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Ona tili, 5 sinf, Rahmonova V, Xo‘jayeva M, 2020

Description of 5-Sinf Ona-tili

5-Sinf Ona-tili 1.0

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Description of 5-Sinf Ona-tili

You have learned about the basic concepts of mother tongue science in grades 1–4.
In order to become a mature mathematician, biologist, doctor, engineer, diplomat or other professions, first of all, a perfect knowledge of the native language and literature is required.
In the 5th grade, you have information about the sound construction of words, correct spelling (spelling rules), lexicology (word science), sections of lexicography, and the places where punctuation marks are used. you will get acquainted with some working papers.
In addition, you will familiarize yourself with the text. In the process of analyzing texts, you will work with vocabulary and focus on the meaning and usage of words.
Dear readers!
Strive to further your knowledge of the mysteries of the mother tongue!

Ona tili, 5 sinf, Rahmonova V., Xo‘jayeva M., 2020

Учебник по родному языку для 5 класса на узбекском языке.

Фрагмент из книги:
Qadimda ota-bobolarimiz kitobni qo‘llariga olganda, uni avval o‘pib, ko‘zlariga surtganlar. Keyin ochib o‘qiganlar, Bu: «Bizga bilim berding, seni ko‘z qorachig‘idek asraymiz», – deganlari bo‘lgan. Uning bir varag‘ini ham yirtmaganlar, iflos joylarga tashlamaganlar. Kitobni muqaddas deb bilganlar.

Bahor, osmon, oyna, jahon, xona, mashina, bozor, shamol, havo, somon, pomidor, samolyot.
So‘zlarning birinchi bo‘g‘inidagi a, o unlilarining aytilishi va yozilishini eslab qoling. Avval birinchi bo‘g‘inda a unlisi, so‘ngra o unlisi kelgan so‘zlarni ko‘chiring.

O‘qing. Jarangli undoshlarning tagiga chizing.
Biz yozuvchi Tamila Qosimovaning «Gul va Navro‘z» hikoyasini sahnalashtirdik. Kichik Alisher rolini 5-«A» sinf o‘quvchisi Sherzod Hamidov, Darveshali rolini to‘rtinchi sinf o‘quvchisi Rahmat Mavlonov ijro etdi.

IV sinfda o‘tilganlarni takrorlash.
Tovush va harflar.
Jarangli va jarangsiz undoshlar.
Talaffuzda tushib qoladigan undoshlar.
So‘z tarkibi.
Asos va asosdosh so‘zlar.
So‘z yasovchi va shakl yasovchi qo‘shimchalar.
So‘z turkumlari haqida umumiy tushuncha.
Sifat so‘z turkumi.
Fe’l so‘z turkumi.
Ot so‘z turkumi.
Turdosh va atoqli otlar.
Otlarning birlik va ko‘plik shakli.
Otlarda egalik qo‘shimchalari.
Ularning birlikda va ko‘plikda qo‘llanilishi.
Otlarning turlanishi.
Bosh kelishik.
Qaratqich kelishigi.
Tushum kelishigi.
Jo‘nalish kelishigi.
O‘rin-payt kelishigi.
Chiqish kelishigi.
Otlarning yasalishi.
Gap bo‘laklari.
Gapning uyushiq bo‘laklari.
Yil davomida o‘tilganlarni takrorlash.

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Ona tili 5 sinf

* Iltimos, izoh qoldirishda odob ahloq qoidalariga rioya qiling!

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