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IT bo‘yicha 5 ta kitob: JavaScript

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Javascript kitob

Birinchi klass funksiyalarga ega, yengil, tez kompilyatsiya bo’ladigan dasturlash tili

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Workly’da Team Leader

Yii Software’da Developer, Reviewer

Safenetpay IT Services’da CTO

Portavita LLC’da Software Engineer

Najot Ta’lim’da Frontend dasturlash bo’yicha ustoz

Insilicogen’da Senior Software Developer

Innopolis Universiteti’da Magistrant

3i inc.’da Front-end dasturchi

ZuccoTech’da Web developer

UNICON-SOFT’da Frontend Developer

UNICON-SOFT’da Full-stack developer

3i inc.’da Senior Software Engineer

IFC – International Finance Corporation’da Dasturchi, consultant

DataPrizma LLC’da Full stack developer

SAP’da Software Engineer

UNICON-SOFT’da Software Engineer

Olcha’da Backend developer

AuksionSavdo elektron auksion savdolar maydonchasi’da yetakchi muhandis-dasturchi

Agrobank’da Back End dasturchi

Asaxiy IT’da Direktor

Toshkent shahridagi Inha Univeristeti’da Middle

Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti’da Magistrant

Innopolis Universiteti’da Student

Online Startup’da CTO

3i inc.’da Software Engineer

Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti’da talaba

UNICON-SOFT’da Web developer

Xalqaro islom akademiyasi’da Middle Front end Developer

Lunit’da Frontend Engineer

Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti’da Talaba

iTeach academy’da Web developper

Bdm group’da web developer

Eurosoft’da Web developer

Online dars’da dasturchi

Mohirdev’da Frontend Developer

Toshkent Axborot tenologiyalari universiteti Qarshi filiali’da Talaba 3-kurs

INTELLISOFT’da Team Member

DataPrizma LLC’da Frontend developer

DataPrizma LLC’da Programmer

O’zbekiston Respublikasi Moliya vazirligi’da Bosh mutaxasis

Toshkent Axborot tenologiyalari universiteti Qarshi filiali’da Backend Dasturchi

Toshkent Axborot tenologiyalari universiteti Qarshi filiali’da Talaba

Innovation Software’da Team Leader

Online dars’da Frontend Developer

UZINFOCOM’da yetakchi mutaxassis

Asaxiy IT’da PHP Backend Developer

Online dars’da Senior Developer

CRYPTON GROUP’da Dasturchi

Toshkent shahridagi Inha Univeristeti’da Senior student

Safenetpay IT Services’da Software engeneer

Najot Ta’lim’da instructor

IT-Center’da full stack o’qituvchi

Zamonaviy kommunikatsiyalar’da Front-End dasturchi

Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti’da Dekan o’rinbosari

Rize’da Senior software engineer

BAIK Technologies’da Web Developer

Online dars’da Talaba

O’zbekiston Milliy unversiteti’da talaba

Westminster International University in Tashkent’da BS in Business Information Systems

Javascript kitob

“Spot” IT ga qiziquvchilarga foydali bo‘ladigan kitoblarni berib borishda davom etadi. Ushbu to‘plam JavaScript dasturlash tiliga bag‘ishlangan.

Foto: Yevgeniy Sorochin / Spot

“Zamonaviy JavaScript darsligi”, Ilya Kantor.

Chet eldagi dasturchilarning aksariyat qismi JavaScript ustasi Ilya Kantor tomonidan asos solingan javascript til o‘rganish xizmati bilan tanish.

Darslik IT sohasiga endi kirib kelayotganlar va bu sohada ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lganlarga ham birdek foydali bo‘ladi.

Unda bu dasturlash tili batafsil tushuntirilgan bo‘lib, maslahatlar, layfhaklar, xatolar tahlili berilgan.

Yangi boshlovchilar tilning asoslari, ma’lumotlar tuzilmalari bilan tanishishlari, sxemalar, obyektga yo‘naltirilgan dasturlash (OOP) haqida hamma narsani bilib olishlari mumkin.

Barcha ma’lumotlar qulay tarzda tuzilgan, keraklilarini tezda topish mumkin.

“JavaScript qanday ishlaydi”, Duglas Krokford.

Muallif o‘quvchiga JavaSript qanday ishlashi haqida mohirona gapirib, uni boshdan oyoq ko‘rsatib beradi.

Kitob qanday dasturlashni o‘rgatmaydi, lekin JavaScript qanday “yashashi” va ishlashi, uning kuchli va zaif tomonlari haqida batafsil ma’lumot taqdim etgan.

Duglas Krokford hatto senior dasturchilar ham boshqotiradigan qiziqarli misollar va vazifalarni tahlil qiladi.

Bu kitob dasturlash tilining ishi va tuzilishi haqida aniq tasavvurga ega bo‘lishni, murakkab muammolarni tezda hal qilishni o‘rganishni va yanada mas’uliyatli loyihalarni o‘z zimmasiga olishni istaganlar uchun foydali.

“JavaScript’da dasturlashni o‘rganamiz”, Erik Friman, Elizabet Robson.

Yangi boshlayotganlar uchun eng yaxshi bestseller kitoblardan biri.

Bu kitob dasturlashga qaysi yo‘l bilan yondashishni bilmayotganlar, dasturlash kodi “xitoycha bir narsaga” o‘xshab ko‘rinadiganlar uchun kerakli qo‘llanma hisoblanadi.

Kitobning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlaridan biri ma’lumotlar nostandart usulda taqdim etilganidadir. Butun kitob komikslar prinsipi asosida qurilgan bo‘lib, unda JavaScript haqidagi murakkab materiallar oson va tushunarli tarzda, dialoglar shaklida taqdim etiladi.

Qiziqarli va tushunarli chizmalar o‘qishni sezilarli darajada osonlashtiradi. Mualliflar nafaqat eng mashhur dasturlash tillaridan birining tamoyillarini tushuntirishgan, balki amaliyotga ham e’tibor qaratishgan.

Kitobda dasturchilar duch keladigan turli muammolar haqida batafsil ma’lumot berilgan bo‘lib, ularni hal qilish uchun yechimlar ko‘rsatilgan.

Qo‘llanma ushbu til asoslarini tushunishga, kelajakda jiddiyroq o‘zlashtirishga tayyorgarlik ko‘rishga yordam beradi.

“Juniorlar uchun JavaScript” Kris Minnik, Eva Holland.

Kitob mazkur tilni, umuman dasturlashni tushunmaydiganlar uchun kerakli va foydali hisoblanadi.

Mualliflar yangi boshlayotganlarga qulay b o‘lishi uchun v izual jadvallar, ko‘plab misollar, o‘ziga xos texnikalar, maslahatlar bilan juda batafsil ensiklopediya yaratgan.

Kitob orqali JavaScript asoslari, onlayn grafikalar va HTML5 qanday ishlashi, sikllar, massivlar, jQuery, animatsiya, JSON va boshqalar haqida bilib olish mumkin.

“Ifodali JavaScript. Zamonaviy veb-dasturlash”, Marin Haverbeke.

Bu boshlang‘ich dasturchilar til o‘rganish uchun ajoyib qo‘llanma. Ko‘pgina sharhlarga ko‘ra, kitobdagi bilimlar o‘z mahsulotini yaratishni boshlash uchun yetarli hisoblanadi.

Unda quyidagi mavzular batafsil va misollar bilan yoritilgan:

  • strelka va sinxron funksiyalar;
  • iteratorlar;
  • shablon satrlari;
  • ko‘rish maydoni;
  • boshqaruv tuzilmalari;
  • xatolar va nosozliklarni tuzatish;
  • sinxron rivojlanish.

Ma’lumotlar oddiydan murakkabgacha, ya’ni sodda tarzda tasvirlagan. Yangi o‘rganuvchilar o ‘qish paytida kitobda ko‘rsatilgan maxsus onlayn xizmat yordamida k o‘ nikmalarini tekshirishi mumkin.

70 Free JavaScript Books

B est free JavaScript books: ECMAScript, jQuery, and other. Download ebooks (pdf, mobi, epub) and read online. Update of December 2017 collection. 6 new books.

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language.

Table Of Contents

ECMAScript Books

Practical ES6 (cover image)

Practical ES6

Ideal for professional software developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript, this practical book shows you how to build small, interconnected ES6 JavaScript modules that emphasize reusability. You’ll learn how to face a project with a modular mindset, and how to organize your applications into simple pieces that work well in isolation and can be combined to create a large, robust application. This book focuses on two aspects of JavaScript development: modularity and ES6 features. You’ll learn how to tackle application development by following a scale-out approach. As pieces of your codebase grow too big, you can break them up into smaller modules.
Author: Nicolas Bevacqua
Date: 2017

Understanding ECMAScript 6 (cover image)

Understanding ECMAScript 6

ECMAScript 6 is coming, are you ready? There’s a lot of new concepts to learn and understand. Get a headstart with this book!
Author: Nicholas C. Zakas
Date: 2017

Exploring ES2016 and ES2017 (cover image)

Exploring ES2016 and ES2017

This book covers the latest versions of JavaScript as they are created.
Author: Axel Rauschmayer
Date: 2016

Exploring ES6 (cover image)

Exploring ES6

An in-depth book on ECMAScript 6, for JavaScript programmers.
Author: Axel Rauschmayer
Date: 2016

ECMAScript 6 Succinctly (cover image)

ECMAScript 6 Succinctly

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, brings new functionality and features to the table that developers have been wanting for a long time. The wait is over, and with help from ECMAScript 6 Succinctly by Matthew Duffield, you can now develop all of these features. You can also target browsers that don’t even support ES6 yet using a transpiler. A compiler translates one language to another, such as C# to MSIL, while a transpiler converts one version of a language to another, such as ES6 to ES5.
Author: Matthew Duffield
Date: 2016

JavaScript Books


  • Goalkicker


Release date

About the book

JavaScript Notes For Professionals

The JavaScript® Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA. See credits at the end of this book whom contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified. Book created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with JavaScript® group(s), company(s) nor Stack Overflow. All trademarks belong to their respective company owners. 490 pages.


  • Baptiste Pesquet


Release date

About the book

The JavaScript Way. A modern introduction to an essential language.

JavaScript is a great entry point into the world of programming, and required knowledge for an ever increasing number of software professionals. Complete beginner or already experienced in other programming languages, what better time than now to discover the JavaScript Way?


  • Nicolás Bevacqua


Release Date

About the book

Practical Modern JavaScript

Ideal for professional software developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript, this practical book shows you how to build small, interconnected ES6 JavaScript modules that emphasize reusability. You’ll learn how to face a project with a modular mindset, and how to organize your applications into simple pieces that work well in isolation and can be combined to create a large, robust application. This book focuses on two aspects of JavaScript development: modularity and ES6 features. You’ll learn how to tackle application development by following a scale-out approach. As pieces of your codebase grow too big, you can break them up into smaller modules.


  • Amin Meyghani


Release date

About the book

JavaScript Functions, Closures, and Prototypes

This is a short book that walks you through the fundamentals of functions, closures, and prototypes. Understanding these three core concepts are key in learning JavaScript. Now that JavaScript is becoming more important than ever, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the fundamental concepts.


  • Jeffrey Biles


Release Date

About the book

Build Pacman

Learn modern Javascript, HTML5 Canvas, and a bit of EmberJS. This is a book about surviving an alien invasion and using web technologies.

What You Need To Know About JavaScript (cover image)

What You Need To Know About JavaScript

Discover everything a beginner needs to know about the world of JavaScript with this free eBook. From the absolute basics of JS syntax to combining ECMAScript 6 and Visual Studio Code this primer is the perfect resource for a JavaScript Master-in-the-Making!
Author: Gabriel A. Canepa
Date: 2016

Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications (cover image)

Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications

Author: Emmit Scott
Date: 2016

JavaScript Allongé, The “Six” Edition (cover image)

JavaScript Allongé, The “Six” Edition

A long pull of functions, combinators, & decorators, updated to include the latest ES-6 features.
Author: Reg Braithwaite
Date: 2016



Release Date

About the book

Learn Javascript

This book will teach you the basics of programming and Javascript. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this book is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the JavaScript programming language.

You Don’t Know JS (Book Series) (cover image)

You Don’t Know JS (Book Series)

This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. The first edition of the series is now complete.
Author: Kyle Simpson
Date: 2013-2016


  • Darren Jones


Release Date

About the book

JavaScript: Novice To Ninja

JavaScript has become a must-have skill for all web developers. JavaScript: Novice to Ninja is a fun, practical, and comprehensive guide to the modern usage of this deceptively powerful language. In this step-by-step introduction to coding in JavaScript you’ll learn how to solve real-world problems, track events, design eye-catching animations, build smarter forms, and develop richer applications. Along the way, you’ll learn to develop according to best practices, including Object Oriented Programming and Test Driven Development.


  • Kiko Beats


Release Date

About the book

JS MythBusters

A JavaScript optimization handbook from a high level point of view.

Mastering JavaScript High Performance (cover image)

Mastering JavaScript High Performance

Master the art of building, deploying, and optimizing faster web applications with JavaScript.
Author: Chad R. Adams
Date: 2015

Building Front-End Web Apps With Plain JavaScript (cover image)

Building Front-End Web Apps With Plain JavaScript

An incremental in-depth tutorial about building front-end web applications with plain JavaScript, not using any third-party library or framework, for theory-underpinned and example-based learning by doing it yourself.
Author: Gerd Wagner
Date: 2015

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (cover image)

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices, this book is for you.
Author: Addy Osmani
Date: 2015


  • Tomás Corral Casas


Release date

About the book

Javascript Challenges

This book will challenge you to learn and understand the most obscure and tricky parts of Javascript.


  • Nicholas Johnson


Release Date

About the book

JavaScript Plus A Dash Of JQuery

A sensible introduction to coding with JavaScript.

Eloquent JavaScript (cover image)

Eloquent JavaScript

JavaScript lies at the heart of almost every modern web application, from social apps to the newest browser-based games. Though simple for beginners to pick up and play with, JavaScript is a flexible, complex language that you can use to build full-scale applications.
Author: Marijn Haverbeke
Date: 2014

Thinking In JavaScript (cover image)

Thinking In JavaScript

Get started with JavaScript with this free eBook and learn one of the most important languages in web development today. With helpful tips and code examples, discover how you can create websites with impressive and dynamic functionality. Explore JavaScript’s in-built features and find out how to customize them in this accessible and free guide.
Author: Aravind Shenoy
Date: 2014

Speaking JavaScript (cover image)

Speaking JavaScript

Like it or not, JavaScript is everywhere these days—from browser to server to mobile—and now you, too, need to learn the language or dive deeper than you have. This concise book guides you into and through JavaScript, written by a veteran programmer who once found himself in the same position.
Author: Axel Rauschmayer
Date: 2014

Programming JavaScript Applications (cover image)

Programming JavaScript Applications

Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—yes, easier—to work with as your code base grows.
Author: Eric Elliott
Date: 2014

JavaScript Succinctly (cover image)

JavaScript Succinctly

JavaScript Succinctly was written to give readers an accurate, concise examination of JavaScript objects and their supporting nuances, such as complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, and more. If you’re an intermediate JavaScript developer and want to solidify your understanding of the language, or if you’ve only used JavaScript beneath the mantle of libraries such as jQuery or Prototype, this is the book for you.
Author: Cody Lindley
Date: 2014


  • Stoyan Stefanov
  • Kumar Chetan Sharma


Release Date

About the book

Object-oriented JavaScript – Second Edition

As applications move from the desktop to the browser, the need to learn well-structured JavaScript is vital. This book is for developers who want to learn JavaScript from scratch, or take their JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication. A completely free and full-length introduction to objects in JavaScript, it teaches through examples and practical play.

JavaScript For Cats (cover image)

JavaScript For Cats

An introduction for new programmers.
Date: 2013

Human JavaScript (cover image)

Human JavaScript

Introducing Human JavaScript: Practical patterns for simple but powerful JavaScript apps.
Author: Henrik Joreteg
Date: 2013

JavaScript In Ten Minutes (cover image)

JavaScript In Ten Minutes

JavaScript in ten (arbitrarily long) minutes.
Author: Spencer Tipping
Date: 2013


  • Ben Fhala


Release Date

About the book

HTML5 Graphing And Data Visualization Cookbook

This cookbook is organized in a linear, progressive way allowing it to be read from start to finish, as well as to be used as a useful resource for specific tasks. The HTML5 examples and recipes will have you making dynamic, interactive, and animated charts and graphs in no time. You don’t need to have a background in HTML5 or Canvas but you do need to have a basic understanding of how HTML works and know how to code in any language (preferably in JavaScript). In this book we will not explain how to learn to code but how to create projects and how to plan and execute them in the process.

JavaScript Enlightenment (cover image)

JavaScript Enlightenment

If you’re an advanced beginner or intermediate JavaScript developer, JavaScript Enlightenment will solidify your understanding of the language—especially if you use a JavaScript library. In this concise book, JavaScript expert Cody Lindley (jQuery Cookbook) provides an accurate view of the language by examining its objects and supporting nuances. Libraries and frameworks help you build web applications quickly and efficiently, but when things go wrong or performance becomes an issue, knowing how and why they work is critical. If you’re ready to go under the hood and get your hands dirty with JavaScript internals, this is your book.
Author: Cody Lindley
Date: 2012

Master Space And Time With JavaScript (cover image)

Master Space And Time With JavaScript

Master Space and Time With JavaScript is a four book series that will help you come to to grips with modern JavaScript, including the JavaScript object model, testing, Backbone, and Ember.
Author: Noel Rappin
Date: 2012

JavaScript Cookbook (cover image)

JavaScript Cookbook

Enjoy this complimentary excerpt from JavaScript Cookbook featuring interactive examples that illustrate how to use JavaScript to manipulate strings, arrays, and graphics.
Author: Shelley Powers
Date: 2010

Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript (2-kitob)

Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript (2-kitob) Tavsifi Izohlar (0) 2020 yil ortda qoldi. Karantin, pandemiya, cheklovlar, bedavo dard yaxshigina saboq boʼldi. Uyda oʼtirib, ishlash, oʼqish, rivojlanish mumkinligini bildik. Qaysi kasb-hunar, sohaga talab yuqoriligi ham yaqqol sezildi. Dizayner, dasturchi, hisobchi, frilanser va ishimiz chandon tushsa tushdiki, kamaymadi. Demak, zamonga moslashish shart! Tez orada chop etilajak “Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript” esa: • yangi qirralaringizni kashf etishga; • uyda oʼtirib, qoʼshimcha daromad topishga; • malakali veb-dizaynerlikdan tashqari; • “front-end” dasturlovchi, yana toʼlaqonli dasturiy taʼminot yaratish borasida yetuk bilimlarga ega boʼlishga koʼmaklashadi. Kitobda ortiqcha maʼlumotlar oʼrniga oʼn yillab yigʼilgan tajribalardan foydalanib, aniq koʼrsatmalar keltirilgan. Dasturchilik – serdaromad soha. Oʼzingiz tanlang – boʼsh vaqtda telefon titib, boshqalarning tanloviga boʼysungan afzalmi yoki oʼsha tanlov egasi boʼlish?! Ushbu kitob zamonaviy dasturlashni oʼrganmoqchi boʼlganlar, dasturlash bilan shugʼullanadiganlar va hatto dasturiy taʼminot varatish boʼyicha yetuk mutaxassislarga ham moʼljallangan boʼlib, ilm olish va uni mustahkamlash uchun eng kerakli boʼladigan zaruriy bilimlarni oʼzida jamlagan hamda sodda tushunarli tilda bayon etilgan. Ortiqcha maʼlumotlar oʼrniga oʼn yillab yigʼilgan tajribalardan foydalanib aniq koʼrsatmalar keltirilgan. Kitobdagi maʼlumotlarni oʼzlashtirgan oʼquvchi malakali vebdizayner sifatida keng faoliyat yuritshdan tashqari, nafaqat «front-end» (timusti) dasturlovchi boʼlishi mumkin, balki toʼlaqonli veb-dasturiy taʼminot yaratish borasida yetuk bilimlarga ham ega boʼladi. Kitobda yoritilgan mavzular boʼyicha fikr-mulohazalar, takliflar, savollar hamda oʼz amaliy dasturlash faoliyatingizda muammolar yuzaga kelsa, ilm.yurt sayti orqali murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.

54 O’qimoqchi
0 o’qiyapti

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Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript (2-kitob) Tavsifi Izohlar (0) 2020 yil ortda qoldi. Karantin, pandemiya, cheklovlar, bedavo dard yaxshigina saboq boʼldi. Uyda oʼtirib, ishlash, oʼqish, rivojlanish mumkinligini bildik. Qaysi kasb-hunar, sohaga talab yuqoriligi ham yaqqol sezildi. Dizayner, dasturchi, hisobchi, frilanser va ishimiz chandon tushsa tushdiki, kamaymadi. Demak, zamonga moslashish shart! Tez orada chop etilajak “Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript” esa: • yangi qirralaringizni kashf etishga; • uyda oʼtirib, qoʼshimcha daromad topishga; • malakali veb-dizaynerlikdan tashqari; • “front-end” dasturlovchi, yana toʼlaqonli dasturiy taʼminot yaratish borasida yetuk bilimlarga ega boʼlishga koʼmaklashadi. Kitobda ortiqcha maʼlumotlar oʼrniga oʼn yillab yigʼilgan tajribalardan foydalanib, aniq koʼrsatmalar keltirilgan. Dasturchilik – serdaromad soha. Oʼzingiz tanlang – boʼsh vaqtda telefon titib, boshqalarning tanloviga boʼysungan afzalmi yoki oʼsha tanlov egasi boʼlish?! Ushbu kitob zamonaviy dasturlashni oʼrganmoqchi boʼlganlar, dasturlash bilan shugʼullanadiganlar va hatto dasturiy taʼminot varatish boʼyicha yetuk mutaxassislarga ham moʼljallangan boʼlib, ilm olish va uni mustahkamlash uchun eng kerakli boʼladigan zaruriy bilimlarni oʼzida jamlagan hamda sodda tushunarli tilda bayon etilgan. Ortiqcha maʼlumotlar oʼrniga oʼn yillab yigʼilgan tajribalardan foydalanib aniq koʼrsatmalar keltirilgan. Kitobdagi maʼlumotlarni oʼzlashtirgan oʼquvchi malakali vebdizayner sifatida keng faoliyat yuritshdan tashqari, nafaqat «front-end» (timusti) dasturlovchi boʼlishi mumkin, balki toʼlaqonli veb-dasturiy taʼminot yaratish borasida yetuk bilimlarga ham ega boʼladi. Kitobda yoritilgan mavzular boʼyicha fikr-mulohazalar, takliflar, savollar hamda oʼz amaliy dasturlash faoliyatingizda muammolar yuzaga kelsa, ilm.yurt sayti orqali murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.

Kitob nomi: Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript (2-kitob)
Kitobning asl nomi: Mukammal dasturlash: JavaScript (2-kitob)
Nashr qilingan til: O’zbekcha
Kitobning asl tili: O’zbekcha
Formati: Qattiq/300
ISBN: 978-9943-6501-6-9
Nashr yili: 2021
Nashriyotchi: Akademnashr
Seriya: 0
Yosh chegarasi: 12 dan 70 gacha


Hozirda ushbu kitobda taqrizlar mavjud emas.
Taqriz yozish


Hozirda ushbu kitobda iqtiboslar mavjud emas.
Iqtibos qo’shish

Bestseller kitoblar
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Mukammal dasturlash: HTML va CSS (1-kitob)

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Kitob statusi

Quyidagilardan brini tanlang