A doctor works . 2) A secretary works .

A) at the hospital , at the school B) at the school, at the market
C) at the hospital, at the office D) at the school, market

9. Answer the questions ? 1) Where do you work?

A) I work at the school B)She works at the school C) We like working D) I work

10. Write the sentences. 1) is/English/she.

A) She is English B) is she english C) english she is D) she English
11.I went to school ____ 5 o`clock yesterday.

12lete the sentences. I __ cucumber salad yesterday.

13.What do you ———– in the kitchen?

14.Directors work ______

15.He —— short ,curly ,dark hair.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. at

14. at the college

6-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1.Answer the question. What is your job at school?

a) pilot b) teacher c) chef

2. Answer the question. What is your teacher’s job?

a) teach b) read c) write

3. Read and name the jobs?

(Hamid works in the park. He likes trees and flowers)

a) Gardener b) cook c ) nurse

4. Answer the question. What do you want to be?

a) pupil b) No, I don’t c) Yes, I want

5. Translate into Uzbek: twins, daughter, son, cousin

a) egizaklar, qiz farzand, o’g’il farzand,amakivachcha

b) egizaklar, qiz, o’g’il, amma c) qiz jiyan, amma, xola, tog’avachcha

6. Answer the question. Do girls in Uzbekistan have a white wedding dress?

a) Yes, they do b) yes, they have c) No, she is not

7.Write correct form of the given verb in the Present Simple Tense .

(My brother …(sing) English songs) a) sing

b) sings c) singing

8. Write the questions. (your/What’s/job/mother’s)

a) What’s your mother’s job? b) What’s job your mother’s?

c) What’s your job mother’s?

9. Translate into English. Mehmonxona, oshxona, yotoqxona

a)living room, kitchen, bedroom

b)kitchen, canteen, bathroom

c)dining room, canteen, hall

10. One camel can take a yurt from one place to a new place.

(translate underline words)

a) tuya, o’tov b) kosa, yurmoq c) kelmoq, yurmoq
11. A bed – … room

12. Countable nouns:

13…..- gumon olmoshi sanaladigan otlar oldidan “bir nechta” , sanalmaydigan otlar oldidan “biroz”, “bir qismi” deb tarjima qilinadi.

14. How … .. chocolates are there?

15. How ……. meat is there?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a a b a a a

Answer keys:

11. It is in the bed

12. Countable nouns: ….. apple, orange, egg

7-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1.–Excuse me, how do I get to Mustaqillik Avenue?

– …..(Mustaqillik maydoni Amir Temur ko’chasining oxirida)

a) It’s at the end of Amir Temur street b) it’s on the opposite of the street Amir Temur c) it’s in front of the Amir Temur street

2. … is a very old city in the east of England about 80 kms from London.It’s famous for its university. a) Cambridge b) London c) Oxford

3. Translate this words : wrist,finger, shoulder, nail, knee, tongue, back.

a) bilak, barmoq, yelka, tirnoq, tizza, til, orqa bel

b) bilak, barmoq, til, tirnoq, bel, oshqozon, tizza

c) bilak, barmoq, tirnoq, til, oyoq, qo’l, tish

4. Nuqtalar o’rniga kerakli artklni qo’ying. (I’ve got … headache / I’ve got … earache)

5. He’s broken his leg. Mark the Tense

a) Present Perfect b) Present Simple c) Past Tense

6. Put the verb into Present Perfect Tense. (I /break/ my pencil. She /hurt/ her thumb)

a) I’ve broken my pencil. She has hurt her thumb.

b) I broke m.p. She has hurted h.t

c) I’ve broke m.p. She has hurted

7.Choose the types of sport.

a) football, running, dancing, high jump

b) football, boxing, jumping, karate, tennis

c) playing, jumping, boxing, singing

8.– …? — I come from Tashkent / — …. — I’m a pupil

a) who are you? What are you doing? B) where are you from? What do you do?

c) where are you came? What do you do?

9. Where can you buy shoes? A)In shoe shop b) In shop c) In shoes market

10.How many states are the re in the USA? a) 50 states b) 55 states c) 12 states

11.-I like watching TV. What about you? ( tag question?)

12. Have you ever been … Tashkent.

13. How many parts is Uzbekistan divided into ?

14. It’s not inside of your body.

15.There are … countries in Great Britain
Answer keys:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a a a a a a b b a a

8-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak
1.When do Uzbek people celebrate the Independence Day?

a)Sept.1 b)31 Aug. c)Dec.31 d)Oct.21

2. … is Guy Fawkes Night in Britain.

a)Nov 5 b)Nov 15 c) Dec.31 d) July1

3.Choose the best answer. Guy Fawkes tried to kill …..

a) King James II b)King James I

c) King James V d) Elizabethan I

4.Find odd word: Cracker, Father Christmas, pudding, summer, winter

a) winter b) summer c) pudding d) cracker

5.What is the special food for Christmas and New year?

a) cake b) turkey c) pudding d) soup

6.People in the UK and The USA give each other presents _Christmas Day.

a)in b)at c)on d)of

7.When do English people celebrate Halloween?

A)Oct.30 b)Oct.29 c)Dec.31 d)Oct.31

8.Tick the nouns:1) invite, 2)invitation, 3)instruction,

4) pronounce,5) worker, 6) beautiful

a) 2,3,5 b) 1,2,3 c)1,5,6 d) 1,3,4

9.Make a list of newspapers in Uzbekistan.

a) Darakchi, Ma’rifat, New York Times

b) The Guardian, New York Times

c) Uzbekistan Today, Darakchi, Bekajon

d) Uzbekistan Today, The Guardian

10.Choose the best answer. My favourite is Darakchi. He said that ….

a) his favourite is Darakchi b)her favourite is D.

c)My favourite is D d)their favourite is D.

11. Choose the best answer. I want to watch a film this evening. He said that …

12.What is your favourite programme?

13. Choose the best answer. Past Perfect Tense.

14.Had you ever been .. TV before?

15.Find odd word: TV, news, programme, reporter, President
Answer keys:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

11. he wanted to watch a film that evening

9-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1.What is your telephone number?

a) 0550 b) 1996 y c) 375 9090

2. Put in order: 03,01, 050 — …,….,….. .

a) the emergency services, fire brigade, telephone

b) services, fire brigade, telephone

c) ambulance, fire brigade, the emergency services

3. This phrases are used for …., …. . (Unfortunately…, I am writing to tell you..)

a) giving bad news, explaining the reason for writing b) closing, greeting c) apologizing, good news

4.Be quick! A dog … after your child.

a) runs b) ran c) is running

5.I … not translate this text yesterday. ,… you help me?

a) could/ can b) must / can c) may / must

6.Pupils … speak only English at their English lesson.

a) must not b) can c) must

7.Fax machines work like …. .

a) photocopies b) TV set c) answer phone

8. The internet was invented in the … .

a) 1960s b) 1960 c) 1945

9. Internet access in Uzbekistan began around …

a) 1997 b) 2001 c) 1991

10. All our news will … . Not only schools but kindergartens will ….

a) come through computers. Have computers

b) be disappeared, have TV c) a,b

11.English speaking countries are …

12.I’m phoning to …you “Happy Navruz”

13.Find someone … earns a lot of money

14. I like sitting at a desk. …

15.When do you get up on Sundays?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. USA. Great Britain. Canada

14. I’m good at paperwork.

10-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1. These cars . . . . . . in Uzbekistan.

A) produces B) be produced C) are produce D)are producing

2. Samarkand . . . . . . by Amir Timur in the 14 th century.

A) was ruled B) is ruled C) ruled D) were ruled

3. Who is the founder of Algebra?

A) Al-Hakim at Termiziy B) Abu Ali Ibn Sino

C) Khoja Ahmad Yassawiy D) Muhammad ibn Muso al-Khwarizmi

4. How is it called “ = ” in English?

A) parallel B) equal C) fraction D) percent
5. Which of them is division?
A) + B) – C) ÷ D) X

6. Find multiplication.

7. A distinct period of history equal to 100 years.

A) age B) generation C) month D) ancient

8. A person who first starts some activities.

A) descendant B) generation C) ancestor D) founder

9. A genealogical diagram of the people who live together.

A) ancestor B) family tree C) descendant D) founder

10. Peter . . . . . . at seven o‘clock.

A) goes up B) gets C) gets up D) woke up
11. . . . . . . you like this DVD?

12. We _____ live in a flat.

13. A person who answers the questions during the interview

14. He welcomed me with a wide smile and a warm

15. Family gathering is a wonderful . . . . . . in each Uzbek family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

11. Do

11-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1. Complete the sentences: Edison made his greatest (n) before he was 12.

a) invention b) inventor c) invent

2. In order ….. high results you should practice regularly all vocabulary.

a) to pay b) to get c) to organize

3. Nargiza’s friend invited her ….. in one project.

a) to take part b) to live c) to have

4. Find the synonym: You use the dictionary to look up the word.

a) find b) think c) write

5. Find the definition: working conditions, salary

a)the environment in which an individual or staff works, a fixed regular payment, paid monthly

b) ttendance, self-confidence c) a fixed regular payment, paid monthly

a)the achievement of the results wanted or hoped for

b)being improved or updated

c) environment in which an individual or staff works

7. Build a word in a different parts of speech from think

a) thought, think ,thoughtful b) thought, think ing c) thought, thankful, thoughted

8.Find the definitions: fishermen -…., desert

a) men whose job is to catch fish, a large area of land where there is little rain and not many plants grow

b) a wall to stop water flowing, a structure for getting oil or gas out of the ground

c) land with sand or stones that is next to the sea, a large area of land where there is little rain and not many plants grow

9. Make word combinations: ….lifestyle….. weight….. throat

a) healthy, losing, sore b) health, choose, find c) unhealthy, losing, nose

10. We haven’t eaten …. morning. I have not seen each other …. Saturday

a) since, since b) for, for c) since, for
11.People who smoke often —- quite a lot, even when they don’t have a cold

12. The doctor mentions that the patient can improve her health — regular exercise

13.The patient visits the doctor — headache and blocked nose

14. Find the types of doctor: Dermatologist- A skin doctor, Optometrist -…., Surgeon – …..

15. The/ is / groundwork/ good/ for/ all / health/ happiness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14. Optometrist -An eye doctor; Surgeon -A doctor who performs operation

15 .The groundwork for all happiness is good health

Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

Ma’lumotlar bazasi mualliflik huquqi bilan himoyalangan ©hozir 2023
ma’muriyatiga murojaat qiling

Тесты для учеников 9 класса по Английскому языку

3. What types of primary schools are there in England And Wales ?

A) Middle and junior school. B) infant and junior school.

C) Nursery and junior school. D) Public and private school.

4. If you eat too much …

A) you get a headache B) by you get a toothache

C) you become fat. D) you loose weight.

5. Which year did we begin to use the internet in Uzbekistan?

A) 1969 B) 2001. C) 1984. D) 1997.

6. Which is easiest way to send a message ?

A) air mail B) post office C) e-mail D) fax.

Complete the sentence.

7. In England pupil must pass special exams to go to …schools.

8. Choose necessary preposition.

My farther is responsible…support of our family.

A) at B) of C) in D) for.

9. Working during a part of the regular working day is…

A) flexi time job B) full time job C) part time job D) useful job.

10. Which school is free in the USA?

  1. Complete the sentences.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

7 These 10 Public 13 Do you know the telephone number of our school? 14 Who do you talk to on the telephone? 15 must.

  1. at B. for C. in D. of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12. Shekisper Startfordda yashagan. U mashhur Britaniya yozuvchisi bo’lgan. 13Ular ba’zi oilalar uchun masalan ota yoki ona bilan qolganlar uchun. 14 Colledges. 15 Badges.

Ingliz tili test 2 sinf


Adabiyot [561]
Arxitektura [40]
Astranomiya [38]
Axborot [71]
Biologiya [387]
Biznes [47]
Bojxona [42]
Davlat Huquq Asoslari [4]
Dunyo din tarixi [32]
Ekologiya [109]
Estetika va Etika [30]
Falsafa [48]
Fizika [254]
Fransuz-Tili [22]
Geografiya [141]
Geometriya [6]
Huquqshunoslik [281]
Informatika [643]
Texnologiya [274]
Internet [43]
Ingliz tili [680]
Iqtisodiyot [1133]
Jahon tarixi [276]
Jamiyatshunoslik [24]
Kimyo [82]
Kasbiy Ta’lim [11]
Konsitutsiya [60]
Ma’naviyat [48]
Matematika [89]
Milliy G’oya [128]
Musiqa [2]
Nemis-tili [30]
Ona-tili [50]
Oshpazlik [39]
O’zbekiston tarixi [197]
Pedagogika [104]
Prezident Asarlari [17]
Psixologiya [149]
Rus-tili [44]
Qishloq xo’jaligi [92]
Siyosatshunoslik [25]
Soliq va Soliqga tortish [18]
Tilshunoslik [9]
Tibbiyot [64]
Turizm [172]
va Boshqalar. [332]
Sport [7]
Sxemotexnika [13]


Ingliz tilidan 25 talik testlar

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  • Ingliz tilidan yengil testlar 2
  • Ingliz tilidan yengil testlar 2
  • Geometriya – Testlar
  • Informatikadan Testlar
  • AKT ga ixtisoslangan ingliz tili
  • Ingliz – Simple present
  • Ingliz tili – test
  • Ingliz tili
  • 7-sinf jaxon tarihi testlar
  • 9- sinf Jahon tarixi testlar
  • Geometriyadan sinov mashqlar – testlar
  • Ona tilidan sifatdoshlar
  • O’zbek tiliga o’zlashgan ingliz so’zlarining ta’snifi
  • Ingliz tili
  • Adabiyotdan Ona tilidan savollar
  • “O’zbekiston davlati va huquqi tarixi” fanidan testlar

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Ingliz tili test 2 sinf

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Ta’limning barcha turida imtiyoz beruvchi Linguaskill imtihoni haqida eshitganmisiz?

Bu imtihon huddi Milli sertifikat deyiladigan daraja aniqlash (CEFR/Multi-level) ga o’xshaydi va O’zbekistondagi kuchi Milliy sertifikat qanday imtiyoz bersa, Linguaskill ham huddi shu imtiyozlarni beradi. Lekin Linguaskillning Milliy sertifikatdan ham ustunroq tomonlari bor.

Linguaskill xalqaro /Multilevel faqat O’zbekistondagi davlat imtihoni����
Linguaskill ham Multilevel imtihoni ham 4 ta skill bo’yicha bir xil kriteria asosida test oladi. Ya’ni ����
Listening – Reading – Speaking – Writing

�� Milliy sertifikatda past bal chiqqanda 4 skill ni ham qayta topshirish orqaligina o’zingizga kerakli darajaga chiqishingiz mumkin.
Linguaskill da esa qaysi ko’nikmadan past bal olgan bo’lsangiz faqat o’sha ko’nikmaning o’zidan ham qayta imtihon topshira olasiz.

Linguaskill imtihoni Edu-action test markazi tomonidan olinadi. �� Imtihon narxi 4ta ko’nikma uchun 900 ming so’m. 1ta ko’nikma uchun 300 ming so’m. �� Past ball olgan ko’nikmangizdan qayta imtihon topshirish cheklanmagan
Imtihon javoblari 2 kunda chiqadi, sertifikat esa 3 kunda tayyor bo’ladi
↩️ C1 darajaga erishganda, harajatlar davlat tomonidan qoplab beriladi.

Ingliz tili o’qituvchilari uchun 50 foiz ustama
Attestatsiyaning Navbatdagi majburiy qismiga imtiyoz
Yangi ishga kirayotgan ingliz tili ustozlari uchun B2 daraja qabul qilinadi
Bakalavriat B2 daraja uchun imtiyoz beradi
Magistratura va doktoranturaga filologlar uchun C1/ nofilologlar uchun B2 darajasi imtiyoz beradi
Bu yilgi qishki qabulda magistratura va doktoranturaga darajaning ahamiyati bo’lmadi. A1 uchun ham qabul bo’ldi

Sizni qiziqtirgan ma’lumotlarni @linguaskill_info kanalimizdan topishingiz mumkin. Linguaskill imtihoniga mustaqil tayyorlanmoqchi bo’lsangiz Full lessonni sotib olishingiz mumkin.

Kanalimizdan Linguaskillga noldan boshlab tayyorlovchi tutorlarimiz ham bor.

29.8K views edited 14:48

❗️ DIQQAT! Bizda BAHORGI ATTESTATSIYA imtihoniga tayyorlanish uchun YANGI FORMATdagi yana bir kurs!

Darslarimiz Chorshanba 25-yanvar kuni boshlanadi va 4ta ko’nikma bo’yicha olib boriladi.

Davomiyligi 2 oy, haftada 4 kun:

Dushanba – Listening ��
Chorshanba – Reading ��
Juma – Writing✍️
Yakshanba – Speaking��

Darslar yopiq kanal va discussion groupda olib boriladi.
Kunning ma’lum bir qismida darslar va vazifalar kanalga joylanadi, siz o’zingizga ma’qul vaqtda kirib o’zlashtirsangiz bo’ladi.
Vazifalarni bajarib borishingiz nazorat qilib boriladi. Speaking/Writing vazifalariga feedback beriladi!

Kurs narxi 1 oy uchun 200 ming.

Quyidagi link orqali namuna bilan tashib ko’ring��

Murojaat uchun ➡️ @writing_admin ga yozing. Qabul so’nggi kuni 24-yanvar, 23:59!

30.9K views 16:00
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Hind ijodkorlaridan o’qituvchilar qadri qimmati haqida ishlangan kinodan parcha. Ushbu videoni ko’rib yaxshiyam Hindistonda yashamayman, bizda o’qituvchilarga munosabat hech ham bunday emas deb o’ylab qoldim. Bizda o’qituvchi qadri hamma narsadan YUKSAK!

51.2K views 05:44
School English Teachers

Hind ijodkorlaridan o’qituvchilar qadri qimmati haqida ishlangan kinodan parcha. Ushbu videoni ko’rib yaxshiyam Hindistonda yashamayman, bizda o’qituvchilarga munosabat hech ham bunday emas deb o’ylab qoldim. Bizda o’qituvchi qadri hamma narsadan YUKSAK! …

Talablarga binoan, filmning to’liq o’zbek tilidagi versiyasini quyidagi linkda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.

38.3K views 05:54

Judayam g’amxo’r odamlarimiz borda. Sizni o’rningizda siz uchun sizning malakangizni oshirib berishadi. Dars o’tib berish xizmati yo’qmikan? ��
Reklamani ko’ring, kuchli marketologlar ham hijolat.
Iltimos platforma nomini o’zgartiringlar. Shunday nomga dog’lar tushib ketdi.

P.S.: O’rnimizga qor kurab, ped majlislarga qatnashib, rahbariyatdan, hokimiyat prokuraturalardan so’kish eshitib beraydigan yordamchilar bo’lsa, o’ylab ko’rardik lekin. ��

���� @uzteachers ����

32.1K views 15:00

⚡️Xalq ta’limi boʻlimlari qisqartiriladimi yoki yoʻq?

2023-yil 25-yanvar kuni Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining «Respublika ijro etuvchi hokimiyat organlari faoliyatini samarali yoʻlga qoʻyishga doir birinchi navbatdagi tashkiliy chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida»gi Farmoni imzolandi.

Mazkur farmon bilan Davlat tashkilotlarida 17 mingdan oshiq shtat qisqartirilmoqda. Tez orada Prezident farmoni ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida Maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi vazirligi ham oʻz tuzilmasidagi shtatlarni tartibga soluvchi buyruqni imzolanishi kutilmoqda.

Tez orada XTB (hozirgi MMTB) lar qolishi yoki butunlay tugatilishi haqida ma’lumotlar shundan soʻng ochiqlanishi mumkin.

24.7K views 05:19

Sizga INGLIZ TILI fani bo’yicha quyidagi hujjatlarni taklif etamiz

Namunalari bilan tanishib chiqish uchun ko’k yozuv ustiga bosing. Murojaat uchun ➡️ @hasanboy_uz

�� Dars ishlanmalar OMMALASHTIRISH platformalariga joylash uchun BERILMAYDI!